was the first to wake up. He saw how peaceful Emma looked sleeping so he decided not to wake her up. Just as he was getting
out of bed the door bell rang. He rushed over to get it and found a very unhappy Ellie. Jay is just shocked that she even
came to his house. Jay had always hated Ellie and he figured she knew that but guess not.
this is an unexpected surprise,” Jay said cheerfully. “Yeah well I just came here to tell you about Emma and Sean,”
Jay looked confused. “Oh? What about them? Are they finally friends again or something? If that’s what you are
worried about then-“ Jay started but Ellie cut him off. “No that’s not it at all. I made a terrible mistake.
I went over to Emma’s yesterday after Sean and I fought. I told Emma a bunch of really mean things that caused us to
get into a fight and it was really over nothing. I was mad about Sean because I thought he still liked her and I went over
and told her to basically stay away from him,” Ellie started to say but then tears fell down her face. “Ellie?
Are you okay?” Jay asked in a concerned voice. “Yeah I’m fine. But Sean saw the fight and tried to break
it up. Emma said she still loved him and then she ran off. Sean and I were just left standing there and I think he basically
broke up with me. I love Sean so much Jay. And you are his best friend. Can you at least try to talk to him?” Ellie
pleaded as she whipped away the tears. “Sure Ellie,” Jay said and then started walking down the hall to his room
not knowing Ellie was following him. When Ellie went into his room she gasped. Jay turned around and saw Ellie looking at
Emma and knew he was in for it.
Ellie before you-“ Jay started saying but got cut off. “Jay what the hell? I know you and Alex broke up but it
doesn’t mean you can go sleeping around with random girls especially Emma. It’s Emma we are talking about here.
Emma fucking Nelson. She’s a slut. But then again you already know that. I mean she practically did it with you didn’t
she?” Ellie said angry at the fact that Emma was sleeping in Jay’s bed. “Didn’t she?” Ellie
said one last time. Surprisingly Emma didn’t wake up. But it was probably because she was tired. Or maybe she was awake
but didn’t want them to know that she was.
didn’t even bother arguing with Ellie. He wanted to let her make a fool of herself before he told her something important.
Finally after a few minutes of silence Jay spilled the terrible news.
look Emma is here because we got home really late last night. We got home late from the hospital,” Jay started to say.
“Okay? Well I know he is our teacher but just because Snake’s cancer came back or something doesn’t mean
you have to let her sleep in your bed with you in it as well,” Ellie said a little mad. “No Ellie you don’t
get it. We weren’t at the hospital for Mr. Simpson. We were at the hospital for Sean.” “What? What happened?
Is he okay?” Ellie said with tears streaming down her face. “He is okay for now. He has to stay in the hospital
for a while though. But if you want to know why he is there then you should ask him yourself. I didn’t even know. I’m
guessing the only people who knew where the doctors, his parents, and Emma.” “Emma? Emma knew? He can tell his
ex girlfriend but he can’t tell his current one? What’s wrong with that picture Jay?” Ellie said sounding
kind of depressed. “Emma and Sean have a past together Ellie. A big past. They have been through a lot and they are
finally becoming friends. That’s something they never were before. He probably trusts her more than us because of their
past. Don’t start thinking things because of something like this. I know it might hurt you because he trusts his ex
more than you but think about it Ellie. You used to cut and he probably thought you would again if you found out what was
wrong with him. In a way he was just protecting you. He obviously cares enough to do that,” Jay said. Ellie was still
crying but thought it was best for her to go. She made her way to the front door and said goodbye to Jay. Ellie slammed the
door which made Emma wake up.
about ten minutes of just sitting in Jay’s bed she got up and went to go find him. She walked into the living room to
find Jay watching some stupid cartoons and he looked like he was thinking really hard about something. Emma sat down next
to him and from there on there was about a ten minute silence.
you do know that me sleeping in the same bed as you last night doesn’t mean anything right?” Emma said. It took
Jay a few minutes to think about that. He didn’t know why though. “Emma I’m going to be honest with you.
