[At School…]
(Toby’s down the hall
with Bailey. They reach his locker to find a bright pink poster taped on it. The posters line the halls. Toby picks it up
and skims it.)
Toby: Party tonight
at Heather Sinclaire’s – 70 Maplewood Drive – eight to whenever – bee-yob? Huh?
(Bailey leans over Toby’s
shoulder to look at the poster.)
Bailey: B-Y-O-B? Bring your own booze, retard.
Toby: Oh – oh
– right. Duh.
(Bailey rolls her eyes as she
grabs the paper from Toby’s hand.)
Bailey: This party looks
utterly lame.
Toby: Yeah, I guess.
Bailey: A bunch of whores
gyrating while drunken idiots drool at them?
Toby: It’s not
like we’re invited.
(Bailey rolls her eyes and
rips the poster in half, letting the pieces drop to the floor. She notices Toby watch them a bit sadly as they fall and grabs
his hand.)
Bailey: Besides, we
have cooler plans tonight, anyway.
(She smiles at him, he gives
a small smile back. They continue to walk off, holding hands.)
[CUT TO: JT and Peter at their
lockers across the hall. JT is watching Toby in slight horror.]
JT: Toby finally
gets some – and it’s a vampire.
Peter: (laughing) His
sexiness is too much for mere mortals.
JT: You know, this is
the longest we have gone without talking since – since we met.
(Peter shrugs and slings his
bag over his shoulder.)
Peter: Sucks to loose
your best friend like that.
JT: Yeah.
(Peter plucks a poster off
his locker.)
Peter: Party tonight
– get your mind off him?
JT: Awesome. (Pause.)
Do you know if Liberty’s going?
Peter: (nodding) Yeah.
With Russ. (air quotes) As friends.
(JT grimaces as he and Peter
head toward class.)
JT: I hate that
Peter: You only hate
him because –
JT: Yeah, yeah, because
he’s likethis – (holds thumb and forefinger a millimeter apart) –with Liberty. That’s what everyone
thinks. But it’s more than that – he just skeeves me out.
Peter: Okay, dude.
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Sean’s sitting at a
desk in math, listening to music. Emma comes up behind him, taps him on the shoulder, and sits down next to him, putting a
party poster on his desk.)
Emma: Party at Heather’s
tonight. You going?
(Sean looks at the poster and
shrugs. He glances at Abby quickly, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Emma.)
Emma: You can’t
plan out your life around avoiding her, Sean. I mean, she’s in like four of your classes.
Sean: (shrugging) I
Emma: And it’s
not like you’ll have to talk to her. It’s gonna be huge – the entire school is going, practically.
(Sean nods.)
Emma: Besides, I thought
we could – maybe – go together.
(Sean slowly smiles and turns
to look at the flyer.)
Sean: What time?
(Emma grins.)
[End of Scene]
[At School…]
(Spinner and Jimmy are outside
the MI lab, peering through the glass wall. Darcy’s at a computer inside.)
Spinner: Go on, dude,
do it!
Jimmy: You’ve
got to be kidding.
Spinner: Please, man.
Jimmy: You’re
so pathetic, it’s laughable.
Spinner: Then laugh
and go ask her – please?
(Spinner attempts a sad puppy
dog face.)
Jimmy: Fine. Fine. Just
so you’ll stop making that face. It’s sort of scaring me.
(Spinner grins as Jimmy grudgingly
rolls into the lab. He fakes heading towards a computer, then nonchalantly stops to talk to Darcy.)
Jimmy: Oh – hey,
Darcy! I haven’t talked to you in a while. How have things been going?
(Darcy turns in her computer
chair to face Jimmy.)
Darcy: Pretty crappy.
Jimmy: Good, actually.
(Awkward pause.)
Jimmy: Still doing Friendship
Club and all that?
Darcy: Eh, not really.
Jimmy: Oh – that’s
Jimmy: So, uh, you going
to Heather’s party tonight?
