is standing at her locker. Craig starts to walk over. Ashley sees him, quickly shuts her locker, and walks off. Craig just
stands there. Paige walks over.)
Paige- She hates your guts you know.
Craig- Yeah. I know.
Paige- So why do you keep put yourself up for a huge fall?
Craig- I don't know. Part of me still wants her back. But I know that nothing good can come from it.
Paige- We need to set you up.
Craig- No. I'm not getting set up. No.
Paige- Come on. It could be fun.
Craig- No. No way Paige.
Paige- You're no fun. (She walks away.)
Craig- I'd rather be no fun than some loser that gets set up on a blind date. She can't hear me.
the girl's locker room...]
is tying her shoes while Manny and Darcy are talking.)
Manny- I don't know. I just don't really trust any guy enough to go out with him anymore.
Darcy- I know what you mean. But you have to get back on the horse sooner or later. I'll meet you outside?
Manny- Yeah. (Darcy leaves. Manny walks over to the sink and splashes some water on her face. Paige walks over.)
Paige- You're not dating anyone?
Manny- (Suspiciously.) No.
Paige- That's interesting.
Manny- Why?
Paige- How would you like it if I set you up?
Manny- No.
Paige- What? Why not?
Manny- You'll just set me up with some weirdo to get back at me for last year.
Paige- That's so in the past. I'm over it. I'm in love. I don't worry about you.
Manny- Oh. (Pauses.) It must be nice to be in love.
Paige- It is. Everyone should be.
Manny- Let me think about it. I'm not sure I'm ready.
Paige- It's been how long since Spinner?
Manny- Six months?
Paige- Get over it. It took me like a month to get over him. He's not that great.
walks off.)
is sitting at the dot. She sees Craig walking outside. It looks like he is about to come in. Ashley walks over to her waiter.]
Ashley- How much do I owe you?
Waiter- I don't know. I haven't finished your check yet.
Ashley- Ballpark it. How much?
Waiter- Uh...$6?
Ashley- (She pulls out $10.) Keep the change.
Waiter- Thanks.
picks up her book and walks quickly to another door. She opens it. She looks at the other door and sees that Craig is walking
in. She quickly exits. She starts to jog off and continues to look back at the Dot. She then runs into someone. She falls.
Her book falls to the ground. She goes to pick it up, but someone else's hand is already on the book. She looks up. It's Chris.)
Ashley- Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.
Chris- No kidding. (He chuckles. Ashley smiles. They stand up.)
Ashley- Could I have my book back?
Chris- What are you reading Ulysses for?
Ashley- What? I heard it was good.
Chris- Is it?
Ashley- Not really.
Chris- My point.
Ashley- I didn't realize you were making a point.
Chris- Who told you that was a good book?
Ashley- No one. It's a classic.
Chris- You should never read a book unless it's recommended to you by a friend.
Ashley- Oh?
Chris- Yeah. I learned that the hard way when I tried to read Ulysses for the first time.
Ashley- So, what would you recommend?
Chris- What are you into?
Ashley- I'm into anything.
Chris- You're into anything?
Ashley- Isn't that what I just said?
Chris- Tell you what. I was on my way over to the library right now anyway. Returning a book.
Ashley- What book?
Chris- The Great Gatsby.
Ashley- That's a good book.
Chris- I know. I've read it like twelve times.
Ashley- Why don't you just buy it then?
Chris- I waste my money on CDs and concerts. It's cheaper to get books from libraries.
Ashley- Oh.
Chris- Would you like to join me?
Ashley- The library? Are you serious?
Chris- I could make some suggestions. (He smiles.)
Ashley- The library?
Chris- Come on. It could be fun.
Ashley- The library? (Chris grabs Ashley's hand gently.)
Chris- I can lead the way if that'll make you more comfortable.
Ashley- I've been to the library before.