After the whole ravine thing and Alex finding out about you I started thinking. And I realized I like you. I like you a lot
Emma. But to answer your question I know that us sleeping in the same bed meant nothing. It was just us being friends I guess,”
Jay said and then walked back to his room. Emma felt really bad. Jay let out all of his feelings for no reason. Emma decided
to go talk to him.
can we talk?” Emma said. “About what? Didn’t we just talk?” He said in a mean tone while putting something
away. “Jay look at me.” Emma sort of yelled. Jay stopped doing what he was doing and looked at her. “Jay
I do have feelings for you but only as a friend. Jay I love how you are always there for me. It may not always be the best
way to be there for me but you always are. You don’t know how much that means to me. Really you don’t,”
Emma said hoping he would believe her. “Alright Emma. I believe you okay but that still doesn’t change the fact
that I like you a lot. It’s going to be really hard to not attempt to do anything but I will try.” Emma smiled.
“Thanks Jay.” Then she kissed his cheek. Emma did it as a friendly type of thank you for understanding thing though.
“Don’t tempt me Nelson,” Jay started. Emma just laughed. “Well can we go back to my house so I can
get some clothes?” Emma asked. “Sure. And then do you want to head over to the hospital to see Sean?” Jay
knew that Emma still had feelings for Sean. He knew that even when Ellie came over but he just didn’t want to admit
it to her. And as much as he would hate to see Emma with Sean he knew it would be for the best. They would be happy. Well
they would be if Sean made it out of this thing alive.
ten minutes later both Emma and Jay got into his civic and drove to her house. Jay thought it would be best if he stayed in
the car. Emma just agreed because she wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Emma went inside and went to her
room to change into some clothes and then came back upstairs. When she did she saw her whole family sitting at the kitchen
didn’t wake you all when I came home did I?” Emma asked. “No sweetie. But where are you going?” Mrs.
Nelson asked. “I am going with Jay to the hospital to see Sean. Mom I am so scared. We were just talking and then he
got up to leave and he just collapsed. What if he-“ Mr. Simpson cut her off. “Emma no what ifs okay? I thought
I was going to die and look what happened to me. I am perfectly fine now. Sean is a strong boy he should be able to pull through
this,” Mr. Simpson said. “Sean doesn’t have what you had though. But I hope you are right. I really do.
I think I… I think I love him. I can’t lose him. I don’t think I could live if I lost him,” Emma said.
“Well just hang in there Em. Call us if you need anything,” Mrs. Nelson said. Emma just nodded and headed out
the door. Emma couldn’t believe that she just told her parents she thought she loved Sean. Was she crazy? Was she just
saying that because he was in the hospital or was she really truly in love with Sean Hope Cameron?
Jay and Emma get to the hospital they see Sean’s parents sleeping in the chairs. They try to walk past them without
waking them up but no such luck. Mrs. Cameron popped her head up and walked over to them. She saw that they were going towards
Sean’s room.
and Jay right?” Mrs. Cameron asked. They both just nodded. “Well Sean is doing a little better right now. We got
here a little while after you left the nurse said. I was hoping I could meet you both. When he was in Wasaga with us you two
were all he talked about,” she said with a smile. “Well you can go visit him if you want. It’s still a little
early and he might be sleeping but you can give it a try,” she said and then walked back over to her husband. She quickly
fell asleep again.
you should go first. I still need to think of what I am going to say to him,” Emma said. “What? It’s not
like he is going to die yet Emma,” Jay said and then quickly wished he could take it back. “Yet?” Emma said.
Her voice kind of cracked. Then she started to cry. “Emma I didn’t mean that. I will go first if you want me too.
But he will be fine Emma. I promise you. He is a strong kid.” With that said Jay walked into Sean’s hospital room.
He quietly closed the door and when he turned around he saw Sean’s eyes flick open.
I didn’t mean to wake you,” Jay said. “No it’s fine. I actually haven’t been able to go to sleep.
Just little naps here and there,” Sean said with a big yawn. “Oh. Well how are you doing? You look better,”
Jay said trying to make things a little more cheerful. “Sure if you think needles in my arms and a machine helping me
breath is better. Well then yeah I am doing great,” Sean said with a little bit of sarcasm. “Sean that’s
not funny,” Jay said with a serious face. “I don’t care. I am going to die in this shit hole anyway. I should
just make the best of it,” Sean said. Jay got angry. He hated when people said they were going to die. “Shut up,”
Jay sort of yelled. “What’s with you?” Sean asked confused. “Don’t say you are going to die.
