[At The Mall…]
(Manny, looking determined,
is dragging a half-asleep Emma down the center of the mall. They stop at the CD store just as the worker is opening the doors.)
Emma: Please remind
me why I’m here.
Manny: You know perfectly
Emma: It’s just
hard to remember this early.
(Emma groans. Grinning, Manny
pulls Emma inside. They stop at a big display towards the front of the store – big letters announcing that today is
the release date for Craig Manning’s hot new solo album.)
Manny: They’re
all still there! He hasn’t sold any yet! That can’t be good!
Emma: Manny, it’s
6:30AM the day of the release. No CD could ever be popular enough to sell out by sunrise.
Manny: Yeah, you’re
right. Well, let’s get started!
(Manny grabs a stack of CDs
and puts them in Emma’s arms. Emma sleepily takes them as Manny grabs more.)
Emma: What are you doing?
This is going to cost over a hundred bucks!
Manny: Being a supportive
girlfriend. My Kevin Smith money is finally coming to good use.
(Emma shrugs as she and Manny
head towards the counter and begins piling CDs up.)
Emma: It’s your
money, I guess.
[End of Scene]
[At Degrassi…]
(Sean and Abby are sitting
on the steps of Degrassi, acting all lovey-dovey and kissing and smiling. They’re mid-kiss, in fact, when Liberty stomps
over to them and interrupts, wielding a clip-board and a scowl.)
Liberty: Abby –
Sean – so sorry to interrupt -
(At this Sean snorts.)
Liberty: But something
very important is coming up…
(Sean and Abby stare at her
Liberty: And you two
have no idea what I’m talking about.
Abby: Hate to say it,
Lib, but not in the least.
Liberty: Well, student
government elections are fast approaching…
(She pauses for effect, Sean
rolls his eyes.)
Sean: What are you waiting
for? A drum roll?
(Shooting him a look of contempt,
Liberty continues.)
Liberty: And I
am pleased to report that I have chosen to run for another term.
(Abby smiles and hugs Liberty.)
Abby: Oh, that’s
Liberty: So I can count
on both your votes, then?
Abby: Of course! You
were the best thing to ever happen to Degrassi.
(Abby shoves Sean with her
Sean: Oh – yeah
– right. Sure.
(Liberty stands up and smiles.)
Liberty: Fantastic.
Well, I’ll let you get back to your – um – business. See you in class!
(She walks away as Sean snorts.)
Sean: Six years and
her social skills have not improved at all.
(Abby laughs and hits him lightly
in the arm.)
Abby: Don’t be
mean! She’s just excited about the elections. You know how intense she gets when she’s serious about something.
(Sean shrugs.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Manny’s walking down
the hall when she hears a few girls talking.)
Girl #1: But so, yeah,
did you hear?
Girl #2: What?
Girl #1: Craig Manning’s
new CD is out today!
Girl #2: Oh my God,
ew. He is so over.
Girl #1: Once he started
dating that abortion slut again, everyone stopped caring.
Girl #2: Seriously.
(Manny’s jaw clenches
and she turns to the girls.)
Manny: Are you kidding
Girl #1: Um, excuse
Manny: Have you even
listened to Craig Manning’s music?
Girl #2: Well, we saw
him that time he performed to the scary goth girl…
Girl #1: Oh yeah! And
then they ended up getting back together?
Girl #2: But then he
went all crazy-psycho and she had to join the Witness Protection Program and move to England to get away from him.
Girl #1: And then he
got really desperate and got back together with…
(Both girls turn to Manny,
who is glaring at them and tapping her feet impaitently.)
Girl 1/2: …You.
Manny: Um, yeah, still
(Manny blows her bangs off
her forehead in anger.)
Manny: And I suggest
you take a listen to even one of the songs on Craig’s album, because, I assure you, every single one of them
are AMAZING. And what do you know about music, anyway? You probably couldn’t
tell a guitar from a drum set!
(The girls stare blankly at
Manny: Um, yeah. Exactly
my point.
(Manny storms off.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Russ is walking down the hallways,
head to the ground, not talking to anyone. He stops when a guy calls out to him.)
Boy: Yo – yo –
hey, dude!
(Russ looks up, hopeful.)
Russ: What?
Boy: Is your sister
that freaky goth chick?
(Russ sighs and nods.)
Russ: Bailey. Yeah.
Boy: Dude, she’s
so weird! She never talks! And, swear to God, she growled at me the other day. Why is she like that?
(Russ shrugs and mutters an
Russ: Idunno.
Boy: That must really
suck for you, man.
(Russ shrugs as the boy walks
off. Looking down at the floor again, Russ continues to walk.)
