[At School…]
(Abby is sitting on the steps of Degrassi, reading
a book. Spike pulls up to drop Manny and Emma off. Without a word, Manny jumps out of the car and runs towards her friend.
Emma shoots her mom a clueless look and follows. Manny runs up to Abby, holding her cell phone out.)
Manny: Derek?!
(Abby closes her book and looks up at Manny.)
Abby: Good morning to you, too. Got my text message, I see?
Manny: It was all lies, right? All horrible, horrible lies?
(Emma finally reaches them and runs up behind
Manny, panting a little.)
Emma: Whoa – Manny – what’s up with you? You haven’t talked all morning
and you jumped out of the car before I could ask –
Manny: She kissed Derek!
Abby: Manny!
Emma: No!
Manny: Yes!
Emma: You kissed Derek?
Abby: Are you going to tell Sean next, or what?
Manny: I probably should!
Emma: Wait – please, clue me in – why in God’s name would you ever kiss
(They begin walking up the steps into the foyer.)
Abby: He started it! He kissed me!
Emma: Did you kiss him back?
Abby: No! Of course not!
(Emma and Manny shoot her looks.)
Abby: Only for like two seconds! Then I totally stopped it!
Emma: Why did he even try?
Abby: Spin couldn’t give me a ride home from The Dot last night. He was there and offered
to. Once we got to my house, he walked me to my door –
Manny: You let him walk you to your door?
Abby: And once we got to the porch, he totally jumped me.
(They reach their classroom and sit down.)
Emma: You whore!
(Liberty overhears.)
Liberty: Who’s a whore?
Manny: Abby – she kissed Derek!
Abby: Manny!
Liberty: Really?
(Abby sighs and leans forward, whispering.)
Abby: He kissed me, okay?
Liberty: Certainly took him long enough.
Abby: Wait – what?
Liberty: Derek has been in love with you for eons. All summer. He spends a majority of his life at
my house – I would know.
(Abby sighs and puts her head on her desk.)
Manny: So now you’re leading him on – and cheating on your boyfriend?
Emma: Whore.
Abby: I’m not a whore. It was an accident.
Emma: Okay.
Manny: Whore.
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Bailey is sitting at her desk, drawing on her
hand. Toby comes up behind her, holding the notebook. He drops it in front of her.)
Toby: Here. This is yours.
Bailey: Where’d you get this?
Toby: You dropped it. Yesterday? When we ran into each other?
Bailey: You didn’t read it, did you? Because if you did, I’m going to –
Toby: I didn’t read it. Why would I read it?
Bailey: The same reason you’d steal it.
Toby: I didn’t steal it!
(Bailey silently skims her writing, searching
for any signs of vandilism.)
Toby: I could have left the notebook on the ground – let a janitor throw it away. I could
have burned the stupid thing. But I just gave it back to you. You could show a little gratitude.
(Bailey is still silent.)
Toby: Okay. Fine. Cum Tennie Luxie Veritats to you, too.
(Toby rolls his eyes and begins to walk away.
Bailey looks up after him.)
Bailey: Cum Tenebris, Lux Veritatis.
(Toby stops and turns around.)
Toby: What?
Bailey: It’s Latin. It means With Darkness, Light is Truth.
Toby: Um – oh.
Bailey: It’s our maxim.
Toby: Maxim? Like the magazine?
Bailey: Motto, retard.
Toby: Oh – um. Oh. I knew that.
Bailey: Sure you did.
(They stand awkwardly for a moment.)
Toby: Yeah. So. I should be getting to my seat, you know –
Bailey: Listen – um –
Toby: Toby.
Bailey: Yeah, Toby. Do you want to – um – go somewhere with me, after school?
Toby: You mean, hang out?
Bailey: If that’s how you say it, sure.
Toby: Yeah. I guess that’d be cool.
Bailey: Meet me on the front steps during lunch.
Toby: Okay. I’ll see you there.
Bailey: (small smile) Yep.
(Toby leaves and goes to his desk.)