(Darcy raises an eyebrow skeptically.)
Darcy: I don’t
know. Why?
(Jimmy attempts to cover as
she turns to look into the foyer.)
Jimmy: Because, you
know – it’d be fun – and you could probably use some fun in your life after everything that’s been
going on – you know – uh –
(Spinner is standing near the
MI lab, pretending to not be watching every move Darcy and Jimmy are making. Darcy rolls her eyes and stands up.)
Darcy: Next time, Jimmy,
tell Spinner if he wants to stalk me, he should have the balls to do it himself.
(She turns to leave, the door
closing with a slam. Jimmy calls after her.)
Jimmy: So I’ll
see you there?
(Spinner turns to Jimmy and
flashes him a thumbs up. Jimmy rolls his eyes as he wheels out of the MI Lab.)
[End of Scene]
[After School…]
(School’s ended and kids
are flooding out the front doors of Degrassi, Abby included. Her nose is shoved in a book as she stumbles down the front steps
and over towards her car. A few seconds later, Manny scrambles out of the front doors, spots Abby, and chases her down the
steps. She reaches her just as Abby’s climbing into the front seat.)
Manny: Where are you
Abby: Home.
Manny: Do you have anything
planned for tonight?
Abby: Hmm. Taking solace
in junk food, hanging with my fourteen-year-old sister, or something equally cool.
(Abby goes to close the car
door, but Manny stops her and pulls it open.)
Manny: Actually, no.
(Abby groans.)
Abby: Do you have another
girls’ night or whatever planned? Because if you do, I’d just like to remind you what our last girls night
led to –
Manny: No, no, not that.
The other tried-and-true method of getting over a stupid boy.
(Abby pretends to think.)
Abby: Cyanide?
(Manny gasps and hits Abby.)
Manny: Don’t make
me report you to Mrs. Sauve!
Abby: Okay – okay
– I’ll play along. What do you have planned tonight, Manny?
Manny: We’re going
to Heather Sinclaire’s party.
(Abby groans.)
Abby: Isn’t Craig
coming up tonight? Shouldn’t you be doing him or something?
Manny: (quietly) Craig
couldn’t make it.
Abby: Oh, I’m
Manny: Nah, it’s
fine. Very time consuming – being a rock star and everything.
Abby: He’ll come
home soon.
(Manny sighs and puts on a
bright smile.)
Manny: Parties aren’t
fun when you’ve got a boyfriend, anyway. Which is why you’re lucky.
Abby: (sarcastically)
Yeah. Lucky.
Manny: I’m only
going to cheer you on. You know, when you have all the guys lining up to dance with you?
(Abby snorts. Manny puts her
hands up in prayer and leans into the car, sticking out her lower lip. Abby sighs.)
Abby: Get in the car.
(Manny squeals and jumps up,
running around to the other door.)
Manny: I can totally
do your makeup and you’re going to look totally hot –
(Abby swings her door shut,
closing her eyes as Manny continues to babble.)
Abby: This is going
to be a long night.
[End of Scene]
[At Bailey’s House…]
(Bailey and Toby are holed
up in her room. Bailey’s sliding a CD out of her stereo.)
Bailey: Shit, I can’t
find my Marylin Manson CD –
Toby: Which one? Because
Personal Jesus is in your CD rack in the H.I.M. case and The Genisis of the Devil is under your bed near your
(Bailey cocks an eyebrow and
lifts her bedsheets, revealing a CD lying near an old notebook. She grabs it and stand back up, grinning.)
Bailey: What would I
do without you, Isaacs?
(Bailey kisses him on the cheek
and begins digging around for matches. Toby grins.)
Toby: Probably die.
Bailey: (laughing) You
never know.
(Bailey is about to slide the
CD in when she checks her watch.)
Bailey: Oh – shit
– it’s quarter of nine. We’re meeting NV at The Foggy Mirror in a half hour.
Toby: (getting up) Killer.
Let’s go. You sure you can get the car?