Chris- Oh. So, you think that this is nothing special? (Ashley nods.) Well, let me show you what you're missing out on.
laughs. Chris smiles. They start to walk off.)
is at the Dot. She sees several couples sitting together. She looks around. She pulls out her cell phone and dials a number.]
Manny- Hi Ms. Nelson. Is Emma there? (Pauses.) Oh. That's okay. I'll talk to her tomorrow. Bye. (She hangs up the phone.
She looks at the table next to her and there is a couple making out. She makes a face. She picks up her things and walks to
the door. Paige is standing just outside the Dot. Manny sees her and walks over to her.)
Paige- Hey Manny.
Manny- Do it.
Paige- Do what?
Manny- Set me up. I'm sick of being the only one at Degrassi without a date.
Paige- I knew you'd come around. Friday okay?
Manny- Sure.
the library...]
pulls out a book from the shelf and hands it to Ashley.)
Ashley- What's this?
Chris- Only the greatest story ever told.
Ashley- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Chris- First book I ever read.
Ashley- Isn't that a little grade 2 for us?
Chris- Yeah. But, you have to appreciate the classics. And the things that made you want to read more. You go back and read
it now, and you still find the magic that made you want to read the first time. (He smiles. He walks further down the aisle
and starts to look for a book. Ashley follows.)
Ashley- What are you looking for now? The Little Engine That Could?
Chris- No. Something more up your ally. (He stands up and hands her another book.)
Ashley- The Bell Jar?
Chris- Yeah. (Ashley smiles.)
the Library...]
and Ashley are walking home...)
Ashley- So, tell me Mr. Sharpe, do you do this with everyone you see reading bad books?
Chris- No. Only you.
Ashley- Only me? (Chris nods.) And why's that? (They stop walking.)
Chris- Because it's not very often that you can spend time with a beautiful, smart lady, such as yourself.
Ashley- Well, aren't you a smooth talker.
Chris- I'm not smooth. I only speak the truth. And the truth is, why any man would ever cheat on you is a complete mystery
to me. Brains, Beauty, great personality. You've got it all.
Ashley- You're not so bad yourself.
lean in and kiss. In the distance we see Craig, who looks in disbelief. He walks off. Ashley and Chris continue to kiss.)
Next Day at School...]
is walking down the hall. She stops at her locker. There is a rose and a card on it. She picks it up and opens the card. She
reads it. She smiles. Ellie walks over.)
Ellie- Someone has a secret admirer?
Ashley- I know who it's from.
Ellie- Don't leave me in the dark.
Ashley- Chris Sharpe.
Ellie- That DJ in grade 11?
Ashley- Yeah.
Ellie- When did this happen?
Ashley- When did what happen?
Ellie- You and Chris. (Ashley has a blank stare.) Start dating.
Ashley- We're not dating.
Ellie- Then what is he doing leaving flowers on your locker?
Ashley- He's being sweet.
Ellie- Oh. I get it.
Ashley- Get what?
Ellie- He likes you. You don't like him.
Ashley- No. I like him too.
Ellie- I'm confused.
Ashley- We like each other. I'm just not sure if I like him enough to go out with him.
Ellie- Why not? You're not in sixth grade. You go on dates to find out if you like them. You don't wait for that perfect
person to ask you out. You test the waters.
Ashley- I know. I just don't think I want to test the waters with him.
Ellie- Why not?
walks over.)
Craig- Hey.
Ellie- Hi.
Craig- Can I talk to you for a second Ashley?
Ashley- Talk? Go ahead.
Craig- I meant in private.
Ashley- Whatever you can say to me you can say to Ellie.
Craig- Why are you like this?
Ashley- Gee. I don't know. Maybe because you're selfish and rude and evil.
Craig- I could say the same thing about you.
Ashley- Then why don't you.
Craig- Ashley, you're a prude and insensitive.
Ashley- I'm insensitive? You're the one who slept with someone else and hid it from me. You didn't care about my feelings.
