Chapter Six
Emma came back with
Sean’s clothes about fifteen minutes after she left her house. Sean thought it was a little strange since he moved back
into their old house that they shared for a few months before he left her and the baby. It was down the street from Emma and
since it was still for sale he decided to buy it. Sean was in no mood to fight about anything so he didn’t mention how
it shouldn’t have taken her that long to get him some clothes. Instead he got out of the shower, got dressed, and then
headed upstairs. Jessica was sitting at the table coloring something. When she saw Sean she ran up to him and gave him the
picture. Sean picked her up.
“Daddy, daddy,
look.” She gave the picture to Sean. “It’s you, me, and mommy.” “Is it for me?” “Yeah.”
Jessica said. “But daddy, you have to promise me something.” “Anything. What it is?” “You have
to promise to never leave me or mommy again. I was so sad. I only saw pictures of you and mommy only told me stories.”
“Aw baby, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I love you both way too much to leave.” He said with
a smile, and then he put her down. Emma came into the room. “Jessica, honey, I need to talk to your daddy for a little
while. Go next door and play with Angie.” Jessica left.
“Em, what is
it?” “Sean, I was thinking. I know we you know did it but I also did it with Jay too. Now there are two possibilities,
I could be two months pregnant and just not showing, and that means it is Jay’s baby, or I could be just starting out
and then it would be your baby.” Emma was crying. She couldn’t take it. What if it was Jay’s baby? She would
have two children, but each with separate fathers. It was too much for her to handle. “Then do you want to go to the
clinic? I can call Jay and have him meet us there. I want to know if this baby is mine or not.” Sean seemed a little
angry when he said the last part. “Sean calm down. But I do have to ask, what if it’s not your baby? Does that
mean we can’t get married or that you will leave me, us, again?” “God no, Em. I would be a little disappointed
but I would never leave you because of it.” “Okay, then call Jay. Tell him to meet us there in five minutes.”
They arrived at the
clinic and Emma was called in to get examined. The doctors got a DNA sample from the baby. (I am not sure if that is possible
but just pretend it is.) Next they called in Sean, and after him was Jay. Now all they had to do was wait. Finally the doctor
came out and told them to follow him.
“Now this might
come as a shock to you all but I have some very strange news. Since you had sex with both of these guys who are here with
you today, it only seems right that one of them is the father of the baby. But that’s not the case. That is why this
is so strange. You have two babies growing inside of you. Now the doctor who examined you didn’t say anything because
we wanted to make sure. She collected a sample from each fetus. It turns out; they are both the fathers of one of the babies
you are carrying. (Now I know that this isn’t possible but just pretend it is.) We won’t be able to take which
baby belongs to which father until they are born but other than that you are fine.” Emma, Jay, and Sean just sat there
speechless. Emma was carrying twins, or maybe not. It was hard to tell since they each had a different father. The doctor
left them in the room so they could spend some time talking. Emma just sat there and started to cry. “Sean, this is
going to mess up everything, our marriage, everything.” “Emma, no it won’t. Just because one of the babies
you are carrying is mine doesn’t mean that we have to be together or anything. You are like a sister to me; I’m
not going to make you have to be with me because we are going to have a baby,” Jay said. “Emma, Jay is right.
And it won’t mess up anything. We will have to spend extra money on clothes, food, and diapers but we can raise these
two babies together, that includes you Jay.” “But Sean how is that going to work? We already have a daughter,
now we are going to have another child. That’s one family, but then there is Jay and his baby. That’s a whole
other family. It’s way too confusing.” Emma sat there still crying. Then Jay spoke. It was going to kill him to
say this but he knew it had to be like this otherwise Emma and Sean would probably get into fights about things in the future,
because of this. “Emma, this is going to kill me but I think it would be best if you and Sean raised both of the babies.
I know I am the father of one but I will still get to see our baby when I go over and visit and I can even babysit. Besides,
it’s not like I’m not going to be around. That baby will know I am its father, it just won’t live with me.”
“Aw Jay, no. It-” “Emma, no, it’s for the best. It has to be that way. It will work.” “Are
you sure about this Jay?” Sean asked. “Yeah I’m sure. Listen, I need to go to work. I will call you guys
later.” Then he got up, kissed Emma on the forehead and then left.
Chapter Seven
weeks had passed since they all got the shocking news about the babies Emma was carrying. Emma was supposed to go back to
school a week ago but she decided not to. She could always take her exams at home, which she was going to do. Walking around
school with her stomach starting to show wasn’t a great idea. Anyway, Sean thought it would be best if he got a job,
so he started working at the Dot. He had a late shift tonight so Emma and Jay hung out. No one was home except them.