[End of Scene]
[At Lunch…]
(Abby’s in line with Emma and Peter.)
Peter: I just don’t think it’s that big a deal.
Emma: Peter! You can’t be serious.
Peter: Well, what? All she did was kiss the guy. And it’s not like she’s planning
on doing it again. So what’s the problem?
Emma: So how would you feel if I went over and – and made out with JT? As long as I’m
not planning on doing it again, would that be okay?
Peter: I was talking about kissing. Kissing and making out are two different things.
(Emma snorts.)
Emma: Oh, okay.
Abby: So, Peter, you’re saying it’s okay if I don’t tell him?
Peter: Yeah. It’s just one mistake.
Emma: This is coming from the boy who sent your best friend’s boobs to everyone in this
(Peter grins and shrugs as he pays and goes to
their lunch table. Abby attempts to give herself a pep talk.)
Abby: So it’s okay if I don’t tell Sean, right? That doesn’t make me a completely
horrible person, right? I mean, if I tell him, he’ll probably be completely crushed. So by not telling him, I’m
actually protecting him – right?
(Emma pays and rolls her eyes.)
Emma: Whatever you say.
(Emma waits as Abby pays. Then they walk over
to their table. They pass Derek, who’s sitting with Danny and a few others. Abby blatantly ignores him.)
Emma: Aren’t you going to talk to Derek?
Abby: Wasn’t planning on it.
Emma: You’ve got to! Tell the poor boy your expecting to ever speak to him again. I mean,
after what you did, he deserves that, at least –
Abby: I didn’t kiss him! He kissed me!
Emma: Still, I think the nice thing to do would to let him down gently. With words. You
know what those are, right? I’m not completely sure, since you mostly just go around kissing boys –
Abby: Now you’re just being bitchy.
Emma: I’m just being realistic. You kissed another boy, Abs.
Abby: And I’m sorry and I’m stupid and I know that. You don’t need to keep shoving
it in my face, okay?
Emma: Alright, alright.
(They reach their lunch table. Abby grins at Sean
and leans in to whisper to Emma.)
Abby: This horrible-guilt-at-the-sight-of-him thing? It’ll go away, right?
Emma: I really hope so.
[CUT TO: Derek staring at Abby from across the
cafetiria. Danny stares at him incredously.]
Danny: I thought you kissed her?
Derek: I did.
Danny: Then why is she over there while you’re over here?
Derek: Didn’t exactly work out the way I planned.
Danny: Why not?
Derek: I sort of – sort of – ran.
(Danny stares at a sheepish Derek blankly.)
Danny: You’re not serious.
Derek: Don’t I wish.
Danny: Dude!
Derek: What? I tried! But the fact remains that she has a boyfriend and I am never ever going
to get her. Ever.
Danny: With an attitude like that, you won’t.
Derek: What am I supposed to do? She has a boyfriend. I can’t do anything about that –
Danny: Yes, you can!
Derek: No, I can’t. I just have to face the fact that I will never be with her. She is obviously
not interested –
Danny: She kissed you, didn’t she?
Derek: - and probably never will be.
(Danny sighs and looks at Derek.)
Danny: Okay. Fine. You have a point. Let’s find you someone else, then, eh?
(Danny turns around to scan the rest of the lunchroom.)
Danny: There’s always Heather Sinclaire – or Darcy Edwards – or Manny Santos
– her boyfriend’s all the way in Vancouver, who
would ever know? Or you could go for –
(As Danny continues to name names, Derek sighs
and stares at Abby.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Toby’s walking down the hall, towards the
front steps, slightly nervous to meet with Bailey. JT, who’s at his locker, sees him and attempts to catch up with him.)
JT: Toby! Toby, wait up! Hey – Tobes!
(Toby sighs and waits for JT.)
Toby: Hey JT.
JT: Listen, Tobes, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I’ve been acting. And
– well – I’ve been sort of awful. Especially to you.
Toby: Didn’t notice.
JT: It’s just that with Liberty
and everything – I’ve been frazzled, you know? Lots of brain farts. Very sucky.