[End of School]
[At School…]
(Liberty is printing something
out as JT stands behind her, watching her. Working up the courage to speak, he steps forward.)
JT: Um – hey Liberty.
(Liberty turns around. But
when she sees it’s JT, she spins back to the printer.)
Liberty: Hello, JT.
JT: How – how
has your day been?
(Liberty answers him, still
staring at the printer.)
Liberty: Pretty good,
actually. I’m running for re-election.
JT: That’s awesome.
Liberty: I think so.
JT: Do you need, like,
a campaign manager, or something? Because maybe I could –
Liberty: No thanks.
I’m fine!
(Liberty gathers her papers
and turns to face JT.)
Liberty: I’m going
to do this all on my own. Because, let’s face it JT, when you try to help, things only end in disaster. Or, the
(Smirking, Liberty leaves.
On her way out, she brushes past Russ McGee, who looks a bit embarrassed at what he just witnessed. He tries to leave, but
JT shrugs and follows him.)
JT: Girls, eh? Can’t
live with ‘em, can’t murder ‘em all in a mass genocide.
Russ: Uh, sorry, man.
About – whatever that was.
JT: That’s just
chapter 12 in the saga of JT and Liberty. It’ll all blow over soon.
(He pauses.)
JT: I hope.
Russ: What’d you
do to her?
JT: I, uh. Sort of…
got her pregnant.
(Russ winces.)
JT: And then…
sold drugs for money.
(Russ winces again.)
JT: And I capped it
all off with a suicide attempt.
Russ: No offense, but
she sort of has a right to hate you.
(JT sighs.)
JT: I’m aware.
(JT begins to walk out of the
MI Lab. He motions for a hesitant Russ to follow him.)
JT: Come on. You have
Kwan next, right?
(Russ nods.)
JT: Then walk. Tell
me about your life. A lot better than mine, I hope?
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Manny is sitting with Abby
and Emma in Mrs. Kwan’s class. Manny looks depressed.)
Manny: Everyone hates
Emma: No one hates it,
Manny. No one’s even heard it yet.
Manny: But those girls
Abby: Are morons.
Emma: Jealous morons.
Abby: And why wouldn’t
they be? Craig is hot, you are hot, and they’re just bitter.
Manny: Bitter people
complain. They’ll complain and complain until everyone hates it!
(Abby and Emma raise their
Emma: Craig was popular
here. People are going to buy his CD and like it just because they liked him.
Abby: And who really
cares about Degrassi, anyway? One little dot in the entire world – plenty of people will buy it. Craig’s an amazing
(Manny shrugs and nods, still
Manny: They still might
hate it, though.
Emma: Since when does
what other people think matter to you?
Manny: Since never.
(Manny pauses.)
Manny: It’s not
me I’m worried about – it’s Craig. People could say anything they want about me, but his music is his life.
This is his big break. I just – don’t want anyone else to ruin it.
Abby: It’ll be
fine, Manny. He’ll be fine. More than that, even – amazing. Fucking
amazing. I promise.
Emma: If those demos
he sent you are any clue, this CD will sell. It’s got to.
Manny: I just hope you
girls are right.
[End of Scene]
[At Lunch…]
(The ususal crowd has assembled
for lunch – JT, Abby, Emma, etc. Sans Liberty, as always.)
Emma: Is Liberty still
not sitting with us?
(JT grimaces and nods.)
Abby: Talk about harsh.
JT: She’s planning
her stupid presidental campaign. And I can’t help. Because I’m stupid. And all I can do in her eyes is deal drugs
and try to kill myself.
Peter: Not the best
resume, you’ve got to admit.
(JT shrugs.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Russ is sitting in the library,
doing work. Liberty walks in, balancing a stack of papers and books. She surveys the library – there aren’t any
open tables. Sighing, she walks up to Russ.)
Liberty: Um, excuse
(Russ looks up, a bit shocked.)
Russ: Yeah?
Liberty: Can I sit here?
Every other table is full…
Russ: Oh – um – yeah – of course.
(Russ scrambles to make room and shove his stuff out of the way as Liberty drops her pile on to the table.)
Russ: What’s all that for?
(Liberty sits down.)
Liberty: A biology essay rough draft, calculus problems, English vocab,
possible books for the book club I’m hosting, suggestions from the Degrassi suggestion box, and candidate forms.
Russ: Uh… wow. That’s a lot.
Liberty: It’s not that bad. You get used to it.
Russ: I don’t know if I could.
(Liberty shrugs and begins to sift through the pile. Russ goes back to his homework. Liberty stops and looks at
Liberty: Shouldn’t you be eating lunch right now?