You aren’t. You can’t Sean.” “Why not?” “Emma,” Jay said. “What about her?
She said it herself. She doesn’t know if she believes me or not. I told her I didn’t mean it when I told Ellie
I loved her and that I wasn’t over all. And all that she could say to me was that she needed time to fucking think if
she believes me or not,” Sean said getting a little angry. “Calm down Sean. But listen she was hysterically crying
the other night when we brought you here. Sean I think she really loves you. But I wouldn’t blame her if she had to
think things over. You hurt her a lot. I know part of that was because of me but you still hurt her. She needs time to regain
her trust for you,” Sean just laughed a little. “You act like you were with her the whole night. And she doesn’t
love me. She can’t love me. I’m just a bad kid who steals and breaks hearts. Who would want to love that?”
“Sean she loves you god damn it. And I was with her all night. It was too late for me to bring her to her house so she
came to mine. She is really scared. I think she is more scared than any of us combined. If that doesn’t prove that she
loves you then I don’t know what does,” Jay said in kind of an angry tone. He was so mad that Sean didn’t
believe that Emma loved him. Of course she did. After about five minutes of silence Sean spoke. “Where is Emma? Can
I see her? I need too. Jay please get her,” Sean said. He sounded a little sad. “Sure thing man.” Then Jay
walked out the door and got Emma. A few minutes later Emma came through the door. She looked like she was going to die. And
for a second Sean thought she was going to run out of his room crying.
come here,” Sean said as he saw her backing away from him a little. Emma slowly walked over to his bedside. “Sean
I’m so sorry.” Sean looked confused. “For what Emma?” “For this. If I had just told you the
truth then maybe you wouldn’t be in here. If I just told you that I…” She stopped. She didn’t know
why. Maybe she was scared that he didn’t feel the same even though he told her he did. He could have been lying or something.
She didn’t really know. “Told me that you what Em? And it’s not your fault I am in here. It was bound to
happen at one point or another so please don’t blame yourself,” Sean said. Emma didn’t speak. “I well
I uh well if I just told you that I love you,” Emma said kind of embarrassed. Sean didn’t say anything back so
she just got up. She thought he didn’t feel the same way. “Wait Emma,” Emma stopped and turned around. “I
love you too. I meant it when I said I didn’t really love Ellie and that I wasn’t over you. Emma I love you. And
I told you about this whole thing because I love you and I thought it would bring us closer. I figured if we got closer then
I could tell you my real feelings and I was hoping you would feel the same. But in some ways you pushed me away like you didn’t
want to know about this or that you were afraid of falling in love with me all over again or something.” “I know
and I’m sorry for that. I was just afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same back. But Sean I have never loved anyone
else in my life. You are the one for me. And that’s why I am scared. My dad told me not to say the what ifs thing but-“
Sean cut her off. “Then don’t. Let’s just take this one day at a time. You and me. One day at a time,”
Sean said making Emma smile. “I love you so much Sean,” Emma said with a yawn. “I love you too. More than
you will ever know. But tired much?” He said laughing a little. “Yeah I slept at Jay’s. Well actually he
slept. I kind of just sat there looking at the wall thinking about things.” “Oh. Well come sleep with me,”
Sean knew that came out wrong when Emma’s eyes bulged out. “I didn’t mean it like that.” “I
know,” she said with a smile on her face. “Well then come sleep in this crummy old hospital bed with me. I could
use the company. And I haven’t slept either. I couldn’t. I was thinking about you. So maybe you will help me sleep,”
Sean said. “And maybe you will help me,” she said as she climbed into his bed. About ten minutes later they were
both asleep in each other’s arms. A nurse came in to check on Sean and saw this. She decided not to wake him. She figured
he hadn’t been able to sleep much anyway and it was good that he was getting a chance to rest.
Chapter Twelve
four hours after they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms Sean woke up. He tried his best not to make big movements
so he wouldn’t wake Emma but that didn’t work. She woke up a few minutes after he did.
Em. Did I wake you?” Sean said. “No. But Sean-“ Emma started to say but was interrupted by Ellie coming
in the door. Emma quickly got off of the bed. “Sean I will talk to you later okay?” Emma said trying not to make
eye contact with Ellie. “Bye Em,” Sean said as she exited his room.