(Toby nods and doesn’t really pay attention
to JT.)
JT: So I was thinking – maybe we could have lunch together today? Like we used to? I’ll
buy you a chocolate milk! Your fav, right?
(Toby smirks and looks at JT.)
Toby: Actually, I have plans.
(Toby continues to walk down the hall. JT, confused,
stares after him.)
JT: (to self) With who?
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Toby reaches the front steps of Degrassi to find
Bailey waiting for him.)
Bailey: You’re late.
Toby: You’re early.
(Bailey stares at him for a second and shrugs.)
Bailey: Fair enough.
Toby: So are we eating out here, or what?
(Bailey doesn’t answer him; she just begins
walking down the steps and down the sidewalk, away from Degrassi. Toby doesn’t move. He’s a bit confused. Realizing that Toby isn’t following her, Bailey turns around expectantly.)
Bailey: Well, come on!
Toby: Where are you going? I thought we were eating lunch –
Bailey: We are. Just not here.
Toby: But – but – we’re not allowed to leave the campus during the school day
Bailey: Do you really think I give a fuck, Issacs?
Toby: Apparently not.
Bailey: If you don’t want to come, then I guess –
(Bailey begins walking away. Gulping, Toby chases
after her.)
Toby: Okay, okay – fine! I’m coming!
(Bailey smirks as she leads the way.)
Bailey: Thought you would.
[End of Scene]
[At The Dot…]
(Bailey and Toby walk by The Dot. Toby motions
to the café.)
Toby: We could always eat here – I mean, it’s where everyone from Degrassi goes…
My friend Abby works here, even – well, not now, she’s probably at lunch –
Bailey: Um, ew? How mainstream are you, Issacs?
Toby: Okay, guess not.
(They continue walking
until they reach a much smaller, darker café, called The Foggy Mirror. Toby stops and stares at it for a moment, dumbfounded.)
Toby: I’ve never been here before.
(Bailey raises her eyebrows; Toby shrugs.)
Toby: We always just went to The Dot.
(Bailey walks in, Toby follows. Bailey sees a
group of people at some tables in the corner and runs over to them. They’re all dressed in black and spikes with lots
of dark make-up.)
Toby: There’s – people!
Bailey: Of course there’s people – who did you think we’d be eating with?
(Toby shrugs as Bailey walks over to the group.
Toby, looking scared, continues to follow.)
Bailey: Hey, guys – I brought some new meat!
(Bailey sits down at an empty chair, Toby stands
off awkwardly to the side. The group stares at Toby.)
Bailey: Everyone, this is Toby. Toby, this is everyone.
Toby: Um, hi?
(A boy with jet black emo hair and lots of make-up
motions for Toby to sit next to him.)
Boy: Why hello, Toby. I’m Rogan. Sit down. Welcome!
(Toby sits down, placing his bagged lunch in front
of him. A girl to his front, with dyed red hair and lots of piercings, takes notice.)
Girl: You brown-bag it? Smart choice. Way better than the food at that school. Pure crap, I tell
(She smiles at him. Toby, still a bit shell-shocked,
forces a smile back.)
[End of Scene]
[At Lunch…]
(The group, minus Toby, is eating lunch.)
JT: Yeah, so, Toby totally ditched me. Is that weird? Toby’s never ditched me. Like, ever.
Sean: Who’d he ditch you for?
(JT shrugs.)
JT: No idea.
(Emma looks around.)
Emma: Well, we’re all here. Who else would he hang out with?
(Everyone shrugs in unison.)
Abby: That’s sort of mean, guys. Toby has his own friends.
(They all stare at her blankly.)
Abby: …Right?
Manny: He had Rick!
JT: Rick’s been pretty busy lately, you know – being dead and everything –
(Emma hits him.)
Emma: JT!
(JT shrugs sheepishly.)
JT: What? He is!
Sean: Wait – we’re missing someone – where’s Liberty?
(JT sighs.)
JT: Boycotting the table. Refuses to speak to me.