(Russ looks up at her and raises an eyebrow.)
Russ: Shouldn’t you be eating lunch right now?
Liberty: I happen to have very important things to work on. Running for
class president is a very big job.
Russ: But – you have a place to sit in the caf, at least.
Liberty: And you don’t?
(Russ shrugs, his cheeks going pink.)
Russ: Not really.
Liberty: You could always sit with Emma and JT and that little posse.
They’re actually very welcoming.
Russ: If they’re so welcoming, why aren’t you with them?
Liberty: I’m currently at – uh – odds with JT. I don’t
enjoy being around him.
Russ: Oh, right, because of the drug baby thing?
(Liberty looks at him sharply.)
Liberty: He told you that?!
Russ: Uh, yeah.
Liberty: (bitterly,
to self) Another reason never to talk to him again.
Russ: I thought he seemed
sort of cool.
Liberty: You didn’t
know him last year.
(Russ shrugs.)
Russ: Yeah.
Liberty: So you have
no right to judge me on whether I should talk to JT or not.
(Russ, a little scared, nods
Russ: I, uh, I wasn’t
judging you.
Liberty: That’s
good. You’re not in the best place to judge right now, considering you have no friends.
Russ: I have friends!
(Liberty cocks an eyebrow and
looks at him blankly.)
Russ: Like… you?
(Liberty smiles.)
Liberty: Oh, so now
we’re friends.
Russ: Now that I need
some, yeah.
(Liberty rolls her eyes.)
Liberty: I’m flattered.
Russ: You should be.
(Liberty cracks a grin.)
Russ: So you really
think that JT and everyone would like me?
(Liberty sighs in exasperation.)
Liberty: Of course they
would. You sound like a fourth grader.
Russ: It’s just
– it’s hard to get into, like, life here. Everyone’s already got their friends and their hobbies and their
reputations. It sucks having to start over.
Liberty: Where’d
you move from?
Russ: Halifax. It’s
in –
Liberty: Nova Scotia.
Yeah, I know.
Russ: It was pretty
sweet there.
Liberty: It’s
not bad here, either.
Russ: I guess. I wouldn’t
really know.
Liberty: Well, you should
probably find out soon. Before you know it, we’ll be graduating.
(Russ nods, staring at his
paper. Liberty looks at him, a twinge of sadness on her face. Sighing, she stands up. She motions for him to do the same.)
Liberty: Come on.
Russ: What are you doing?
Liberty: Getting you
a social life. Get up!
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(The crowd’s eating lunch
when they spot Liberty dragging Russ into the cafetira.)
Manny: Look who it is!
JT: What’s she
doing with Russ?
(The table watches as Liberty
leads Russ over to the table. Looking vaguely annoyed, she introduces him.)
Liberty: Everyone, this
is Russ. Russ, this is Sean – Abby – Manny – JT – Emma – Peter –
Russ: Um, hey, guys.
Peter: Isn’t your
sister that girl in the black?
(Sean snorts.)
Sean: The vampire?
(Russ turns red and nods.)
Liberty: Russ has been
spending his lunch period in the library, too scared to make any friends, so I’ve brought him out into the light. Have
(Russ awkwardly sits down,
smiling. They smile back at him as Liberty begins to walk away.)
Abby: Yo, Liberty!
Emma: Where do
you think you’re going?
(Liberty turns around, jerking
her thumb over her shoulder.)
Liberty: Back to the
library – lots of work to do –
Manny: No. No! You’re
Abby: Get your butt
over here!
(Liberty smiles.)
Liberty: Fine. Okay.
Ten minutes. But only because I’m hungry!
(Liberty walks towards the
tables as everyone shifts to make room for her. JT awkwardly pats the seat next to him.)
JT: You can, uh, sit
here. You know. If you want.
(Liberty contemplates.)
Russ: Come on, Liberty.
You’re acting like a fourth grader.
(Liberty smiles.)
Liberty: Wouldn’t
want that.
(Liberty and Russ grin at each
other as Liberty sits next to JT, who looks slightly alarmed.)
JT: Wait – you
two have inside jokes already?
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Manny is walking down the
hall, holding one of Craig’s CDs. She sees a group of freshman girls and pounces.)
Manny: Um, hey guys,
what’s up? Nothing much? Going good? That’s awesome! Listen, I just wanted to tell you to take a look at the debut
album of Craig Manning. Did you know he actually went to Degrassi? How cool is that?! So, um, it’s really awesome,
and if you’d just listen to like his newest single, I’m sure you’d think –
[CUT TO: Liberty walking by,
holding a stack of papers. She walks into the MI lab and up to Mr. Simpson, grinning smugly as she hands him the papers.]