If anything I've been nothing but sensitive for you and your... (softly) condition.
Craig- Nice! Rub that in my face!
Ashley- I'm not rubbing it in. I'm making a point. You're the insensitive one here.
Craig- Why do I even bother talking to you?
Ashley- Got me.
walks off.)
Ellie- Starting to make sense why you're reluctant to date anyone.
Ashley- What are you talking about?
Ellie- It's been how long since you and Craig broke up?
Ashley- I don't know. Few weeks.
Ellie- Try a couple of months.
Ashley- No.
Ellie- Yeah. You broke up before school started. We're already half way through the semester.
Ashley- It's been that long?
Ellie- I don't blame you for not wanting to date anyone. It's taken me forever to get over Sean leaving me. No one likes
getting hurt.
Ashley- I'm not not dating because of him.
Ellie- Then why aren't you dating?
Ashley- Who says I'm not dating? (Ashley sees Chris down the hall. She walks over to him.)
Chris- Hey Ashley. Did you get my card?
Ashley- Yeah. I got the flower too.
Chris- Yeah?
Ashley- Yeah. (She kisses him.)
Chris- Dang.
Ashley- How would you like to have dinner Friday night?
Chris- I'd love to.
Ashley- Great. 7 okay?
Chris- Sure.
smiles and walks back to Ellie.)
Ellie- How'd it go?
Ashley- Who says I'm not dating? I'm a dating fool.
Ellie- Aren't we all?
laugh and walk off.)
the bathroom, Craig kicks over a trash can. He picks it up and throws it against a wall. He screams. Marco walks in.)
Marco- Everything okay?
Craig- No. Everything's terrible. He picks up the trash can and throws it again.
Marco- Easier there tiger. Don't break anything. (Craig kicks the wall.) Seriously. Chill out. What's wrong?
Craig- Ashley. What else?
Marco- I thought you were over her.
Craig- I was. I am. I am.
Marco- Then what's the problem?
Craig- She hates me.
Marco- It's like a cycle with you two. You love each other. You hate each other. You love each other.
Craig- I know. And I don't want to be stuck in this cycle. I can't stand her sometimes.
Marco- I know. You need to move on. Stop thinking about her. Just avoid her like the plague.
Craig- I was. I tried to. Then I see her kissing this guy. (He screams and kicks the wall.)
Marco- No need to beat up the wall man. It's all good.
Craig- I hate it. Every time I try to move on, I can't. I hate this. I hate this feeling.
Marco- Do you still have feelings for her?
Craig- Yeah. I do. And I don't want to. I don't want to be with her. But I can't help it.
Marco- Yeah. That's how I feel about Dylan. I still love him, but I know it's just a dumb move to get back with him. That
relationship isn't healthy.
Craig- Yeah. Me and Ashley's relationship isn't healthy either. She brings out the worst in me sometimes.
Marco- Just try to avoid her. Don't think about her. Get someone else.
Craig- Yeah. I'm starting to think asking Paige to set me up though might not have been the best idea.
Marco- Paige is setting you up?
Craig- Yeah. Is that bad?
Marco- That remains to be seen. She's setting me up too.
Craig- She said she was setting a lot of people up.
Marco- That girl is a pain to deal with when she wants to fix you up. I almost wish she had to worry about her own love life
so she wouldn't bother mine. I'm not so sure I'm ready to date yet.
Craig- Marco, it's been like six months. Move on.
Marco- So you're ready to move on?
Craig- Yeah. I think I am.
Marco- Really? Even though Ashley...
Craig- Avoiding her like the plague.
Marco- Alright. Power to you man. (The bell rings.)
is standing at her locker. She sees Paige. She shuts her locker and walks over to Paige.)
Manny- Hey. I've been thinking, and about this whole setting me up...
Paige- You are not bailing on me. You need to find someone else. With all the drama you've had to go through the past few
years. You deserve some fun. That's what I realized when I met Matt. Stop being such a prude and learn to live again. You
can't be scared all of the time.