Emma’s parents were on a vacation and Jessica was staying over at her friend Michelle’s house. So they had
the house to themselves. Jay was getting really close to Emma which made her uncomfortable.
what are you doing? That’s a little too close.” He just smiled. “Emma, come on. We are in a house all by
ourselves. I know you have feelings for me somewhere. Don’t try to deny it.” “You’re right Jay, I
do have feelings for you but they aren’t strong enough. The feelings I have for Sean, now those are strong. I know it’s
going to kill you to watch Sean and I raise your baby but you are the one who offered it. I’m sorry.” Emma felt
a little guilty. Of course she had feelings for Jay; he was always there for her when she needed him most. It’s just
those feelings she had for him were nothing compared to what she felt towards Sean. Everyone knew that, especially Jay. Jay
was moving closer and closer to Emma until his face was about an inch or two apart from hers. She was scared. In her head
she kept praying for someone to walk through the door but no luck. Before she knew what was happening Jay was kissing her.
Surprised at her actions, she didn’t pull back. They continued to make out for about a half hour before they heard a
car pull up to the house. “Jay, that never happened okay? You know I don’t like you like that and it’s just
hormones or something.” Jay’s face looked so sad. “Em, I’m sorry. It’s just I love you. More
than you think.” “Jay listen, I love you too, but not like that. You have to understand, and this can’t
keep happening. One of these days Sean or even my daughter is going to walk in on us and it won’t be a good sight. This
is going to end now. From this day forward you are not to be alone with me anywhere. Got it?” They were both shocked.
Emma knew it was the best thing to do. She didn’t like him like that, and even though he liked her like that, she knew
it wasn’t right. “Fine Emma, I won’t be around you when you are alone. But just know that I will always
be there for you. Cameron is my best friend and all but think about it. He was never there for you. He left you when you needed
him most.” Then he kissed her on the forehead and left just as Sean was coming in with groceries.
Em, what was that about? Jay looked upset.” “Sean, I guess I should tell you but come sit down first.” He
put his groceries down and walked to the couch where she was sitting. “What is it?” “Well Jay, he loves
me. He really loves me, or so he claims he does. When you left I did some things down at the ravine with him as you already
know, but when we stopped doing them I began to get feelings for him. Nothing compared to my feelings for you but I did get
feelings for him. He started to get some for me too. When you left me and Jessica he was there. He was like a second father
to her and he was always over to help me with her. I kept thinking he would change his mind about me but he doesn’t.
I’m just something he can never have which is why he thinks he loves me. Well anyway, when we are alone he seems fine
but then tonight he kept getting closer to me. Before I knew what was happening we were making out.” Emma stopped when
she saw the look on his face. He looked so sad, like he thought Emma didn’t want to get married or something. He put
his head down. She reached over to him and made him look at her. “Sean, look at me. I don’t like him like that.
I don’t know what came over me but it didn’t really mean anything. I love you and I still want to get married
to you.” “Em, how can you say that? If it didn’t mean anything then why do you constantly keep having him
over when no one else is around and then making out with him? We are supposed to be getting married in two weeks. How is our
marriage going to work if you keep making out with my best friend?” The room went silent for a while. She didn’t
know how to answer that. “Uh, I don’t know how it’s going to work. Sean I want it to work. I need it to
work. You left once and I don’t think I can go through that again. You left and Jay was there. That’s how this
all started. I never told anyone this but while you were gone Jay and I started spending a lot of time with each other just
talking about random things and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said no and that I was waiting for you to come back.
Sean you were the one who told me that you weren’t going to give up and to this day I believe it. After all you sort
of came back to me, to us. Jessica is so happy and that night I got off of work and you were waiting for me, I was the happiest
person alive even though I didn’t show it. You have to understand I did what I did to you because you can’t just
expect to get back into my life by showing up and asking to be. It takes a lot more than that. Now I know that you really
do want to have a family. Or at least you did, I’m not sure about now.” Sean didn’t speak for a few minutes.
He was gathering his thoughts. “Emma I want to have a family with you more than anything. To be married to you will
only make things better and make me even happier. It’s just I’m not sure if you have feelings for Jay that can
be reduced. I’m trying to say that if we get married and want things to work those feelings for Jay have to leave or
something. I refuse to marry you if you still have the littlest bit of feelings for Jay.” Emma was speechless. She couldn’t
think of anything to say so she just went to her room. She lied down on her bed and started crying. Emma was saying things
outloud to herself. “I love you so much Sean Cameron but I guess we will never be married. I love you so much but Jay
was there for me when you weren’t. The feelings I have for him are nothing compared to you and that’s a fact.
It’s just that these feelings for him won’t go away. It wouldn’t affect our marriage or family or anything.