Liberty: Here they are,
Mr. Simpson. Right on time. My application, my resume, my platform –
(Mr. Simpson skims through
the papers.)
Mr. Simpson: Excellent,
Liberty. Everything seems to be in order. That is, except…
Liberty: (concerned)
What? What’s wrong?
Mr. Simpson: Who’s
your vice?
Liberty: My what?
Mr. Simpson: Your Vice
President. You have to have one in order to run.
Liberty: Oh… oh.
Mr. Simpson: Find one
by the end of the day and you’ll be fine. Just rope one of your friends into it. Should be easy enough.
(Liberty raises her eyebrows.)
Liberty: I sure hope
so, sir.
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(The bell rings at the end
of the next period. Liberty jumps up as the rest of her class gathers their things and talk. She races out of the room and
spots Emma down the hall talking to Peter. Rushing over, she puts on her brightest smile.)
Liberty: Why, hello,
Emma! Peter!
Emma: Hey, Liberty!
Peter: Hi.
Liberty: Listen, Emma,
I have a proposition for you…
(Emma begins to look suspicious.)
Emma: What?
Liberty: You know how
I’m running for president?
Emma: Yeah…
Liberty: And Mr. Simpson
says I need to find a Vice President. A second-in-command, if you will.
Emma: What – you
want me to be it?
Liberty: You wouldn’t
have to do much work – just be a figurehead – you know, that sort of thing – practically no responsibilty
whatsoever –
Emma: No! No! Liberty,
I’m sorry, but I don’t think I could handle it. I’m not good at leading things.
Liberty: But, Emma,
can’t you see – yes, you are! You headed SITE for over a year, organized all those protests –
Emma: Yeah, well, I’ve
grown up. And stopped caring. So, um, no. Sorry.
(Liberty sighs and turns to
Peter, who glares.)
Peter: Don’t even
think it.
[CUT TO: Abby sitting with
JT in a classroom]
Abby: Sorry, Liberty,
but I’m already really busy. I’ve got, you know, yearbook and The Dot and college apps and lots of other stuff,
so I don’t think I can really handle anything more right now.
Liberty: Think of your
college applications! Admissions officers love leaders!
Abby: I’m really
(JT looks hopeful.)
JT: Maybe I could –
Liberty: No!
[CUT TO: Manny and Spinner
in the foyer.]
Manny: I’m not
good at organization. You wouldn’t want me.
Spinner: I – uh
– I don’t like people.
[CUT TO: Toby sitting with
Bailey in the cafetiria.]
Toby: I don’t
care if I was your Vice last year – I have more important stuff to do.
[CUT TO: Liberty sitting on
the ground, back up against her locker, slumped over.]
Liberty: I failed. I’m
such a failure.
(Russ, who has a locker near
her, goes open it. He sees Liberty and stops, watching her.)
Russ: What are you doing?
Liberty: Contemplating
what a failure I am.
(Curious, Russ slides down
next to her.)
Russ: You’re not
a failure.
Liberty: I disagree.
Russ: You’re running
for president. Failures don’t run for president.
Liberty: I’m not
running. I’m out of the race.
Russ: Why?
Liberty: I need a Vice
President to run. I don’t have a Vice.
Russ: What about JT?
Liberty: JT is not cut
out for politics. Or responsibility.
Russ: Mhm.
(There’s a pause as Russ
Russ: What would your
Vice have to do?
Liberty: Not too
much. Just support me – help with school functions – come to all the Student Council meetings – that
sort of thing. Nothing major.
(Russ and Liberty glance at
each other. Liberty looks suspicious.)
Liberty: Why?
Russ: Maybe –
maybe I could – maybe I could do it. You know, if it’s not that hard.
Liberty: You’re
Russ: No. That is –
if you want me.
Liberty: Yes! Of course!
Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me –
To the school – thank
Russ: Might as well
get involved, right?
(Russ smiles as Liberty jumps
up, grinning.)
Liberty: I’ve
got to go tell Mr. Simpson – thank you, thank you, thank you!
(Liberty dashes off as Russ
sits, smiling.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(The next morning, Manny and
Emma climb out of their car and begin walking up the steps. Manny is holding a magazine and they’re both smiling. JT
sees them and catches up to them.)
JT: You two are in a
good mood today.
(Manny shoves the magazine
into JT’s arms. He squints at it and reads it aloud.)
JT: “And Craig
Manning’s debut CD, What I Know, has sold over 200,000 copies on its first day in stores, which is a promising
start for the young guitarist.’”(JT smiles and hands the magazine back to Manny, who clutches it to her heart.)
