[At School….]
(It’s the morning, and
a car pulls up to the curb of Degrassi. Darcy’s sitting inside, staring blankly at the window. Her father is next to
her, looking equally depressed. They sit in silence for a moment.)
Darcy: I should probably
go. You know. To school.
Mr. Edwards: Yes. Go.
You wouldn’t want to be late.
Darcy: That would make
this day even more horrible. This week. This month.
(Darcy opens the door to get
out, her father grabs her wrist.)
Mr. Edwards: Everything’s
going to be fine. She’ll come back. We just have to keep praying. If we have faith –
Darcy: I know, Dad.
I know.
(Darcy forces a smile and gets
out of the car. Her father watches her as she makes her way into Degrassi.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Spinner is in the foyer, intently
watching the doors of Degrassi and scanning all the people walking through. Jimmy sees him and rolls up behind him, accidentally
bumping into him. Spinner jumps.)
Spinner: Whoa –
Jimmy: Sorry, Spin.
This monster is a little hard to control sometimes.
Spinner: It’s
fine. I was just concentrating.
Jimmy: Concentrating?
On what?
(Spinner motions to the doors.)
Spinner: The front door!
I’m waiting for Darcy. She usually arrives around 7:24, so she’s a little late, but –
Jimmy: Um – okay,
Spinner: I’ve
been watching for her every morning all week, trying to catch her, but she avoids me every single time!
Jimmy: Can’t you
just corner her during Friendship Club or something?
Spinner: She hasn’t
come to a meeting since school started.
Jimmy: So she’s
ditching out on God just to stay away from you? I’d take the hint.
Spinner: Things looked
so good at the end of last year. If I could just talk to her – reason with her – I could make her see my side.
She’d come around.
(Jimmy shrugs skeptically.)
Jimmy: I don’t
know, man. Maybe –
(Spinner spots Darcy walk into
the foyer. Her hand is wrapped around her cross necklace, and she’s muttering to herself, obviously praying.)
Spinner: See! She’s
praying that she’ll see me and we’ll be reunited! Me and Darcy are totally on the same brainwave –
(Spinner whacks Jimmy on the
back in excitement and begins weaving his way through the people to reach her.)
Jimmy: Or maybe she’s
just praying you’ll stay away…?
(Spinner reaches Darcy and
attempts to catch her attention. She doesn’t see him, just keeps praying and walking. Spinner stands in the middle of
the foyer, annoyed, and sighs. Jimmy, smirking, rolls up to him.)
Jimmy: There’s
always tomorrow, eh? Guess I’ll be seeing you here at 7:24.
Spinner: Shut up.
(Spinner glares at Jimmy as
he rolls away.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(JT, Danny, and Derek are sitting
at a table in the library. Danny’s holding a basketball.)
Danny: Okay, so here’s the plan: I train for an hour every day after school
and lift weights three times a week. Then, I’ll make the team.
JT: And die of exhaustion.
Danny: No, I won’t. I can’t. I have to make varsity. If I get stuck
on JV again, I just might have to kill myself.
Derek: JV isn’t that bad.
Danny: This coming from the guy who’s been on varsity since Grade 9!
(Derek shrugs.)
Danny: I’ve got to make the team.
JT: What happens if you don’t?
Derek: The world ends.
Danny: Just for that, you’re both helping me practice after school.
Derek: JT won’t be much help.
(Danny nods thoughtfully as JT glares
at Derek.)
Danny: It is true – white men can’t jump.
JT: Derek’s whiter than I am!
Derek: But I’m not the one in a sweater-vest.
(JT looks down at his shirt and makes
an angry noise.)
Danny: Anyway – the tryouts are in a little over a month. If I practice
every day, I should be good enough by then to –
(JT rolls his eyes and turns to Derek.)
JT: Why aren’t you freaking like this weirdo?
Derek: Like he said – I’ve been on varsity since Grade 9. Basketball’s
the one thing that comes easy to me. It’s the – other stuff I have problems with.
(Derek sees Abby walk by, talking
to Spinner. He watches as she passes him. Danny, torn out of his basketball zone, sighs and shoots JT a look.)
Danny: And he says I’m obsessed. At least basketball will love
me back.
(Danny and JT laugh. Derek glares
at the two of them.)
Derek: Do you want my help training, or not?
(Danny sighs and shuts up.)