(Bailey waves him off as they
walk into the hallway.)
Bailey: I can get whatever
I want.
(They walk down the hallway
and into the living room, where Mr. McGee is sitting, reading a book.)
Bailey: Um. Paul?
Paul: Oh – yes,
Bailey, dear?
Bailey: I need the keys.
Paul: Where are you
two going?
Bailey: Whatever. I
need the keys.
Paul: Sorry, but Russ
already claimed the car an hour ago.
(As if summoned, Russ walks
out of his room, twirling the keys around his finger. Bailey glares.)
Bailey: Since when do
you even have a life?
Russ: Since I got invited
to Heather Sinclaire’s party tonight.
Bailey: Those weren’t
invites. They were flyers all over the school. Toby and I could go if we wanted.
Russ: Hah. Sure. Like
they’d let you in.
Paul: I’m sure
Russ can give you a ride wherever you’re going.
Bailey: I don’t
understand why Russ can’t just walk.
Russ: Since Russ doesn’t
feel like walking four miles.
Bailey: But Toby and
I –
Russ: Can sit in the
(Russ smirks and heads for
the door. Toby, shrugging, follows him as Bailey stomps after.)
Bailey: I can’t
believe this. I can’t fucking believe this. All I fucking want is the fucking car and –
Toby: Bailey, chill.
It’s not that big a deal.
Bailey: Russ gets whatever
the fuck he wants and I’m left with the fucking scraps and leftovers –
(They reach the car. Russ climbs
into the front seat as Bailey and Toby scramble into the back, Bailey still muttering angrily to herself.)
Russ: So, where to,
(Bailey, clutching her bag
to her chest, turns to Toby, eyes wide.)
Toby: Uh… just
take us to, uh – whats the address again, uh, Bailey - ?
Bailey: The Foggy Mirror.
Russ: Oh, sweet, that’s
on the way to Liberty’s! I can pick her up, drop you off, and then we can go to the party.
Toby: Oh. Great. Liberty.
Bailey: (hushed whisper
to Toby) Why couldn’t he just give us the car?!?!
(Russ hears, of course.)
Russ: You snooze, you
loose, Bailey.
Bailey: You never used
to be this godamn annoying. I mean, you were annoying, but never this –
Russ: Oh, look, Liberty’s
Toby: Awesome.
(Liberty comes running out
and jumps into the passengers seat.)
Liberty: Hey, Russ!
Right on time.
Russ: I try. What’s
Liberty: Nothing much,
just – OH MY GOD!
(Liberty grabs the rearview
mirror to check herself out, and sees Bailey and Toby in the backseat. She jumps, clutching her heart.)
Bailey: Nice to see you, too.
Liberty: Oh, oh, hey
– didn’t notice you two back there! You really scared me!
(She laughs awkwardly as Toby
and Bailey stare blankly at her. Smiling awkwardly, Liberty leans in towards Russ.)
Liberty: (whispering)
Are they coming?
Bailey: No need to fear
the freaks ruining your social status. We’re getting dropped off somewhere else.
Liberty: Oh, are you
going to a party, too?
(Bailey and Toby turn to each
Toby: Not exactly.
Bailey: You wouldn’t
Liberty: Oh, um. That
sounds interesting.
(The car screeches to a halt
in front of the café. Russ turns towards Bailey and Toby, obviously excited to be rid of them.)
Russ: We’re here!
Have fun, and don’t stay out too late!
Bailey: Fuck off.
(Bailey and Toby climb out
of the car. Russ turns to Liberty.)
Russ: I’m sorry
they’re so weird.
(They drive off, leaving Toby
and Bailey on the corner.)
Bailey: That was only
minorly painful.
Toby: Let’s go.
(They walk in.)
[End of Scene]
[At Abby’s House…]
(Manny and Abby come downstairs,
where the rest of the Pratts are getting ready for dinner.)
Nina: You two sure you
don’t want something to eat?
Manny: No thanks, Nina.