I think they are just brother type feelings. I mean I love Jay but not like that. It could be hormones. Ah I don’t know
what to do.” Sean had walked down about five minutes after she did. He heard almost everything she was saying which
was why he didn’t go into her room. Maybe she would say something she didn’t want anyone to hear, but she didn’t.
It was then that Sean knew what she was going through. It was like Sean and Brittany, or Sean and Christine. Emma wasn’t
with him so he thought he loved them. The feelings he had were for Emma but since she was nowhere near him he decided to give
those feelings to someone else. Kind of like her and Jay. If any of that makes sense. Sean opened the door to her room but
she didn’t notice.
I love you too. I want this marriage thing to work. It has to work. The feelings you have for Jay don’t need to be gone.
I understand why you have them. I wasn’t there for you and he cared about you. You were lonely and needed to be satisfied.
Jay was there so you thought you would give him a try. I did the same thing with Christine and Brittany. I pretended my feelings
for you were feelings for them. It was working for a while but then I realized it wasn’t right and that I missed you.
I didn’t want to be with anyone but you. Does any of that even make sense?” Emma was still crying but she was
facing him now. “I guess it makes sense. I covered up my feelings for you by making it look like they were for Jay,
but then I actually got feelings for Jay because I figured you really weren’t coming back. I want to get married. You
are the person I told all my friends in high school that I wanted to be with when I got older. You and only you were who I
pictured myself having children with and getting married too. I promise that if we get married and even if we don’t,
I won’t let my feelings or whatever, get the best of me. We haven’t kissed like we used to since we got back from
the doctors and I just had this urge to kiss someone. It just so happened to be Jay.” “I know, and I’m sorry.
I was just so shocked and overwhelmed that you were having two babies. One was mine and one was Jay’s.” He started
to laugh. “I promise from this day forward that I will kiss you like we usually do everyday. That way you won’t
have sudden urges to kiss people you don’t really want too.” They both started cracking up. They were being serious
about this whole thing but it turned out to be kind of stupid. Especially the promises they were making each other. Instead
of going further into the conversation, Emma got up and starting kissing him.
Chapter Eight
It was
the day of their wedding. Sean and Emma had resolved their problems and things were great between them. Jay even realized
his feelings for Emma were just temporary, but he was going to help raise their baby. Everything was perfect. The only thing
Emma didn’t like was that she had to get married while she was pregnant, and boy did she look big. No one seemed to
notice, or at least they didn’t say anything. The babies where due in two weeks but had a little surprise for their
Emma was
walking down the isle. It was time, her time. The priest said everything he had to say in order for them to be officially
married and they said their I do’s and went in for the kiss. They pulled apart a little too early. Most wedding kisses
lasted longer than theirs did.
what’s wrong?” Sean asked, confused as to why she pulled apart so fast. “Sean it’s time.” “Time
for what?” “The babies. My water just broke.” Sean panicked. He yelled for Emma’s mom and dad, Jay,
and Manny. He told them she was going in labor. While they were panicking everyone else was clapping. What could be better
than getting married to the love of your life and giving birth on the same day?
They got
to the hospital and they let Jay and Sean stay in her room while she gave birth. They arrived at the hospital four hours ago
and still not one of the babies had come out. Just as Jay and Sean were returning from getting their drinks they heard a loud
scream. The doctors came rushing in and they both realized it was time. Almost forty five minutes had passed before the babies
were born. They were two minutes apart. One was a girl and one was a boy. Right away Emma could tell the girl was Jay’s
because she had a full head of dark brown hair like him. But to be sure, they had to get tested along with Sean and Jay. Once
they got the results back Emma realized she was right. The girl was Jay’s and the boy was Sean’s.
what do you want to name her?” Jay asked. Emma thought hard for a moment and then thought of something. “How about
Nicole Hogart?” Jay smiled. He liked that name. “I like it. Nicole Hogart it is. Sean what about you? Any ideas
for your boy over there?” Sean thought. “Christopher?” “Christopher Cameron. I like it. His middle
name should be Sean though. It fits perfectly.” Emma said and Sean leaned in to give her a little kiss. When they pulled
apart Emma asked Jay what their daughter’s middle name should be. “How about Elizabeth?” “Nicole Elizabeth Hogart. I like it.” She smiled. Now we can all be a family.
There is Emma Cameron, Sean Cameron, Jay Hogart, Nicole Elizabeth Hogart, Christopher Sean Cameron, and Jessica Cameron. They
all just sat there smiling. Each one of them were so happy, especially Jay. He had a family of course, a mom and a dad, but
they were either drunk or never around. He was finally happy that he could have a real family with people who cared about
Chapter Nine
When Emma,
Jay, and Sean brought home Christopher Sean Cameron and Nicole Elizabeth Hogart, Jessica was more than thrilled. Not only
did she have a new baby brother but she also had a new baby sister. It was a good thing the babies were just waking up from
there nap because Jessica was running around the house screaming with joy. They put their things down and went into the living
room with their two newborns.