JT: I don’t need you. I can keep making fun of you if I want.
Derek: Because you’re having so much luck with Liberty. She had your baby
and still hates you.
JT: Okay. Fine. New topic, please!
(Danny, who stopped paying attention
a while ago, continues to obsess about tryouts.)
Danny: Maybe I could get Coach Armstrong to let me into the workout room on
weekends. If I squeeze in two hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, then –
(Derek and JT roll their eyes.)
JT: We need something else to talk about – something besides
girls and basketball.
(Derek thinks for a moment.)
Derek: What else is there?
(Defeated, JT shrugs. The boys turn
back to Danny, who’s whipped out a calculator and is punching numbers furiously.)
Danny: So at three hours a day seven days a week, I’ll have trained for
over fifty hours by tryouts. That practically guarentees me a spot on varsity – right? Right?
(Danny looks at Derek and JT for
affirmation. Shrugging at each other, they nod.)
Derek: Whatever you say, man.
(Derek goes back to his comic book.)
JT: Maybe you should stick in a few more hours on weekends. You know, just
to be completely sure.
(JT smirks as Danny nods and punches
in more numbers.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Abby is with Spinner in the
lunch line, discussing his Darcy troubles.)
Abby: So… are
you saying she hates you?
Spinner: That’s
the thing! I don’t know! Maybe if she would talk to me, I could find out.
Abby: Has she been outright
ignoring you? Or – just – not talking to you? Because maybe she isn’t avoiding you on purpose. Maybe
she’s just really busy!
Spinner: I honestly
have no idea.
Abby: (sarcastically)
Well, you’ve made a lot of progress.
Spinner: Just tell me
what to do. You fixed your shit relationship with Sean in like a day. You kissed another guy and –
(Abby’s eyes bug out
as she hits Spinner.)
Abby: Shhh! I told you
to never mention that ever again!
(They make their way through
the line, grabbing food.)
Abby: Besides, I didn’t
sleep with someone else.
Spinner: Why did I even
bother telling you this?
(Spinner rolls his eyes and
grabs his tray. As he starts to head towards his table, Abby grabs him and pulls him back.)
Abby: Because I’m
your friend and I want to help.
Spinner: So what should
I do to fix it?
Abby: Something big.
Something romantic. Something that will help her remember the Spinner she fell in love with.
Spinner: And that would
(Abby’s face goes blank.)
Abby: I’m not
completely sure yet.
Spinner: Oh, great.
Abby: But I’ll
think on it, okay? I can brainstorm during bio and we’ll finalize the plan at The Dot.
Spinner: Sure…
Okay. That sounds good.
Abby: Talk to you later
– think up something cute!
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Danny, Derek, and JT are playing
basketball outside Degrassi.)
JT: Okay! Over here! Pass! Pass!
(Danny, holding the ball, looks at
JT incredously.)
Danny: Who’s the one in training here? Let me make a shot!
(JT rolls his eyes.)
JT: Fine. Go ahead.
(Danny shoots and misses. JT laughs.)
Danny: You messed me up, man!
JT: Yeah, okay, keep telling yourself that.
Derek: Listen, Danny, you just take the ball, bend your knees a little –
(Derek shoots and makes it.)
Derek: – and swoosh. Nothing
but net.
(Derek grins as Danny chases after
the ball, glaring at him.)
Danny: Shut your face!
(Derek shrugs.)
JT: I’m bored.
Derek: Me too.
Danny: You know what? You guys suck.
Derek: At least I can make a basket.
(Danny shoots again and makes it.
He turns to Derek, smirking.)
Danny: Not the only one!
(Exaspereated, JT turns away from
the boys.)
JT: Why am I even here? I don’t even like basketball.
(JT sees Toby walking by with Bailey.
They’re both dressed in all black. JT, desperate for something else to do, walks over to them.)
JT: Toby! Toby! Hey – Tobs –
(Toby stops and turns around. He
stares blankly at JT.)
Toby: What do you want, JT?
JT: Just wanted to see – what’s up? I haven’t talked to
you in forever, Tobs. We need to hang out this weekend. How does a movie sound? Clown Acadamy 4 comes out Friday!
(Toby and Bailey share an incredolous
look. JT smiles awkwardly.)
Toby: I think I’m busy.
(The two walk off, leaving JT alone
and confused. Danny and Derek walk up behind him, shaking their heads.)