Abby: We won’t
be gone long, anyway.
(Manny sighs and shakes her
Manny: I wouldn’t listen to her. We’re going to be partying all night long!
(Abby rolls her eyes as Manny strikes a pose. Robby lauhgs.)
Robby: Just don’t party too hard, okay?
Abby: We know the drill.
Manny: No drinking, no drugs, no (finger quotes) ‘innapropriate
activities’ –
Morgan: Where is the party?
Manny: Heather Sinclaire’s.
Morgan: I thought you didn’t like her.
Abby: We don’t.
Manny: She’s a total ho.
Morgan: Then why go to her party?
Abby: Heather is the product of a very messy, very public divorce that
left her with too much money and too much space.
(Manny puts her hand to her heart.)
Manny: Parties are the only thing that fill the void.
(Manny and Abby laugh as they head towards the front door.)
Manny: Bye!
Abby: See you later!
[CUT TO: Abby and Manny walking up the front steps of Heather’s house. The door is wide open. They walk into
the front hall to find kids hanging out, talking, and laughing. They spot Spinner.)
Spinner: Manny! Abby! Hey! Have you seen Darcy at all?
Manny: We just got here.
Abby: She’ll come. What else is there to do tonight?
Manny: It’s not like she can stay home and read the Bible all
the time.
(Spinner raises his eyebrows, Manny shrugs sheepishly.)
Manny: She called me the school’s biggest slut. I am totally allowed
to hate her.
Spinner: Just tell me if you see her.
Abby: No prob.
Spinner: Oh – and take these.
(Spinner pulls his keys out of his pocket and hands them to Abby.)
Spinner: Don’t know how much I’m going to be drinking tonight.
Manny: How responsible of you, Spin.
(Spinner shrugs and grins.)
Spinner: All those health classes finally got to me.
(Spinner walks off as Abby drops the keys into her pocket. There’s a keg in the corner, Abby sees it and
makes a beeline for it. Manny follows her.)
Manny: You’re
Abby: It’s the only thing that might make this night fun.
Manny: Just –
Abby: I’m not
going to be stupid. I know my limits.
(Abby begins pumping as Manny
Abby: You want any?
Manny: Last time I got
wasted, my boobs went public. I’m good.
(Abby nods and stands up, gulping
down her beer.)
Abby: Come on, let’s
(Manny smiles at her. They
hook arms and walk off into the party.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Sean and Emma are holding
hands and mingling.)
Emma: (whisper) See
– this isn’t so bad, is it?
(Sean shrugs. Jay sees them
from behind and walks up to them, putting his arm around Sean’s neck.)
Jay: Sean! Buddy! What’s up?
Sean: Jay! Hey! Didn’t expect to see you here.
Jay: I work in mysterious ways, my friend.
(Jay finally takes notice of Emma, who’s standing next to Sean.)
Jay: Yo – dude – same hair, different chick –
Sean: It’s Emma, man.
Jay: Greenpeace? Good
to see you!
(Jay hugs Emma, who awkwardly hugs him back.)
Jay: Wait – so where’s Honor Roll?
Sean: Honor Roll’s gone, Jay.
Jay: You two broke up?
Man, I’m missing all the good gossip!
Sean: A couple days
Jay: What’d you do?
Sean: She kissed
someone else.
(Jay stares blankly at Sean.)
Jay: And…?
Sean: And nothing. That’s it.
Jay: Okay. Right. Sometimes I forget that’s not as big a deal to
me as it is to everyone else.
Emma: You haven’t changed, Jay.
(Jay grins and takes a gulp of beer.)
Jay: Never will.
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Peter and JT are in the backyard, dangling their feet in the pool.)
JT: Well, this is fun.
Peter: Dude. We need friends.
JT: You try finding them in this crowd.
Peter: Girlfriends. New girlfriends.
JT: Wouldn’t that be nice.
Peter: There are at least fifty smokin’ girls within, like, ten
feet of us. Why aren’t we at least trying?