JT: Who would have thought
our little Craig would actually have hit it big? To think we knew him when he was just doing carwashes and weddings –
Manny: I know! It’s
so awesome! He’s so awesome! I can barely think right now, I’m so happy!
Emma: His first music
video premieres next week, so he’s going to get even bigger.
(Manny and Emma squeal; the
three friends walk into the front hall of Degrassi. Russ, holding a stack of fliers, walks up and hands them each one.)
Russ: Hey, guys. Vote
for us?
Emma: You’re running
with Liberty?
Russ: Yep. She was desperate
for a Vice and I was desperate for a life.
Manny: Of course we’ll
vote for you! You’ll do a great job.
(Russ grins. JT looks angry.)
Russ: That’s great!
Okay, I got to go pass out more of these – see you later!
(Emma and Manny wave goodbye
as Russ scampers off. JT glares. The three continue to walk down the hall. They pass a “LIBERTY AND RUSS!” poster.)
JT: So, that new kid.
Emma: Russ?
JT: Do you like him?
(Emma and Manny look at each
other and shrug.)
Manny: Seems nice. Why?
JT: I think he’s
Emma: He’s a hell
of a lot better than his sister!
(Manny grimaces.)
Manny: Oh, the one who
stole Toby? Yeah, Em’s right – she’s the weird one.
Emma: Why don’t
you like Russ?
JT: He seems…
Manny: Yeah –
but how?
(JT shrugs.)
JT: He’s totally
jumping on Liberty, too. Randomly offering to be her Vice President like that – he’s practically stalking her
Manny: Oh!
Emma: Now I get
JT: What – what?
Emma: You’re jealous
that Liberty likes him.
Manny: And that she
totally rejected you and picked him.
JT: Why didn’t
she want me, anyway? I’m trying –
Manny: She’s still
pissed at you, JT. Give her a break. You totally messed up.
JT: I know, but I –
Emma: You’ve got
to earn her trust back. It just might take a while.
(JT groans.)
JT: Fine. Fine. But
that doesn’t mean I have to like Russ.
[CUT TO: Russ taping up a huge
Liberty-Russ poster. Bailey walks by with Toby in tow. She takes one look at the poster and snorts.]
Bailey: Way to go, Mr.
Overachiever. Another line to add to your resume, eh?
Russ: I’m just
helping out a friend, Bailey.
Bailey: You? Friends?
Good one.
Russ: Hey! I made some
– Liberty – JT – Peter – Tim –
(Bailey turns to Toby, who
begins to tick the people off on his fingers.)
Toby: Socially retarded whore. Tragically unendowed loser. Perverted freak with daddy issues. Fruity faggot.
(Russ clenches his jaw.)
Russ: Whatever.
Bailey: You’re
really pathetic, hanging out with that sort of lame –
(Russ’s expression hardens.)
Russ: Don’t talk
to me, Bailey.
Bailey: I’ll talk
to you if I feel like it!
Russ: It’s not
like you ever talk to anyone but Toby, anyway.
Bailey: Maybe if you
realized what shallow morons you’re claiming as friends –
(Russ clenches his fists. Angry,
he leans in towards Bailey and looks her straight in the eye.)
Russ: You have no right
to judge me on how I’m dealing with being uprooted my senior year and planted in some random school. No. Right.
If it wasn’t for you being shoved into my life, I never would have had to move to Toronto and go through this. You don’t
get to call me lame – or a poser – or anything. You don’t get to fucking judge me.
(Bailey’s mouth opens
in shock.)
Russ: I tried to be
nice. I tried to be welcoming. But you just hit and kicked and fought and pushed me and Dad further and further away. I’m
sick of putting up with you and all your freaky style and your lack of social skills and your fucking negativity. I’m
trying really, really hard to fit in around here and being the brother of the scary goth girl is not helping.
Bailey: Then stop talking
to me!
Russ: I will!
(Bailey stalks off, Toby following.
They continue to shout at each other.)
Bailey: Don’t
expect me home tonight!
Russ: I wasn’t
counting on it!
(Russ angrily turns back to
his poster, which falls to the ground. Frustrated, he picks it up and struggles to tape it back up. Liberty, out of nowhere,
comes up behind him and places a hand on it so he can properly hang it up. He finishes and shoots a grateful grin at Liberty.)
Russ: Thanks.
Liberty: No problem.
I owe you, anyway.
Russ: Hey, you found
me friends. I think we’re even.
(Liberty smiles and holds out
another poster.)
Liberty: Want me to
help you with this one?
Russ: Sure. Sure. I’d
like that.
(Russ smiles.)