Derek: What happened to him?
Danny: Ever since he started hanging out with that goth chick, he’s gone
all weird. I mean, he used to be a total nerd, but that was better than the emo thing he has going on now. Seriously, does
that girl even talk?
JT: Not since she told my English class she was a vampire.
Derek: Huh. Weird.
(They stare after Bailey and Toby
for a second.)
Danny: Forget him! We have more important things to concentrate on – like
getting me on the team!
(Derek moans as they turn and walk
back to the basketball court.)
Derek: God, why can’t you just do stereoids or something? That’d
get you buff a lot faster.
Danny: If I knew where to get some, believe me dude, I would.
(They go back to playing basketball.
[End of Scene]
[At Darcy’s House…]
(Darcy’s in her living
room, watching TV with a Bible open on her lap. Skimming it and flipping channels, she sighs.)
Dad: Dinner’s
ready, love!
(Darcy snaps the Bible shut
and mutters to herself bitterly.)
Darcy: Not that whatever
you’re making will even resemble dinner.
(Standing up, she ambles into
the kitchen to find her father sitting at the table. In front of him and the chair opposite him are two plates of an unrecognizeable
slop. Darcy winces.)
Darcy: Um… wow?
Dad: Pasta primavera!
I got the recipe out of one of Mom’s cookbooks.
(Darcy stares at the food incredously.)
Darcy: That doesn’t
look like Mom’s pasta primavera.
Dad: Yes – well
– I don’t think I put enough seasonings in. And I may have spilled some garlic in there somewhere. Or vanilla.
But past that – doesn’t it look scrumptious? Come on, hurry up and sit down so we can say grace and eat!
(Darcy sits down and folds
her hands in prayer. Her father does the same. They bow their heads as Darcy’s father begins to speak.)
Dad: Dear Lord, thank
you for supplying us with this bountiful meal and fruitful life. Thank you for all the blessings you have brought us.
(Darcy cracks open an eye and
stares at her father incredously.)
Dad: Thank you for…
helping us to learn that obstacles can only make us stronger.
(There’s an awkward pause.
Mr. Edwards says his next words in a very rushed manner.)
Dad: And please –
please, dear God – bring Marissa back. Bring her back to her home.
(Darcy opens her eyes and begins
to pick at her food. She and her father eat in awkward silence.)
Dad: So how was your
day, love?
(Darcy shrugs.)
Darcy: Okay. I have
to write another cheer for the Spirit Squad. By Tuesday.
Dad: Oh, I’m sure
you’ll get it done. You do have the Lord on your side.
(Darcy rolls her eyes.)
Dad: How’s Friendship
Club going? Recruit any new members lately?
(Darcy shakes her head slowly.
This is obviously a sore topic for her.)
Darcy: Um – no.
(She pauses.)
Darcy: I sort of –
I sort of haven’t been going there much lately. Not since – not since – well, you know.
Dad: But it was so good
for you! I thought you loved it there!
Darcy: I did.
Dad: Well, how are your
friends? Kim? Melissa? Your – your boyfriend? Spinner? Such a nice Christain boy. How’s he?
Darcy: I don’t
want to talk about Spinner.
(Her father stops chewing and
stares at her. Darcy glares.)
Dad: Um… Okay.
(They eat in silence for a
Darcy: So – did
Mom call?
Dad: Not yet, sweets.
Darcy: Are you sure?
Because, you know, maybe she freaked out and didn’t leave a message or maybe she hung up or something –
Dad: I waited by the
phone all day. She didn’t call.
Darcy: How long has
it been again?
Dad: Eight days.
Darcy: Seems longer.
(There’s a knock on the
door. Sighing, Darcy’s Dad places his napkin next to his plate and stands up.)
Dad: I’ve got
(He walks out into the living
room. As soon as he leave, Darcy stops pretending to eat and makes a disgusted
face, pushing her plate away. She hears the door open in the other room and her father’s tired greeting.)
Dad: Hello, we don’t
want what you’re – Marissa?
(Darcy, suddenly alert, sits
up straight.)
Darcy: Mom?
[End of Scene]
[At The Dot…]
(Spinner and Abby are in the
stock room, doing inventory and brainstorming.)
Spinner: Okay –
so we have fourteen cans of –
Abby: Come on, Spin! Think!
Spinner: I’m just
trying to do our job.