(JT looks at the crowd of kids behind them, and turns to Peter.)
JT: You go ahead.
(Peter looks to the crowd, and then turns back to the pool, pouting.)
Peter: I don’t feel like it.
JT: Okay then.
JT: This is going to be a fun night.
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Abby and Manny are dancing – Abby’s a little bit tipsy. She looks over and sees Sean, who’s
dancing with Emma on the other side of the room. She then turns and sees Derek sitting alone on a couch against the wall.
Eyes lighting up, she grabs Manny’s hand and begins leading her towards him.)
Manny: Hey! I was getting my groove on!
Abby: Look – he’s all alone!
Manny: Who? (Turns to look; turns to Abby incredously.) Derek?
Abby: Doesn’t he look sad?
Manny: A little – but since when do you care?
Abby: I just don’t want him to look sad. Come on.
Manny: (shaking her head) I have a feeling she’s going to regret
(They push their way through the people dancing and Abby stumbles towards Derek. She plops down onto the couch
next to him, smiling. Manny sits down primly next to her, looking embarrassed.)
Abby: Hey, Derek!
Derek: Uh, hey, Abby – Manny.
(Manny’s pulled out her cell phone and’s checking for messages.)
Manny: Heyy.
Abby: So what’s up? Where’s Danny?
Manny: You two are practically joined at the hip.
Derek: He’s off dancing with some girl. I lost him like a half
hour ago.
Abby: And you’ve just been sitting all alone since then?
(Derek shrugs, turns red, and nods.)
Abby: Aww! Poor Derek!
(Abby grabs Derek’s hand and pulls him up.)
Abby: Come on. Dance with me.
Derek: Uh – what?
Abby: Dance with me! Come on!
(Derek looks to Manny, who shrugs. Grinning, Derek nods.)
Derek: Oh, okay. I guess I’ll –
Abby: Let’s go!
(Abby drags Derek out to the place where people are dancing. From her spot on the couch, Manny is listening to
her voicemail and shaking her head.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(JT and Peter wander inside from the backyard, looking for friends. They spot Tim, Liberty, and Russ, and walk
JT: Hey, guys!
Peter: We’ve been looking for people we knew for, like, an hour.
Russ: Hey.
Tim: Hey, JT – Peter!
Liberty: Glad you could come.
(JT cocks an eyebrow.)
JT: Really?
(Liberty smiles and nods.)
JT: Awesome.
Peter: The truth? This
isn’t that much fun.
JT: Party of the year,
my ass.
Tim: That’s because
all you’re doing is talking. You have to make your own fun.
Russ: You sound like
a self-help book.
(Tim shrugs.)
Tim: It’s just
what I think.
JT: So, uh, Liberty,
do you want to dance?
(Liberty thinks for a second.)
Liberty: Okay.
(JT hadn’t expected this.
He does a double-take, eyes wide.)
JT: Really?
Liberty: Why not? Might
as well make my own fun, right?
JT: Yeah – yeah
– of course.
(Liberty grabs his hand and
pulls a grinning JT towards the music.)
Peter: Well, we all
knew that was going to happen.
Russ: We all knew what
was going to happen?
Peter: JT-Liberty reunion.
Russ: What? They’re
not – reunited – why would they be reunited? All they’re doing is dancing –
(Tim and Peter look to each
Tim: I smell bad blood.
Peter: Outside?
Tim: Sounds good.
(They walk off, leaving Russ
to watch JT and Liberty, slightly bewildered and hurt.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Darcy, looking a bit grossed out, is walking through the front door and into the party. Grimacing slightly, she
makes her way across the room and towards the kitchen. Spinner, drinking a beer and chatting with some people, sees her. Pushing
his way across the room, he catches up to her, calling her name.)
Spinner: Darcy! Darcy! Hey – you came!
Darcy: Uh, yeah, Spin.
Spinner: What’s up?
Darcy: Nothing..