Abby: Still? Really?
(JT nods sadly.)
JT: Yep. I may be the father of her child, but I also dealt drugs. She’s having a hard
time getting over that.
Manny: You’ll win her back. You two are, like, meant for each other.
JT: Try and tell her that.
[End of Scene]
[At The Foggy Mirror…]
(Bailey and her friends are talking, animatedly.
Toby is listening and eating, still uncomfortable. He checks his watch and catches Bailey’s eye.)
Toby: Uh – Bailey – we have to get back to school. Lunch ends in ten minutes.
(Bailey sighs.)
Bailey: You actually care?
Toby: Uh, yeah.
(Shrugging, Bailey gets up.)
Bailey: Okay. I guess we’re gone, guys. CTLV!
(Toby and Bailey begin to leave. The others shout
goodbyes and “CTLV!” after them. Rogan grabs Toby’s arm.)
Rogan: It was nice meeting you, Toby. I hope you come back. You’re always welcome, you know.
Toby: Um – thanks.
(Bailey and Toby leave the café and begin walking
down the street.)
Bailey: So how’d you like it?
Toby: It was – erm – interesting.
Bailey: They’re all really cool, once you get to know them.
Toby: Yeah. I guess… They wear a lot of black, don’t they?
(Bailey looks at Toby incredously.)
Bailey: Well, yeah. Better black than mainstream and boring.
(She raises her eyebrows and looks at Toby’s
run-of-the-mill polo and jeans.)
Toby: Oh, so what? You think I’m boring?
Bailey: Not boring exactly. Just… sheltered. These people – Hannah and Ivy and
Porter and Rogan – especially Rogan – they could open your eyes. Make you see the world, you know? Really
experience it. They’re like my family. They could be yours, too, you know.
Toby: What? Is it like some cult?
(Bailey is highly offended.)
Bailey: That’s complete bull! Narro Verum –
Toby: You have a name?
Bailey: Yeah! We do! It means “speak the truth” in Latin.
(Toby is silent until they reach the school. They
walk through the foyer and pass the cafeteria. Toby sees his friends, who are all laughing hysterically at something JT said.
Toby watches them sadly. Bailey notices and puts a hand on his shoulder.)
Bailey: We could help you, Toby. You wouldn’t be lonely anymore.
(Toby sighs and looks at Bailey, who smiles back
at him.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(At the end of the day, Abby and Emma are standing
in the foyer near Degrassi’s front doors, scanning the throng of people who walk by. Abby looks nervous.)
Abby: Is he coming?
Emma: I don’t see him…
Abby: Where is he? He should be out her by now!
Emma: Wait! Wait! There he is!
Abby: Where? Where?
Emma: Over there, near the staircase! See?
(Abby stands on her tiptoes and spots Derek in
the crowd. Making a sick face, she turns away.)
Abby: Oh God – I think I might barf –
(She attempts to run away, but Emma holds her
back. Derek is headed in their direction.)
Emma: Just go talk to him!
Abby: Do I have to?
Emma: Yes!
(Emma shoves Abby forward, straight into Derek,
who trips and nearly falls over. Shooting Emma a death-glare, Abby leads Derek away.)
Abby: Can I, um, talk to you?
Derek: Um – okay – sure. That’s fine.
(They walk into an empty classroom. It’s
silent for a moment.)
Derek: So – um – what did you want to talk about?
Abby: About last night –
Derek: Oh. Right. That.
Abby: Yeah, I know. Listen, I’m really sorry.
Derek: Why are you sorry? It’s not your fault. I – uh – started it.
Abby: But I didn’t stop it –
Derek: Seriously?
Abby: Not at first, no.
(Derek grins in spite of himself.)
Derek: That’s cool – wait! No! It’s not – it’s totally not –
Abby: That kiss shouldn’t have happened, Derek.
(Derek nods.)
Abby: I mean – I have a boyfriend!
Derek: I know!
Abby: A boyfriend who I love very much!
Derek: Of course!