I was thinking, now I haven’t discussed this with Sean yet and Sean I’m sorry for not discussing this with you
first but, I think we should all move into your house Sean or buy one big enough for all of us. Jay I think you should live
with us too. You don’t have to but it would be easier for you to see your daughter everyday. We could all be a big family.”
Emma was hoping Sean would agree, but most of all she was hoping Jay would accept her offer because she hated feeling guilty
for something she shouldn’t. Nicole would never be able to grow up with a normal family, with her real mom and dad if
Jay didn’t live there. It would be difficult to explain to her that her parents didn’t love each other which was
why they weren’t married. No one said anything for quite some time. Finally Jay spoke up. “Emma, I think you and
Sean should discus sthis first. I don’t want to interfere with anything. I know Nicole wouldn’t grow up with a
normal family with her real dad but I don’t want to intrude on you and Sean.” “Em lets go talk in the kitchen
then.” Emma and Sean walked into the kitchen leaving Jay with both babies.
face looked kind of happy yet kind of upset that she didn’t ask him first. “Sean I know what you are going to
say but-” “Emma you don’t know what I am going to say. Just listen, I don’t mind if Jay lives with
us, I really don’t but it’s up to him. And what if he gets a girlfriend of his own, he will be out all night and
we will have to take care of Nicole.” “Sean, Nicole is my daughter too you know. I know that you and I already
have two kids together but one more won’t hurt if Jay wants to go out and have some fun every once in a while. Just
like you and I will want to do the same. And I don’t want Nicole growing up knowing that her mother and father never
liked each other strong enough to get married or whatever. She will have to go back and forth from our house to his house.
That’s hard to do.” “Emma I know, but if Jay does live with us we are making a set of rules for him and
for us to follow. Okay?” Emma nodded and walked back into the living room. She stopped Sean and herself before entering.
She whispered something to him. “Sean, look how good he is with them. He really cares for them both and I don’t
think he will be out late at night with a girl knowing that he has a precious baby girl and a nice family waiting at home
for him.” Sean just kept looking at Jay and nodded. Jay, the high school badass had actually grown to be a kind, gentle
person. He was actually going to make a pretty good father. They walked back into the living room.
Jay. We made a decision.” “Okay, what is it? If it’s a no I can understand.” Sean wanted to tell Jay
instead of Emma, since he after all was his best friend. “Jay we think you should move in with us when we get a place
of our own. It would be best for all of us, especially your daughter. It would be to crazy for her to have to go from one
home to the other because you don’t live with us. Of course you can do what you please but we are going to set rules
for us all to follow. Nothing big but simple things, like not staying out really late with your girlfriend or something. Emma
really wants; well we both really want you to consider living with us. We could all be a big happy family. If you get a girlfriend
you could even let her live with us if there is room.” Emma and Sean looked at each other. Jay didn’t have any
expression on his face and he wasn’t saying anything. He was about to but then both babies started to cry. “Sh
sh don’t worry little ones. I’m here. Christopher your daddy and mommy are right here, and Nicole I am always
going to be here baby, don’t worry. Sh sh.” Emma and Sean looked at each other in shock. Jay really had changed.
“Well, Jay what do you say?” Emma asked. “Yeah I would like that. I will get to spend time with my two best
friends, their two kids and mine. It will be great.” He said with a huge smile on his face. Emma jumped up and let out
a little scream. Normally loud noises would make babies cry but neither of them did. They just started to smile and laugh
a little. It was so cute.
mom came in the room with Jessica and told them all to get close together for a picture. Emma was holding Nicole and Christopher,
with Sean on the side his son was on and Jay on the side his daughter was on, with their arms around Emma, and then Jessica
was in the middle. Her mom took a few pictures so they could decide what one they liked best. After the picture was done Sean
went to look for a house big enough for all of them and then Emma told her mom about what they were doing. After she told
her she went to go talk to Jay.
I am so happy you said yes. It means a lot to me.” Emma smiled. “I know, it means a lot to me that you asked.
I never really got to be a part of a real family and this is my chance. I promise I won’t screw up and leave or anything.
I will be one hundred percent committed to this. I will get a decent job and help pay for food, rent, anything you want as
long as I am a part of this family.” Emma just smiled and got up to huge Jay. After they pulled apart he got up kissed
her forehead and then said he was going to look for a job.