Spinner: Have you heard from –
Darcy: No.
Spinner: Oh. I’m sure you’ll –
Darcy: Whatever.
(Darcy rolls her eyes and turns around, headed towards the kitchen. Spinner follows her.)
Spinner: I was wondering if maybe we could, you know –
(He burps. Darcy grimaces.)
Darcy: Um. Ew?
(Spinner takes another gulp of beer.)
Spinner: I love you, okay?
Darcy: Shut up, Spinner.
Spinner: But, Darce –
Darcy: Take a hint – for once in your life – and leave
me alone.
(Darcy turns around and disapears into the crowd of people. Spinner stands, watching, his face a mix of hurt and
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Derek and Abby are at a table lined with snacks, eating and laughing.)
Abby: You’re actually not a bad dancer.
Derek: What? Did you expect me to suck?
Abby: (grinning) A little.
Derek: Yeah, well, I proved you wrong, didn’t I?
Abby: Yeah. You did.
(Derek goes to grab some chips; so does Abby. Their hands brush in the bowl. Derek clears his throat awkwardly.)
Derek: So, um…
(Abby smiles impishly.)
Abby: Do you want to go outside? To, you know, talk?
Derek: Yeah – yeah. Okay.
(Abby grabs Derek’s arm and leads him out the front door.)
[CUT TO: Sean watching from across the room, eyes furious. He turns to Emma, who’s talking to someone next
to him.]
Sean: Let’s go.
Emma: What?
Sean: We’re leaving.
Emma: But – Sean – I thought you were having –
Sean: Are you coming, or what?
(Emma looks to her friends, who shrug. Nodding, she follows Sean.)
Emma: Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.
(She follows him out the front door.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Peter and Tim are sitting at a table full of people, talking and laughing. Tim reaches up to his head and realizes
something’s missing. He gets up.)
Peter: Hey, where are you going? We finally found something to do.
Tim: My hat. I lost my hat. I left it inside somewhere.
Peter: Why don’t you just go find it later?
Tim: It’s my favorite hat! Someone’s probably – puked
on it by now!
(Peter sighs and gets up, saying goodbye to the others.)
Peter: I’ll help you find it.
Tim: Thanks.
(They head towards the back door.)
Peter: Where do you think you left it?
Tim: Uh – inside?
Peter: This is going to take a while.
[CUT TO: Peter and Tim searching through a messy bedroom.]
Peter: Why were you even in here, anyway?
Tim: I was hanging out with a couple people earlier. The music was giving
us headaches, so we were talking in here. I took off my hat because it got hot, and left it here. I swear.
(Tim sighs and sits on the bed.)
Tim: At least, I think so.
plops down next to him.)
Peter: Don’t worry, man. You’ll find it.
Tim: It was my favorite hat.
Peter: It was a pretty sweet hat.
(Tim smiles.)
Tim: I heard about you and Emma.
(Peter sighs and lies down.)
Peter: Everyone has by now.
Tim: What happened with you two?
Peter: (sheepishly) She wouldn’t sleep with me.
Tim: And you dumped her?
Peter: I know, I know. Ass.
Tim: I thought you loved her.
(Peter shrugs.)
Peter: Not really. If I had, I wouldn’t have dumped her over sex.
Tim: That’s true.
Peter: I was just – so obsessed with finally getting some. I let
it overtake me.
Peter: I guess that does make me an ass.
Tim: Nah. You’re not an ass.
(Peter sits back up.)
Peter: Everyone else thinks so.
Tim: (quietly) I don’t.
(They stare at each other for a moment, then slowly lean in. They kiss.)
[End of Scene]
[At the Party…]
(Darcy’s at a counter in the kitchen, chin in hand, looking bored. Jay, still drinking, sees her and plops
down next to her.)
Jay: You don’t look like you’re having much fun.
Darcy: That’s because I’m not.
Jay: And why is that?