Manny- It's not that.
Paige- Then what is it? You just don't trust me? (Manny doesn't answer.) I have the perfect guy for you.
Manny- You do? Who?
Paige- If I told you then it wouldn't be fun for me to watch the look on your face when you meet him.
Manny- No.
Paige- No what?
Manny- You are not going to watch me make a complete fool of myself. The guy has to watch it, I'm not going to let you.
Paige- Whatever.
Manny- I mean it. If I see you there, I'm leaving.
Paige- Fine.
Manny- Thank you. (Manny walks away.)
Paige- Loser.
the hall...]
is at her locker. She pulls out a bag and sees that there are only a few pills left. She takes one and shuts the bag. She
puts it in her book bag and shuts her locker. Manny walks over.)
Manny- Hey.
Emma- What do you want?
Manny- A friend can't say hello?
Emma- Sorry.
Manny- Listen, Paige is setting me up on a date.
Emma- Why would you let her do that? She hates you.
Manny- She doesn't hate me. She just likes to help people be happy like she is with her boyfriend.
Emma- Isn't her boyfriend in the Yukon or something? Sounds like a real good relationship.
Manny- She's being nice. She knows it's been rough for me. Why are you ruining it?
Emma- I just don't trust her. (Pauses.) So, why are you telling me this? Are you trying to brag or something?
Manny- No. I came over because I wanted you to help me get ready for it. Who ever it is, I want to knock their socks off.
Emma- Last time you did that, didn't you wind up pregnant?
Manny- What's wrong with you? Why are you being so mean?
Emma- I'm not mean. I'm just realistic.
Manny- Listen, I know you've been depressed since the shooting and Sean leaving--
Emma- (Harshly.) I'm not depressed over Sean. We were over when he left. He had a girlfriend. I moved on.
Manny- Yeah. Didn't you get gonorrhoea from moving on?
Emma- That's not the point.
Manny- But you want to through dressing a little revealing and getting pregnant in my face?
Emma- I was trying to stop you from doing the same thing again. I don't want you killing another baby.
Manny- What makes you think I want to? I learned my lesson. And I'm ready to give life a second try. What's your excuse?
Emma- My excuse for what?
Manny- Avoiding everyone. You ditch me and Liberty every time we want you to hangout with us.
Emma- That's not such a bad thing. Considering last time you invited me to hang out with you Toby totalled his car and paralyzed
someone in the process.
Manny- Emma, it's okay if you're sad about everything. I completely understand it. You've dealt with a lot the past few years.
And it's okay if you're upset about Sean. He was your first love, and he saved your, and probably a lot of other people's,
Emma- I'm not upset about Sean. How many times do I have to tell you that?
Manny- Fine. You're not upset. But, I'm sick of my best friend just wasting away. (Pauses.) Let Paige set you up. Who knows?
It could be fun.
Emma- No way. I may be depressed, but I'm not stupid. (The bell rings.) Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for class.
walks away. Manny looks concerned.)
is sitting on a park bench reading The Bell Jar when Chris walks over.)
Chris- Oh. So you do read.
Ashley- Why else did you think I had a book?
Chris- (Sits down.) You'd be surprised. Some people just carry books around so people think they're smart.
Ashley- And you thought I would do that.
Chris- You never know. (Ashley laughs a little.) How do you like it anyway?
Ashley- I'm only on page 20, but so far, so good.
Chris- Page 20. You've had that book for four days.
Ashley- I'm a slow reader? (They laugh.) I've just been busy. And I like to make sure I read every word with particularly
good books. Soak it in.
Chris- She's amazing when it comes to words. (Ashley looks passed Chris and sees Craig walking in the distance.) It's beautiful.
Just like you. (Chris leans in to kiss Ashley. She pulls away.)
Ashley- I didn't realize how late it was. I better get going.