Abby: There are more
important things at stake here.
Spinner: Fine –
fine – let me just write this down –
(Spinner scribbles something
on a clipboard and puts it down. Turning to face Abby, he grabs her shoulders.)
Spinner: Help me, O
wise one! Bring Darcy back!
Abby: Okay – so
I was thinking –
Spinner: Always a good
Abby: Maybe we could
get some inspiration from a movie. Some romantic comedy where the guy gets the girl in the end.
Spinner: Okay. Sounds
Abby: What’s the
last movie you saw?
(Pause as Spinner thinks.)
Spinner: Um –
Clown Acadamy 3.
Abby: Before that?
Spinner: Clown Acadamy
(Abby surveys Spinner gravely.)
Abby: I don’t
think the movie idea’s gonna work.
Spinner: Unless you
want me to dress up in a rainbow wig and big shoes –
Abby: No – no
– I think we’re good.
(Abby and Spinner lean against
the food racks and think.)
Abby: What does she
Spinner: Um. Friendship
Abby: And…?
Spinner: And…
(Abby blows her bangs off her
forehead in exasperation.)
Abby: Besides that – idiot.
Spinner: Well, her favorite
color is green. And she likes Scottish terriors, caramel lattes, peonies, and spaghetti.
Abby: Is there any way
we could use that info in your favor?
Spinner: I could –
I could – buy her a puppy! A little black Scottish –
Abby: Something that
doesn’t involve live animals, if you can.
Spinner: Well, I guess
I could get her flowers or something. But that’s sort of lame.
(Abby straightens and smiles.)
Abby: No, actually,
that’s not – that’s really, really cute.
Spinner: So you’re
saying I should just buy Darcy flowers?
(Abby nods.)
Spinner: Are you sure
it’ll work?
Abby: Definitely. A
simple bouquet can melt even the coldest of hearts.
(They grin at each other.)
[End of Scene]
[At Darcy’s House…]
(Darcy is sitting on her bed,
knees pulled to her chest and eyes closed, listening to her parents scream.)
Dad: Marissa –
what you’re doing is against the Bible! Against the word of God – everything we believe in –
Mom: Maybe I don’t
want to believe anymore! Maybe I just – I just can’t take all the rules and restrictions anymore!
Dad: So this is how
you’re going to deal with a rough patch? Run away? Abandon your family?
Mom: This isn’t
just some rough patch, Mark! I stayed with you for four years trying to make things better. Four years! And frankly,
I’m sick and tired of pretending!
Dad: Pretending what?
Mom: Pretending that
I was your perfect Christian wife leading this perfect Christian exsistance! I can’t take it any longer! There’s
no life in this house, Mark!
Dad: Don’t you
say that! You can’t turn your back on Jesus, Marissa!
Mom: Oh, yeah? Why don’t
you watch me!
(Darcy cries as a door slams.)
Mom: I’m just
getting my things and leaving!
(Darcy, sniffling, stands up
and opens her door. Her father is on the couch in the living room, his head in his hands, sobbing. Darcy pads over to her
parents’ room and opens the door to find her mother chucking stuff into a suitcase, furious.)
Darcy: Mom?
(At the sight of her daughter,
Marissa softens.)
Marissa: Oh –
hi, dear.
(Marissa continues to pack
as Darcy watches her tearfully.)
Darcy: What –
what are you doing? I thought you came back…
Marissa: I’m afraid
not, sweetie.
(Darcy watches in horror as
her mother zips up the suitcase and walks over towards her. Planting a kiss on the top of her head, Darcy’s mom walks
out of the bedroom and down the hall. Darcy follows her.)
Darcy: Wait – Mom – where are you going? You’re not seriously leaving, right? You – you
(Marissa ignores Darcy and
walks to the front door.)
Darcy: Mom – please
– I need you – these days without you have been awful – where are you going? Why – why can’t
you stay?
Marissa: Your father
and I want different things, sweetie. I am so, so sorry.
(Darcy and her father watch
sadly as Darcy’s mom leaves. Tears streaming down her face, Darcy turns to her father.)
Darcy: What are you
doing?! Come on, Dad! You’re supposed to make her stay!
(Darcy’s father lifts
his head up and shakes his head.)
Dad: I can’t.
I – I tried.
Darcy: Try harder!