Darcy: None of my old friends are here, and I don’t exactly feel
like making any new ones – (she looks around, surveying the drunk teenagers in disgust) – especially considering
most of them won’t remember me tommorrow.
Jay: I’m surprised none of your Jesus buddies came out to party
Darcy: They’re not the party hardy type.
Jay: Never noticed.
(Darcy and Jay smile.)
Jay: Where’s the future pope? I thought he couldn’t stand
more than five seconds away from you.
Darcy: Spinner and I’ve been over since last June.
(Jay raises an eyebrow.)
Darcy: He lied about being a virgin and slept with Paige.
Jay: (snorting) He told you he was a virgin? What idiot would
believe –
(Darcy glares; Jay shuts up.)
Jay: I can’t say I’m not surprised. Spinner isn’t cut
out for the celibate Christian life.
Darcy: He’s still in Friendship Club. I’m the one who quit.
Jay: You quit on Jesus? (laughs) You’re so going to hell now.
Darcy: Whatever.
Jay: You’re not joking!
Darcy: Would I joke about God?
Jay: Apparently not.
(Darcy sighs and puts her hand on the counter. Jay covers it with his own.)
Jay: Since you’re not a nun anymore, maybe we could go somewhere
more… private?
(Darcy’s eyes widen as she stares at Jay’s hand.)
[End of Scene]
[At the Party…]
(Spinner is at the door of the kitchen, watching Darcy and Jay get up and leave the room together. Jaw set, he
stumbles in the oppisite direction into the living room and collapses on to a couch next to Manny, who’s on the phone
with Craig.)
Manny: Wait – sorry – I can’t hear you! Maybe I should
go outside – the music’s too loud – (she sees Spin and covers the phone with her hand) – hey, Spin!
What’s the matter?
(Spinner stumbles over his words, obviously wasted.)
Spinner: Where’s – where’s – where’s Abby?
Manny: Last time I saw her she was headed outside with Derek.
Spinner: Yo, t-thanks.
(Spinner gets up and slowly makes his way towards the front door. Manny shrugs and goes back to her phone conversation.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Abby and Derek are making out outside the house when Spinner stumbles out the front door and over to them.)
Spinner: Abby – Abby –
(Abby pulls away from Derek.)
Abby: Mhm?
Spinner: My keys – I need my keys – I got to get h-home –
and t-think about stuff –
Abby: Oh, um, okay.
(Abby begins searching her pockets.)
Abby: Um, what did I do with them? Uh – nope – nope –
(Abby pulls the keys out and hands them over to Spinner.)
Abby: Talk to you later.
Spinner: Thanks. Bye.
(Spinner staggers towards his car. He drops the keys, but manages to find them in the dark. Picking them up, he
pulls the door open and climbs in.)
[End of Scene]
[At The Party…]
(Darcy’s sitting on a bed in a dark room. Jay closes the door and sits down next to her.)
Darcy: I’ve – I’ve never done this before.
Jay: It’s okay.
(Darcy attempts to protest, but Jay just quiets her.)
Jay: Shh, shh. It’s fine. I know what I’m doing.
(They begin kissing and lie down.)
[End of Scene]
[In Spinner’s Car…]
(Spinner’s fumbling with his cell phone as he drives. With only one hand on the wheel, he flips it open and
presses some numbers. It’s on speaker, so we hear the phone ringing and the machine pick it up.)
Darcy’s Answering Machine: Um, hey. You’ve reached Darcy
Edwards at 523-9248. Leave me a message after the beep, and I’ll call you back when I can. Okay, thanks, bye!
Spinner: Darcy – right now, you’re – you’re with
Jay – I c-can’t believe it, Darce – Darce, you were s-saving yourself till – (hiccup) – marriage,
Darcy, I love you –
(Spinner drops the phone. Swearing, he bends down to pick it up.)
Spinner: Damn it –
(The car swerves as he searches for his phone. There’s a loud honk. Spinner hears it and sits up, but by
the time he has both hands on the wheel, it’s too late. He collides with a SUV.)