Chapter Ten
It is
about one month later. Sean found the perfect house for them. It was in a pretty big neighborhood. Their house was one of
the biggest there, and that is really saying something. It was huge. The house looked like whoever owned it would have a ton
of cars, maids, personal cooks, and so much more. Sean’s parents, Jay’s parents, and Emma’s parents helped
chip in money for them to buy their new house. It wasn’t like they were trying to look rich or anything it’s just
that was the cheapest house Sean could find and it was big enough for all of them. There were five bedrooms, two baths, two
living rooms, a kitchen, a dining room, and a bunch of other random rooms. It was like a dream house that you could only image
owning. Anyway, it was a clay colored house with cranberry shutters, a brick walkway and driveway.
They decided
to paint some of the rooms before moving in. Sean, Jay, and Emma picked up paint at a local store and went to their new house
to paint. There was more paint on them than the walls. They had a fun time though. Two days later it was time to move in.
It took them about a week and a half to get settled in.
Emma and
Sean had slept in so since Jay was up he decided to feed Nicole and Christopher then put them back to bed. Then he woke up
Jessica and made her breakfast. After she was done eating Jay dropped her off at school. When he got home Sean and Emma still
weren’t up so he left them a note.
Still trying to look for a job. I fed Nicole and Christopher and dropped off Jessica
at school. I will be home around noon with some lunch for us all.
Emma was
the first to wake up. It was ten thirty. She went to go check on Christopher and Nicole. They were sound asleep and looked
so adorable. Then she went downstairs and saw Jay’s note. She couldn’t help but smile. He was actually happy living
with them. They were all one big family and that’s how Emma wanted it to be.
taking some Advil for her headache from the night before she went back upstairs. Sean was still sleeping so she decided to
wake him up. She tried shaking him but that didn’t work so she jumped on the bed and finally he woke up. Then she hit
him with a pillow. “Hey watch it,” He said. “Now you’re up. Finally.” Emma said then hit him
again with the pillow. Sean figured she wouldn’t stop so he grabbed a pillow and started hitting her with it. Then they
got into a pillow fight and white feathers were everywhere in their room. The pillows were getting dull so Sean walked up
to Emma and decided to have some more fun. He backed her up against a wall and started kissing her. They slowly made their
way over to the bed covered in feathers. Sean was kissing her more passionately and a lot harder this time. Who knows? They
probably would have been at it again if it weren’t for the screaming noise in the background. “Oops. I think we
woke them up.” Sean said. Emma went to go get them but Sean stopped her. “No, I will get them. I haven’t
seen them all morning.” Then he left the room and came back with two non screaming babies. They stopped crying. Sean
gave Emma Christopher. “Aw they are so adorable. This one really looks like you Sean. Hm I think he might even grow
to be like you.” She said jokingly. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Oh you know what it means.
You were a bad boy and I think he might be too.” She said laughing. “Well I think Nicole over here looks just
like you. Well except for the hair and the eyes. Now those belong to Jay,” Sean said smiling. For the next two hours
Sean and Emma sat on their bed with Nicole and Christopher in their arms trying to get them to fall asleep. Christopher fell
asleep and so did Emma, along with Nicole. Sean was the only one awake.
Jay came
home and went upstairs to check on Nicole and Christopher. They weren’t in their room so he checked Sean and Emma’s
room. Sure enough he found Emma, Nicole, and Christopher sleeping. Sean was the only one awake.
Man. Your little cutie over here is finally asleep. Can you take her? My arm is asleep.” Sean said. “Sure.
Give me her.” Sean gave Nicole to Jay. He stood there a moment just looking at him. Jay was really turning into a good
guy. He was getting a job and wasn’t stealing anymore. Now he was becoming a great dad. Something Sean could never imagine
him or even Jay ever becoming when they were in high school. Emma was still sleeping so Sean took Christopher and told Jay
to follow him. They put them back to sleep and then went downstairs.
brought home lunch. I got us some subs and fries. Emma’s favorite. Well at least when she was pregnant anyway.”
“Well she can always eat hers later. Right now I am starving and my arm is still asleep.” They brought their food
to the table and started talking. “So Jay, found anyone you like yet?” Jay stared at him for a minute confused
then realized what he meant. “Actually yeah but she doesn’t know I live in a house with my best friend, his two
children, his wife, and my daughter whose mother happens to be your wife. Ha, she doesn’t even know I have a daughter.”
“So? That shouldn’t matter. Do you like her? Do you guys connect or whatever?” “I really like her.
I know I said I loved Emma and that was just a phase but this time I think I mean it. She is so perfect for me. We both had
a rough life and in high school she was kind of like us. She ditched her boyfriend and her old friends for a more ‘her’
kind of crowd. Then she straightened up. She is so fun to be around and everything.” “Well Jay, what is her name?”