Dad: Only God can –
Darcy: God’s not
doing anything, Dad! I prayed and I prayed and – look! She’s gone!
(Darcy looks out the window
and watches her mom drive away.)
Darcy: She’s gone.
[End of Scene]
[At Degrassi…]
(Spinner is holding the flowers
and standing outside a classroom nervously. He looks to Abby, who’s across the hall at her locker. She flashes him a
thumbs-up and grins. He smiles back. Taking a deep breath, Spinner walks into the class. He scans the room – but Darcy
isn’t there. Confused, Spinner sits down next to Kim, one of Darcy’s best friends.)
Spinner: Kim –
uh, where’s Darcy?
Kim: I saw her this
morning, but she hasn’t shown up to class yet. Maybe she’s at the nurse or something.
Spinner: Yeah, that’s
probably it. Listen, if you see her, tell her I was –
(Kim sneezes. She then notices
the bouquet in Spinner’s hands.)
Kim: Wait – what
are – (sneeze) – those?
Spinner: Uh, flowers.
Kim: Are they –
(sneeze) – peonies?
(Spinner nods as Kim sneezes
Kim: I can’t –
(sneeze) – believe you!
Spinner: What?
Kim: I’m –
(sneeze) – allergic to – (sneeze) – peonies!
(Spinner’s mouth opens
in shock as Kim sneezes.)
Spinner: Oh –
really? Oh – I’m sorry – I didn’t know – I just was trying to –
Kim: Just get them out
of here – (sneeze) – please, Spin! Before I – (sneeze) – break out in hives!
Spinner: Uh, yeah, of
course, getting right on that!
(Spinner jumps out of his seat
and heads for the door. He runs into Mrs. Kwan on his way out.)
Mrs. Kwan: Where do
you think you’re going, Gavin? Class is just starting.
Spinner: Sorry, Mrs. Kwan. It’s just that I had these – (motions to flowers) – but Kim’s allergic –
can’t I just go chuck them really fast?
(Mrs. Kwan sighs.)
Mrs. Kwan: Fine. Be back soon.
Spinner: I will, Mrs. Kwan!
(Spinner pushes past her into the hall. He looks around desperately and runs to his locker. Stashing the flowers
in there, he scans the hall again.)
Spinner: Now, to find Darcy.
(He heads down the hall. He stops at the Media Immersion Room, shamelessly peering through the glass window in
search of Darcy. She isn’t there, but Abby is – she sees him and blantantly mouths to him over her computer.)
Abby: How’d it go?
(Spinner shakes his head sadly and mimes sneezing.)
Abby: Allergic?
(Spinner nods and jerks a thumb over his shoulder. Abby nods, smiles and turns back to her computer. Spinner continues
to walk.)
Spinner: Dude – where is she?
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Spinner’s walking down the hall when he spots Darcy at her locker. His face lighting up, he runs towards
Spinner: Darcy! Darcy! Hey – listen, I need to talk to you –
(Darcy’s eyes widen as she stares at Spinner for a moment.)
Spinner: You think we could maybe go to The Dot or something after school?
Or I have a free period next, if you want –
(Darcy sighs and slams her locker shut. Glaring at Spin, she spins around and starts walking away. Spinner’s
smile fades.)
Darcy! Darcy!
(Frustrated, Spinner begins
to follow her.)
[End of Scene]
[At Degrassi…]
(Derek and Danny are in the library, doing homework. Well. Sort of. Derek is reading a comic book as Danny continues
to obsess.)
Danny: Did you see that amazing rebound shot I pulled earlier?
I am so on the team. My skills are undeniable.
Derek: Mmhmm.
Danny: And then my sweet layup? I was practically playing circles
around JT.
Derek: (distracted) Awesome.
Danny: And then when I –
Derek: Are you going to talk about anything but basketball, at all, for
the next month?
(Danny thinks.)
Danny: Probably not. Why?
Derek: Nothing. It’s just…
(Derek slumps in his chair and hides behind his comic, muttering to himself.)
Derek: I’m going to have to buy a lot more comic books.
(They’re interrupted by Darcy, who hurries past them, clutching books to her chest. In her rush, she knocks
into Derek’s chair.)
Darcy: Oh, um, sorry.
Derek: No big –
(Before Derek can finish talking, Darcy has disappeared into the bookshelves. Derek and Danny share a look, shrug,
and go back to their books. After a few minutes, the door bangs open and Spinner bursts inside. He scans the room and heads
over to the boys.)