Chris- 4:30 is late?
Ashley- No. But, I was suppose to be somewhere at 5. (She stands up.) I better get going. I'll see you later Chris.
(She leaves.)
is sitting at the dot. She is looking at all the happy couples. She looks around. Spinner walks over...)
Spinner- Can I get you anything?
Manny- Can I get a different waiter?
Spinner- Come on. No one is letting me wait on them anymore.
Manny- I don't feel comfortable with you waiting on me.
Spinner- Why not?
Manny- I'm on a date.
Spinner- Oh. I'll get you another waiter.
Manny- Thanks. (Spinner walks away. Manny looks at the door and sees Craig holding a carnation. Manny smiles.) Craig! Over
here! (Craig walks over.)
Craig- Hey.
Manny- Hey. What's with the flower?
Craig- Oh. Um...it's kind of embarrassing.
Manny- Paige set you up on a blind date?
Craig- How did you know?
Manny- She set me up on one too.
Craig- You don't think she...
Manny- My mystery man was suppose to bring me a flower. (They laugh.)
Craig- (Sits down.) I can't believe she would set us up after all we've been through together.
Manny- I know. But I have to say that I'm a little relieved. I was worried she was going to set me up with some dud. As least
she knows what I like.
Craig- Yeah. Same here.
Ashley's house. Ashley is standing in front of a mirror. She is putting on makeup when her mom walks in.)
Ashley's Mom- What's this? Makeup? What's the occasion?
Ashley- A date.
Ashley's Mom- A date? With who? If it's Craig, I'll scream.
Ashley- It's not Craig. It's just a boy from school.
Ashley's Mom- Just a boy? He must be something if you're willing to leave your room to go out for dinner.
Ashley- It's not like that. I just... I need to get over Craig. And this is the only way I can think of.
Ashley's Mom- Good. You don't need Craig. He was a bad fit for you.
Ashley- You just think that because he cheated on me.
Ashley's Mom- Anyone who cheats on you doesn't deserve a second chance.
Ashley- He did. I still think that it wasn't him doing it.
Ashley's Mom- Still. You deserve to be happy. And that boy just makes you miserable.
walks away.)
at the Dot...]
and Craig are sitting, eating, talking, and laughing...)
Manny- I remember that time. You had food all over your face.
Craig- It wasn't my fault. That dog made me spill everything.
Manny- Yeah. It was the dog.
Craig- It was. I swear. (Manny is laughing.) I'm telling you the truth.
Manny- I know. But you just looked so cute when it happened. I can't get that image out of my head. (She smiles. Paige walks
into the Dot with Hazel.)
Hazel- I thought you said that we were going to the movies.
Paige- We are. I just want to see how great of a matchmaker I am.
Hazel- Is that Craig, with Manny?
Paige- What?
Hazel- Did you set them up? (Sarcastic.) Nice work.
Paige- Just wait here. I'll be right back. (She walks over to Craig and Manny's table.) Hey. What are you two doing?
Craig- Look! It's Paige.
Manny- Thanks Paige. We're having a great time. Thanks for setting us up.
Paige- I didn't.
Manny- What? Yes you did. He brought me the carnation, like you said my date would.
Paige- You brought a carnation?
Craig- I thought it was a rose.
Paige- Next time I set someone up I'm coming.
Manny- You didn't set us up?
Paige- Are you crazy? Why would I set you two up? I thought you two couldn't stand the site of each other.
Craig- Then who did you set us up with?
Paige- Let's see. I set Manny up with Chester. And I set you up with that new girl. Jessica something. Latehi? I don't know.
Manny- I don't see Chester anywhere.
Paige- He probably left when no one showed up for him. Poor guy.
Manny- I feel awful.
Paige- Yeah. I'm sure you do. Laughing it up with Craig?
Manny- Well, I'm not going to stop myself from having a little fun.