“Her name is Samantha Green. Sean I think she is the one.” Sean’s mouth dropped. “Jay you just met
her didn’t you? How do you know she is the one?” “See that’s the thing, I don’t know if she
is but she is so perfect to me. She sees me for who I am now not who I used to be or anything and I am the same with her.
We are perfect for each other. And I didn’t just meet her. I met her the day I was at Emma’s and tried hitting
on her again, which by the way I am sorry about. Anyway, I got so mad about that so I went out to get a drink and I ended
up drunk and she was there. She was walking home and saw me lying there. She asked if I was okay then took me back to her
place. Since then we kind of hit it off. Tonight I think I am going to bring her to a fancy restaurant like you did with Emma.
I won’t propose or anything but I will just show her that I want to take our relationship to the next level.”
Sean just nodded. It seemed like a good idea. Just then Emma came down.
I see, Jay you brought us subs for lunch and didn’t wake me? You know I love subs.” She said licking her lips
and laughing. She went up to Jay and messed his hair and then kissed Sean. “So what was this I hear about Samantha Green
Jay? She cute? I think she and I should bond sometime. You know, get to know each other. Who knows, she might be living with
us for a while or maybe for a long while.” Emma said winking at Jay.
Chapter Eleven
Warning. The last part of this chapter contains RS (Restrict Yourself - see ratings guide) material of a
strongly sexual nature.
Over the
next few weeks Jay and Samantha had been spending a lot of time together. Sometimes it was at Jay’s home, but of course
no one was around and if they were they went into Jay’s room, or they were at Samantha’s apartment. They were
getting to know one another and soon enough they grew on each other. You would never see them apart and if they were it was
only for a short period of time.
Emma and
Samantha had become friends as well. Jay and Sean were going to hang out that day and talk about ‘stuff’ so Emma
decided to take Samantha shopping. Emma didn’t know what Sean and Jay were going to talk about but she had an idea.
Anyway, they went shopping in a ton of stores. They got a lot of new clothes and even bought something for their men.
Sean and Jay were talking. Jay had never been so into a conversation in his life. They were of course talking about Samantha.
Jay was about to say something but then Sean interrupted him. “Jay you love her. I can tell and so can Emma. Anyone
can tell how much you love her, so I am going to make this easy for you.” Jay looked confused. “You love her and
she loves you. Take her out to dinner tonight and then come back here or something. Emma and I will take Jessica, Nicole,
and Christopher over to her mom’s or something so you can have the whole house to yourself.” Jay’s jaw dropped.
“Sean, man are you sure? And you don’t think I want to have sex with her do you?” “Jay I know you
want to marry this girl. That’s where I was getting at and sure go ahead have sex for all I care but just make the night
special okay?” Jay nodded then got up and gave his best friend a hug. After that he called Samantha on the phone and
said they were going out to a nice dinner and then coming back to his house. Then he told her he had to ask her something
was still shopping with Emma when Jay called. When she hung up she just smiled. “Sam you seem happy.” Emma said
smiling. “That’s because I am. I think Jay is going to ask me to marry him.” “What makes you so sure?”
“He is taking me out for a nice dinner and then we are going back to your house to be alone.” “Aw that’s
so cute. I am guessing Sean and I are going to my mom’s with the kids then. Well then we better go back into Victoria’s Secret and
pick you out something really sexy.” Emma smiled. Then they walked back into the store. Samantha spent about one hundred
dollars on a bras and underwear.
When they
were done shopping Emma went home and Sam went back to her apartment to get ready for tonight. Emma saw Sean and ran up to
him and kissed him. “Whoa Emma, someone is in a happy mood.” Sean said laughing and so did Emma. “Yes I
am. I get to spend the entire evening with you while my mom takes care of Jessica, Christopher, and Nicole. Oh yeah and Sam
thinks Jay wants to marry her.” Sean just kind of smiled. “Oh my god. Sean is he going to ask her?” Emma
said jumping up and down. Sean just laughed and smiled. Then nodded his head yes. Then she went upstairs to go pack things
for her kids to go to her mom’s.
It was
almost six. Sean and Emma already dropped Jessica, Nicole, and Christopher at Emma’s mom’s house and then they
went out. Jay was still at the house trying to look his best. He had to pick up Samantha in twenty minutes. He was on his
way out the door when he forgot his wallet. This was going to be a long night he thought.
Jay had
picked up Samantha and the whole ride to the restaurant was quiet. They didn’t know what to say to each other. Samantha
knew about what Jay was going to ask her, well she had an idea. Jay was nervous as hell. Luckily the ride to dinner wasn’t
long. When they got there the waiter said the reservation was for six not seven. Jay was about to get mad when the waiter
saw the look on his face. Then he quickly told them to follow him. They did and the table was surrounded by a lot of people.