Abby: And no one can know about it. Ever. Right?
Derek: Uh – right!
Abby: I mean, Derek, you’re a really nice guy and all –
Derek: But you’re with Sean.
(Abby smiles and shrugs.)
Abby: Yeah. Pretty much.
(Abby goes and hugs Derek.)
Abby: Thanks, though.
Derek: For what?
Abby: For helping me realize exactly how much I love Sean.
Derek: So kissing me made you run back to him? Am I really that bad a kisser?
(Abby laughs.)
Abby: No, no – of course not!
(She looks around warily before speaking again.)
Abby: You actually were pretty good. Don’t tell anyone I said that, though.
(Derek grins.)
Derek: Promise.
(Abby picks up her bag to leave. Derek, looking
hopeful, speaks one last time.)
Derek: But if you weren’t dating Sean, would you ever – you know – consider –
Abby: What? Consider dating you?
(Derek shrugs, blushes, and nods. Abby smiles.)
Abby: Sure. You’re pretty cute.
(She leaves. Derek smiles and, despite himself,
punches the air.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Bailey is rushing down the steps, ignoring everyone
around her. Her brother, Russ, runs over to her and tries to speak to her.)
Russ: Hey – hey – Bailey, wait up!
(Bailey keeps walking, annoyed. Russ follows.)
Bailey: What do you want, asshole?
Russ: It’s just – we’re ordering out for dinner tonight – Dad wanted me
to ask you what you wanted –
Bailey: Fuck off! I’m eating with friends!
Russ: But Dad said –
Bailey: You both will be happier without me, anyway!
Russ: But –
(Russ gives up as Bailey storms off. Toby, sitting
on a bench, sees her and attempts to catch up to her.)
Toby: Hey, Bailey, I’ve been looking for you all day!
(Bailey, thinking it’s Russ, keeps walking.)
Toby: I was thinking – about what you said – and I want to see them again.
(Bailey realizes who’s speaking, and stops.
Turning around, she smiles.)
Bailey: Narro Verum?
Toby: Um, yeah.
Bailey: We’re meeting tonight at Rogan’s place. I can give you the address, if you want.
Toby: Yeah, that’d be cool.
(Bailey whips out a pen and scribbles it on Toby’s
Bailey: Six o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.
Toby: Okay.
(Bailey starts to walk off, but calls to Toby
one last time.)
Bailey: Oh – and Issacs?
Toby: What?
Bailey: Ditch your mommy’s clothes, okay?
(Toby grins sheepishly and nods.)
Toby: Okay.
(Grinning, Bailey saunters off.)
[End of Scene]
[At Toby’s House…]
(Toby, wearing a baggy black tee-shirt and dark
jeans, is rushing down his stairs.)
Toby: Got to go, Kate! Meeting friends! See you later!
(Kate, holding an oven mitt and a fork, runs out
of the kitchen just as he reaches the door.)
Kate: Where are you going, honey?
Toby: Out. With friends.
Kate: Who, JT?
Toby: Why do you think I only hang out with JT?
Kate: So it’s Emma, then?
(Toby sighs and rolls his eyes.)
Toby: Yeah. Whatever.
Kate: Okay, just be back before ten. It’s a school night, you know.
(Toby opens the door just as Kate takes notice
of his attire.)
Kate: What on Earth are you wearing? Is that your father’s?
Toby: Just a tee-shirt. Black is in.
(Kate looks bemused.)
Kate: I’m well aware. I did raise Ashley. Call me if you need a ride, okay?
(Toby nods and leaves.)
[End of Scene]
[At Rogan’s…]
(Toby, nervous, knocks on the front door, checking
to make sure he has the right address. Rogan answers, wearing a long black cloak.)
Rogan: Toby! You came! Welcome!
(Rogan leads Toby into his basement. The rest
of the people are sitting in a circle on the floor – Bailey is one of them. In the middle is a cluster of candles. Toby
gulps and forces a smile.)
Toby: H-hey, guys.
(Toby sits down. Everyone smiles at him. He smiles