Paige- Whatever. Enjoy yourselves.
walks away. Craig and Manny laugh.)
and Chris are walking in the park...)
Chris- So, you mean to tell me that you've never seen This is Spinal Tap?
Ashley- What? I'm not a huge fan of comedies. Is it that good?
Chris- Considering that I'm a rap guy myself, I thought it was pure genius.
Ashley- That's saying something.
Chris- I can't believe that a self proclaimed rock chick like yourself has never seen it.
Ashley- I'm not self-proclaimed. (Chris holds Ashley's hand.) I just...am.
Chris- We're doing that tomorrow. You need to see that movie. It just captures every aspect of being a rock star.
Ashley- Really?
Chris- Yeah. You would so benefit out of seeing it.
Ashley- Why?
Chris- You know you're going places. I've heard you play. You got skills. Mad skills.
Ashley- Thanks. When did we start holding hands?
Chris- I don't know. Why? Do you not want to?
Ashley- It's just, I just got out of a relationship.
Chris- Wasn't that like months ago?
Ashley- Yeah. But it was like a really serious thing. I just, I'm not sure I'm ready to go into a serious relationship yet.
Chris- Who wants anything serious?
Ashley- You're the one holding hands and wanting to plan out dates in advance.
Chris- Isn't that what friends do?
Ashley- Friends don't try and kiss friends on the park bench.
Chris- Oh.
Ashley- I'm sorry Chris. This is just too much, too soon. I have to go. (Ashley starts to walk away.)
Chris- Ashley! (He starts to run towards her.) Ashley! Wait up! (Ashley speeds up and Chris stops. He turns and starts walking
in the other direction.)
see that Ashley is crying. She continues walking. She then sees Manny and Craig walking together, holding hands. She looks
shocked. She starts to walk in the other direction...)
Craig- Ashley! Wait up!
Manny- (Softly.) What are you doing?
Craig- Chill out. This'll only take a second. (Ashley wipes her eyes and turns around as Craig walks over to her.)
Ashley- Craig? Hey. Hi. What's up?
Craig- Listen, about the other day, I'm sorry I got all weird the other day.
Ashley- It's okay. I didn't mean to either. I just let my emotions get the best of me. (Pauses.) So, what did you want to
tell me yesterday anyway?
Craig- That, maybe you were right.
Ashley- About what?
Craig- What you said. Maybe I don't want to be your friend or anything.
Ashley- Excuse me.
Craig- I'm just trying to be honest. And I thought I was that day you dumped milkshake on me.
Ashley- It was cola.
Craig- Whatever. But, you know what, I don't think I can handle being friends with you. I still have feelings for you against
my better judgment and I desperately don't want those feelings to be there. As a matter of a fact, I can't really stand you
as a person, even though I have the feelings. So as long as I don't see you, no feelings.
Ashley- So, let me see if I get this straight. You decide to interrupt your date to tell me that you have feelings for me?
Craig- I guess.
Ashley- Right in front of that slutty girlfriend of yours?
Craig- Don't call her a slut.
Ashley- She slept with you, didn't she?
Craig- So did you.
Ashley- I was your girlfriend.
Craig- For like three days.
Ashley- And then you tell me that you hate me?
Craig- Never said hate. I was very careful with my words. I said can't stand you.
Ashley- Same thing. And then you want to tell me to avoid you?
Craig- I guess.
Ashley- Well, let me tell you something Craig. I thought I had feelings for you. But I never did. You're the scum of the earth.
You have the emotional capacity of a rock. And the fact that you would tell me this, while you're on a date with someone else,
just proves to me how stupid you really are.
Craig- I just wanted to get it over with.
Ashley- Why? So you could have a clean conscious when you try and bang ms. whore over there.
Craig- Don't call her that.
Ashley- But that's your plan, isn't it? Romance her, tell her she's the only one, and then get her to sleep with you. Like
you did before. And it'll work because she's stupid enough to fall for it, again.