It was
very awkward for both Ellie and Sean. Sean had just been seen with Emma sleeping in his bed. And Ellie didn’t know what
to think. Maybe they really were broken up for good.
Sean said. “Sean I shouldn’t have came.” “No I’m glad you did. I need to tell you a few things.
But don’t get mad. Promise?” “Sure I guess,” Ellie said. “No I am serious. Ellie you have to
promise me you won’t cut. The reason I kept this whole sickness thing from you was because I wanted to protect you.
Now we may not be together anymore but I do care about you. I don’t want you to hurt yourself over this. Over me,”
Sean said. “So we are over for good then? Yeah I kind of figured that. I am sorry about the other day though. The whole
me fighting Emma and making up things situation was kind of bad. I’m sorry I put you in the middle of it. But why are
you here? Jay told me I had to ask you. He wanted you to be the one who told me.” “Well I have Leukemia Ellie.
Right now I am fine but I’m not so sure about the near future. And you have to understand that I love Emma. Ellie I
don’t think I ever got over her. But if you are going to start thinking that I only went out with you to get back at
her or something don’t think it. It’s not true. I went out with you because I wanted too. We have so much fun
together and a lot in common but we were more like brother and sister than girlfriend and boyfriend. Please say you understand?”
Sean asked. He was really hoping she would because he didn’t need to be under stress. “I understand sort of but
what I don’t understand is why you told me you loved me back in Wasaga. Love is a strong word and you shouldn’t
say it if you don’t mean it Sean,” Ellie said getting a little mad. “I know Ellie and I’m sorry. It’s
just I came back to Toronto for Emma. She was all I could think about in Wasaga. But then Jay dragged me to meet you and Alex at the mall with
him. I mean we got reacquainted with each other and we started to connect again. I knew Emma wouldn’t take me back so
I figured why not go back with you? I mean we were good together Ellie. I hope you’re not mad.” “No I’m
not mad. I know that you and Emma have a huge past together and I guess instead of making you hate each other it made you
stronger. And I don’t want to be the person standing in the way of your relationship with her. But Sean, before I go
know one thing,” Ellie started. “Yes?” “I will always love you no matter what. Now I know you don’t
feel the same anymore or maybe you never did but that’s not the point. Just know that I will always love you.”
Then she kissed his forehead and left.
A few
hours later some of Sean’s friends came by to visit him. Sean was even surprised when he heard who was in the waiting
room. Some of these people were never friends with Sean or at times they were but then things got messed up and they hated
each other. Either way he was happy that people actually cared about him. It was a lot more than he thought. One by one each
person came into his room to talk for about five minutes.
was the first to come into his room. She didn’t look like her normal self. She didn’t have on boy like clothes
and she wasn’t chewing her gum in that annoying way. If Sean wasn’t mistaken he could have sworn she was wearing
a skirt. Now Alex in a skirt? He must have missed a lot in the few days he had been in the hospital so far.
what’s up?” Alex asked. “Nothing really. Bored of this room,” Sean said laughing a little. “What’s
so funny?” Alex asked. “You are. Alex you do realize you are in a skirt right?” Sean asked still laughing.
“Haha very funny Cameron. But yeah I do realize I am in a skirt. Paige lent it to me. A lot has happened you know. Practically
everyone out in the waiting room is friends. It’s kind of scary. I mean Jay and Paige are friends. Who would have guessed?”
Alex said laughing. “I guess I have missed a lot then. Why is everyone all of a sudden friends though?” Sean asked
confused on why his “gangster” friends were now friends with people he was never friends with and people he used
to hang around. “Well the truth is after we heard you were in the hospital and found out why Paige organized something
to raise money for cancer stricken people like you and I don’t know. We just all became friends like that I guess. But
that is something I would never have thought Paige would do,” Alex said laughing a little. “Yeah true.”
“Well I’m going to go. There are so many people out there for you Sean. Wouldn’t want to keep them all waiting.”
came in JT, Toby, and Manny. Sean was a little surprised because the last time he saw all of them together they were in grade
seven. After that Manny got all “hot” and JT became cool while Toby stayed his same old self.
Sean,” they all said in unison. “Hey guys. What’s been going on? I hear everyone out there is friends. That
means you Toby are friends with Jay your ex tormentor?” Sean said laughing a little. “Yeah who would have thought?”