Spinner: Where’s Darcy?
(Derek and Danny shoot each other looks. This does not go unnotcied by Spinner.)
Spinner: I know she’s here. I followed her. So tell me –
where is she?
(Danny’s mouth opens and shuts.)
Spinner: Tell me, or I will be forced to remove your kneecaps. With my
(Derek and Danny’s eyes widen.)
Derek: She’sbackthereinthebiographysection!
(Spinner smirks and cracks his knuckles.)
Spinner: Thank you.
(Spinner stalks off. The two boys slump in their seats.)
Danny: Back to something much more important –
(Derek groans.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Darcy is slumped on the floor between two bookshelves, looking depressed. She hears rustling and looks up to find
Spinner standing in front of her, smiling sheepishly.)
Spinner: Um, hey. Looks like I finally caught you.
(Darcy just stares at him. She sighs.)
Darcy: What do you want, Spin?
Spinner: I want to know why… Why it took me twenty minutes of chasing
you across Degrassi to get you to talk to me. And that’s only because I cornered you between two bookshelves.
Darcy: I’m just… not in the mood to talk, okay?
Spinner: You haven’t really been in the mood to talk since school
Darcy: That’s not your issue. It’s mine.
Spinner: I have issues, too, Darce!
(Darcy rolls her eyes and looks away from Spin, muttering to herself bitterly.)
Darcy: I’m sure yours are so awful.
Spinner: When you left – last summer –
Darcy: After you slept with Paige, you mean?
(Spinner sighs.)
Spinner: Yeah, after that. I thought that maybe – once you got
back – we’d have a chance, you know? I mean, you looked back – getting on the bus – I thought that
was a good sign –
Darcy: So you thought I could
just come back and forgive you? After what you did?
Spinner: You looked back! I thought that meant something!
(Darcy, angry, stands up.)
Darcy: I thought our relationship meant something, Spinner! I
thought your virginity meant something!
Spinner: I’m sorry, okay? I never meant to –
(Darcy throws her hands up in the air and pushes past Spinner.)
Darcy: I don’t even know why I’m arguing about this. It’s
over, Spin. We’re over.
Spinner: What about second chances? What about forgiveness?
(Darcy, annoyed, crosses her arms.)
Darcy: What about it?
Spinner: You’re supposed to – you’re supposed to forgive me! The
Bible says so!
Darcy: You can’t
exploit the Bible for your own pathetic reasons. You know that.
Spinner: How would you
know? It’s not like you’ve been to Friendship Club in the past month –
Darcy: I – I don’t
need this right now! I have a lot more important stuff going on.
Spinner: What stuff?
Maybe if you told me I could help you –
Darcy: I don’t
want your help! I don’t – I don’t need it.
(Darcy begins to walk away
– Spinner follows, calling after her.)
Spinner: Why haven’t
you been coming to Friendship Club, Darce?
(Darcy stops. Shutting her
eyes, she thinks for a moment, before spinning around.)
Darcy: My mom’s
gone, okay?! She’s gone. Not just weekend-sanity-maintanance-trip-to-the-spa kind of gone, but the real kind. As in
she packed up her things and left.
(Spinner’s mouth opens.
He’s clearly speechless. Darcy steps towards him and looks him straight in the eye.)
Darcy: That’s
my life right now, Spin. Choking down my father’s awful cooking; remembering to wash my own clothes and buy groceries
and all those normal mom-things I’ve never had to do ever. All I’m trying to do right now is get through the day.
I don’t need you there, messing everything up.
Spinner: Friendship
Club – Linus – Kim – everyone could help you! If you pray – and worship – and have faith –
Darcy: I had faith.
I’ve had faith ever since I can remember that God was there. That he’d watch over me and protect me.
(She pauses, tears streaming
down her face.)
Darcy: And look where
that got me! All my prayers, all my faith, all my everything – gone to waste. How can I be sure God exsists? How can
he let my mother abandon me? How could he do that?
(Spinner reaches out. Darcy
pulls away.)
Darcy: There’s
your answer, Spin. I haven’t been going to Friendship Club because – well – I don’t have much trust
in what He has to say anymore.
(Darcy turns and starts to
walk away – everyone in the library watching her as she does so. Spinner, still speechless, just watches her.)
[End of Scene]