Craig- Sounds like you're jealous.
Ashley- Jealous? Of what? Of your non-relationship? Please. I've moved on. I'm on my way to a date. And I'll tell you something
else, it'll be great. He's so much more of a man than you are. And he's a gentleman. Two for one. What I saw in you, I'll
never know? So, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going to visit my man. (She walks off. Craig kicks a trash can.)
Manny- Maybe I should go home.
Craig- No.
Manny- Are you sure? This sort of seems like it was a mistake now.
Craig- I'm a mistake?
Manny- No. No. No. You're never a mistake. Just us.
Craig- What makes you say that?
Manny- You just told your ex-girlfriend that you still had feelings for her. And after she said all of that stuff about me,
I'm not sure I feel like being on a date.
Craig- Forget her. (Craig grabs her hand.) Let's just go back to my place, like we we're going to. (Manny tries to pull her
arm away, but Craig isn't letting go.)
Manny- Craig, let go of my hand.
Craig- Don't leave me.
Manny- I'm not leaving you. I'm just leaving.
Craig- Same thing.
Manny- Craig, seriously. Let go of my hand.
Craig- Manny, don't let her get to you. She means nothing to me.
Manny- I want to believe you Craig. (She pulls her arm free.) But, I think you just need some to cool off. Ashley gets to
Craig- No she doesn't. Manny, just come over. Please. Don't leave me.
Manny- Why are you acting like this?
Craig- Acting like what?
Manny- Like crazy.
Craig- Don't call me that.
Manny- Craig, you're like seriously scarring me. I'm going to go. (Manny starts to walk away, but Craig follows her.)
Craig- Manny! Don't go! Can we just go somewhere and talk? (Manny doesn't respond.) Come on Manny! Don't be like this! Please.
I just need to talk. (She stops walking and turns around.)
Manny- Alright. Fine. Let's talk.
Craig- Not here. Let's go back to my place.
Manny- I'm not so sure I feel comfortable going to your place.
Craig- Why not?
Manny- You're acting weird. And it's scary.
Craig- I need to talk to someone. Ashley brings out the worst in me. I just need to vent. Please? Can we just go back to
my place and talk?
Manny- Fine. Sure.
Craig- Great. (He smiles.)
Ashley's house...]
is walking towards the door and sees Chris sitting at the doorstep. She walks up to him.)
Ashley- Hey.
Chris- Hey.
Ashley- I was looking for you. I didn't get a chance to end our date properly.
Chris- (He stands up.) I didn't think you were ready to date.
Ashley- I didn't. I'm still not sure I am.
Chris- Listen, I really like you. And if it means taking it slow, that's fine. I'm all for that. You're too good to just
let slip away.
Ashley- Chris...
Chris- I know you're still hung up on Craig, and that's understandable. You guys were on again off again for like ever.
Ashley- Chris...
Chris- But, you deserve so much better than him. And I'm willing to try and give you what you deserve. (Ashley kisses him.)
Ashley- I'm sorry for running off. I ran into Craig and he reminded me why I hate him and never want to see him again.
Chris- Oh.
Ashley- And, I really like you. You get me more than anyone else.
Chris- Really?
Ashley- Yeah. I actually finished reading The Bell Jar.
Chris- How? You were on page 20 two days ago.
Ashley- I couldn't put it down once I got to page 50. I spent the last 24 hours reading. It was amazing. You're right. She's
so amazing with words.
Chris- Yeah.
Ashley- And the fact that you got me enough to show me that beautiful piece of literature. The fact that after a week of talking
to me you know more about me than Craig ever did...
Chris- I love to learn.
Ashley- I want to make this work. But I'll need to take it slow at first.
Chris- As long as I'm with you, we can move as slow as a snail. (Ashley hugs him.)
Ashley- Thanks.
Chris- Anything for you.
at Craig's house...]
is pacing in his garage while Manny is sitting on the couch...)