Jay what are you getting?” Samantha asked. “Whatever you get should be good.” He said with a smile. Then the waiter came over. “Miss what are you going to have?” “Uh
what is good in here?” “Well our most popular dishes are the linguini with butter sauce or marinara sauce. Then
on the side it comes with either soup or salad.” He waited for her to respond. “I will have the linguini with
butter sauce and a salad on the side with your house dressing.” Samantha said. “And what about you sir?”
He said to Jay. “I will have the same as her except I will have your house soup on the side.” He nodded then left.
It was about a half an hour before they got their food. There was no silence between them anymore. If the waiter hadn’t
interrupted them by asking if they needed anything else they probably would have kept talking without eating. Once they were
done with dinner Jay suggested they stay a little longer. There was an awkward silence between them and then Jay finally did
something about it. He got down on one knee. “Samantha Green I love you so much. I promise I will take care of you and
love you till forever. Will you marry me?” She was crying. She was so shocked. She thought he was going to ask but she
wasn’t sure. She nodded. “Sam I need an answer not a nod.” Jay said jokingly. “Yes Jay. I will marry
you Jason Hogart. I love you will all my heart.” Everyone around them saw what was going on and started clapping. “Sam
you have just made me the happiest man alive. I love you so much. Now lets go. We can go back to my house. It will be just
us two.” He said smiling.
When they
arrived at Jay’s the house was dark but had candles lit everywhere. There were rose petals leading from the entrance
all the way up to Jay’s room. Samantha just looked at him and smiled. Jay smiled back but in his head was thinking ‘what
the hell is going on?’ because he hadn’t done any of this. He figured Sean and Emma must have and later he would
have to thank them.
Sam took
Jay’s hand and led him up to his room. From there they started to make out very passionately and hard. Sam pushed him
up against a wall and took off his jacket and unzipped his pants. Then he took off his pants and shirt while she took off
her dress. The only clothing they had left on them was Sam’s bra and thong and Jay’s black boxers. Jay started
to kiss her again and then led her over to his bed. Then he pushed her down but not hard and he fell on top of her. He started
to kiss her neck and then her stomach. Sam started to moan. Then Jay unclipped her bra and took it off. Then he went back
to kissing her stomach and then her thigh. After that he took of her thong and she took off his boxers. Then he got back on
top of her and went into her. She screamed his name loud and they both moaned in please. From there on they kept switching
positions, with her on top then him and so on. |
Chapter Twelve
a month has passed. Jay and Samantha are going to have their wedding in the summer on a beach most likely. Samantha had moved
in with Jay, Sean, Emma, and their children. They were an even bigger family now but they were so happy. Jay was especially
happy. He was getting married to the girl of his dreams and lived with his two best friends. What more could you want? Of
course he and Sam would probably move out to get their own place but it would be somewhere near by.
It is
a few weeks before the wedding now. Sam and Emma have been trying to plan everything from food, the cake, the location, who
is invited, etc. It was hectic. All Jay and Sean had to do was pick up everything the girls ordered and go buy tuxes.
It is
now the day of the wedding. Jessica was the flower girl. She was wearing a white dress. And since Christopher and Nicole couldn’t
walk they were brought out on electronic type chairs. The chairs went down the isle of people and bubbles came out of the
chair. It was cute. (I know it is kind of weird but Samantha wanted to have Nicole and Christopher in the wedding somehow
and that was the only thing I could think of.) Emma and Manny along with some of Jessica’s oldest friends were the bridesmaids.
They were dressed in pink and white strapless dresses. Jay and Sean both had on black matching tuxes with a pink flower in
Sean’s jacket pocket and a white one in Jay’s. It was to match Emma and Samantha’s dresses. The wedding
reception was beautiful.
It was
a nice sunny day and no wind which meant nothing would get knocked over or anything. The ceremony was held under a tent set
along the beach. It was exactly where Emma’s mom had gotten married. It was time for Jay and Samantha to dance and Emma
was watching them when she turned around. She thought someone tapped her shoulder but no one was there. Instead she saw the
tree she and Sean had danced at and also had their first kiss at. It would be rude to leave while Jay and Sam were dancing
so she waited till they were done before she walked up to Sean.
come here.” Emma said. “What is it Emma? Is something wrong?” Emma shook her head ‘no’ and took
his hand. She led him over to the tree. Sean was confused a little. “Sean do you have any clue why I brought you over
here?” Sean thought for a moment. He was kicking the sand around when he spotted something on the tree. It read “Sean
and Emma Forever” with a heart around it. He remembered carving it when he got to the wedding because he was afraid
to walk over to the reception when he first got there. So instead he carved that because he knew they would always be together
and it would be forever. Sean was right. “Of course I know why you brought me over here. It is where we had our first
kiss. How can I forget?” He said with a smile. “Okay good because you took a while to answer and I thought you
didn’t know.” Sean pointed to a spot on a tree and Emma read what it said. She turned to him and smiled, then
gave him a kiss. The same exact song that was playing for them at her moms wedding was playing right now. They decided to
dance and have their first kiss all over again. It was so adorable. This time though, the kiss was a lot longer and more passionate.