Craig- I just hate her so much. You know?
Manny- Yeah. I know.
Craig- She just drives me crazy. You know?
Manny- Yeah. I know.
Craig- I just can't stand her.
Manny- Yeah. I know.
Craig- Why are you acting like this doesn't matter?
Manny- You think it's fun for me to hear you go on and on about a girl? Especially your ex?
Craig- Fine. Then just leave me like she did.
Manny- I'm not going to leave you.
Craig- You girls are all alike. You just use me. Then try to blame all of your problems on me.
Manny- That's not true. (Manny puts her hand on Craig's shoulder, but Craig violently pushes it off.) Craig, I'm trying to
Craig- You don't want to be here. You don't care about me. Just like her.
Manny- I care about you.
Craig- That's what she said. Then she left me for Europe. You'll probably just leave me for another guy.
Manny- Where is this coming from? There is no one else. Why would I have Paige set me up on a date if I was dating someone?
Craig- Because all girls are alike. They're evil. They just want to take my heart and just stomp on it like it's nothing.
(He picks up and box and throws it across the room. He starts to knock things over. Manny looks scared.)
Manny- Craig! Stop! Your scarring me!
Craig- You'll just leave me like she did. (Craig starts kicking things and punching the wall.) No one cares about me. No
one! (Manny tries to grab Craig and stop him from throwing things, but he pushes her away. Manny falls to the ground. Craig
continues to throw things when Joey runs into the garage. Joey grabs Craig from behind and pushes him against the wall.)
Joey- What are you doing? Did you take your medication?
Craig- I took it before I went to school.
Joey- You're suppose to take it after you come home.
Craig- I was busy. I forgot. Can you let go of me?
Joey- Are you going to stop?
Craig- Yes.
Joey- Alright. (Joey backs away from Craig.) I'm going to go get your medication. You going to be alright?
Craig- Yes. (Joey leaves the room. Craig turns around and takes a few deep breaths. He sees Manny staring at him in shock.
She looks freaked out.) Manny, I'm so sorry. I just...I...(He walks over to her and tries to help her up.)
Manny- Don't touch me! (She gets up.) Don't ever touch me again. (She looks like she's about to cry. She leaves.)
school on Monday...]
is standing at her locker when Ellie walks over...)
Ellie- Are you still a dating fool, or just a fool?
Ashley- I'm not sure how to answer that.
Ellie- How did it go with Chris?
Ashley- Shaky at first. But, then he proved to be a good guy. I'm glad I did this.
Ellie- So are you two a thing now?
Ashley- Sure. If you want to call us that.
Ellie- Oh. This is so exciting. I'm so glad you've finally moved on.
Ashley- I wouldn't go that far. But I'm working on it.
is at her locker when Craig walks over...)
Craig- Hey. (Manny doesn't respond.) I called you all weekend. You didn't answer my calls. (She doesn't say anything.) I
wanted to explain.
Manny- Explain what? Explain how I thought you were going to kill me.
Craig- I'm bi-polar. Sometimes I just lose control. I should have told you.
Manny- Yeah. You should have. Craig, I was scared for my life. (She looks like she's about to cry.) I thought I was going
to die.
Craig- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Manny- I know. But, I don't know if I can do this.
Craig- Do what?
Manny- Us. I like you. I probably always will. But, I can't do this. I've given you plenty of second chances and time after
time you just kept proving how stupid I am.
Craig- What?
Manny- You lied to me about dumping Ashley. Then I thought we were cool again, and then you tell me I'm your biggest mistake?
Then I thought things could work and then you go crazy.
Craig- I couldn't help that.
Manny- I know. (She shuts her locker.) I know. And I feel bad about this, but I'm sick of giving you second chances. This'll
never work.
Craig- Don't do this Manny.
Manny- I'm sorry Craig.
walks off. Craig just stands there in disbelief.)