Once the song was over they headed back to the ceremony and began to eat their dinner.
girls it’s time to throw the bouquet.” Samantha said. All the girls lined up around and Samantha threw the flowers
behind her. Emma caught them. Sean walked up to her.
Emma you are already married, unless you plan on getting married to someone else?” Sean said sarcastically, but with
a sad face. “Oh Sean, no one can replace you and there is no one I would want to be with besides you so shut up and
kiss me.” He liked when Emma was like this, especially since he got to kiss her. They finally pulled apart after what
seemed like forever. “Well I don’ plan on getting remarried so I think I will give this to Manny. She and Craig
seem to be hitting it off pretty well.” Then Emma walked away and gave the flowers to Manny.
I think you should have these. I am married and don’t plan on getting remarried and since you and Craig are hitting
it off pretty well who knows?” She said with a smile then gave her a hug. “Thanks Em.” Then she saw Craig
and walked over to him. They started dancing.
Emma walked
back trying to find Sean but she couldn’t find him. She looked around and then spotted him. He only made her smile.
Sean was dancing with Jessica and had Christopher in his arms. Then she looked a few feet to the left and saw Sam and Jay
dancing with Nicole in Jay’s arms. Emma walked over to join Sean and her son and daughter.
It was
time to take pictures before everyone had to leave. Jay and Samantha were in the middle holding Nicole, Emma and Sean were
on their right with Jessica in between them and holding Christopher, then Manny and Craig were on their left side, and in
the middle were all of the other bridesmaids and their dates. They took about five or six pictures just incase some didn’t
come out good. Then Jay and Samantha took their picture by themselves. Next was Sean and Emma followed by Manny and Craig.
After them were all of the other bridesmaids and their dates. Then Sean, Emma, Jay, Samantha, Jessica, Christopher, and Nicole
were all gathering to take a picture of their big family.
ten thirty, everyone was finally gone. Even Sean and Emma had left with Jessica, Nicole, and Christopher. Jay and Sam could
finally have some alone time. Well besides their honeymoon in the Bahamas.
Jay and
Samantha were leaving for their honeymoon and wouldn’t be back for two weeks. Sean and Emma had the house to themselves
because Emma’s mom wanted to see her grandchildren before she went to visit some of her friends who moved away over
the years.
Sean picked
out a movie for them to watch. It was scary which meant Emma would cuddle with him. Sean liked that idea which is why he picked
out the movie. “Sean I love you.” “I love you too.” She just kept looking at him. “I was thinking,
maybe we could just order dinner and then cuddle on the couch and do something.” She put an emphasize on the word something
which to her and Sean meant make out. Sean nodded his head and got up to order a pizza. “I ordered your favorite Emma.
Double cheese.” Emma couldn’t help but smile and laugh. She and Sean always had a thing for double cheese pizza,
a movie, and his couch, except the only thing missing was his couch. They had so many memories on it but they had a new couch
to make new memories on. Sean sat back down next to Emma and didn’t even bother starting the movie. They just went to
making out until the pizza came, then they had to stop. Once they were done eating they made out some more. They would have
gone further but neither of them wanted anymore children anytime soon.
Jay and Samantha were at it yet again. This time they made sure it was the right time so Sam could get pregnant. They both
wanted a baby to call their own. Of course Jay had a baby with Emma and he loved her so much but he wanted to have a family
with Samantha as well. If it was a girl they would name her Christine Taylor Hogart and if it was a boy they would name him
Jason (Jay) Matthew Hogart. Jay was hoping for a boy this time but either way he would be happy.
Over the
next year Jay and Sam had a baby boy. His name was Jason Matthew Hogart. They moved down the street from Emma and Sean. Nicole,
Jay and Emma’s daughter lived with Emma but Jay and Sam were constantly over so Nicole always saw her daddy. Emma finished
her final exams for college and decided to team up with Manny in the fashion business. Sean was studying to become a probation
officer. Kind of like what he had when he first moved to Toronto. He was a troubled kid and everything turned out good for him so he thought it would be cool
to help kids who are just like he used to be. Jay decided to own an auto body shop and on the weekends Sean would work there,
or when he wasn’t busy helping out troubled kids. Samantha always wanted to be a teacher so she went to college to get
her Masters Degree in teaching. Jessica had her first recital and Nicole and Christopher turned one.
The End