Toby said. “So Sean how are you holding up?” JT asked. “I’m good. I could be better. I want to get
out of this hell hole so bad but they said they need me to stay a few more weeks. They told me a week before and now it’s
a few more,” Sean said sounding kind of bummed out. “That sucks. Have you talked to Emma yet?” Manny finally
spoke. “Yeah she was here earlier. Everything between she and I is settled. We both basically admitted we love each
other still after all of these years. But Ellie came in while she was sleeping in my bed. Well we actually just woke up but
she still saw us. I think Emma might have gotten the wrong idea. Do you think you could talk to her or something for me?”
Sean asked Manny. “Sure no problem Sean,” Manny said. “Well we better go,” Toby said. “Yeah
you have a lot of visitors out there and I’m sure we aren’t on your top five list of people to see,” JT
said laughing a little. “As always JT has to crack a joke even if it’s not funny,” Sean said. Then they
all said bye and left.
Chris and Liberty came in. Liberty broke up with JT because she
started to have feelings for Chris. Chris was happy because he liked Liberty too. He asked
her out a few days after Sean wound up in the hospital.
“Liberty and Chris?” Sean said surprised. “Don’t sound too surprised Slim Shady,” Chris said jokingly.
“Never thought I’d see the day. But anyway, how are you guys? I know I have never been the nicest person to either
of you and I am so sorry for that.” “It’s not problem man. It’s cool,” Chris said. “Yeah
it’s cool. But how are you doing? I mean hospitals give me the creeps but this room is just plain old scary,”
Liberty said. Then Sean laughed a little. “Yeah I want to get out so bad. When I do we are all going
to go out to the Dot and have a big party. Everyone. Spread the word,” Sean said. Chris and Liberty just laughed. “Typical Sean. Always wanting a party,” Liberty said. “Typical
Liberty. Always nagging on me,” Sean said with a grin. “But you know you liked it,” she
said jokingly. “Well Sean, Liberty and I have to go. We have a party for my grandmother tonight. Fun isn’t
it?” Chris said. “Yeah I would love to be there rather than here but you know how it is. Bye though. See you guys
soon,” Sean said. Chris and Liberty said their goodbyes and then left.
Craig and Ashley came in with Paige. Craig and Ashley were still together. But that was a good thing. They were always meant
for each other even after all the break ups and heartbreaks. It was kind of like Sean and Emma.
are you okay?” Paige asked. She wasn’t fully into his room when she asked. “Paige I am fine. Actually I
want to thank you.” “Oh? For what?” Paige asked looking confused. “Yeah for what?” Ashley and
Craig both said in unison. “Alex told me that everyone out there is friends now and it’s basically because once
you heard about me being in here and why you organized something to raise money for people like me. That means a lot to me
Paige especially from you. I mean we were never friends and yet you still did that. That means so much,” Sean said.
Paige smiled and went over to Sean and hugged him then looked at the clock in his room. “Oh dear. I have to go. I know
I just got here but I have to go help Dylan with something. I will come back and visit soon. We all will. Bye Sean. Bye Craig.
Bye Ash,” Paige said then left. Now it was just Sean, Craig, and Ash in his room.
you guys are still together huh?” Sean said randomly. “Yeah we are. I heard about you and Emma too. Congratulations.
I mean I know Ellie is my friend and everything but I liked you better with Emma. You were so much nicer,” Ashley said.
“I know. But I don’t think she believes me that I am sorry though,” Sean said sounding kind of upset. “No
she does don’t worry,” Ashley said. “Yeah so Sean when are you getting out of this place? I remember the
last time I was here it was for Jimmy, Craig said. “Yeah I heard about that. Is he okay? And I don’t know when
I am getting out of this place. Soon I hope.” “Well you can ask Jimmy now. He is here. Ash and I have to go to
her moms for dinner. We will talk to you later on buddy. Bye,” Craig said. “Bye Sean. Nice seeing you.”
Ashley said then they walked out the exit.
Jimmy and Hazel came in. These were two people he never would have thought he would see visiting him. Jimmy rolled into his
room in a wheelchair. Sean felt kind of bad for him at first but then realized that he had a huge smile on his face. Jimmy
plus a wheelchair equaled no NBA but yet he was still smiling.
long time no see. And Hazel it’s nice to see you as well,” Sean said. “Same Sean,” Hazel said. “So
how are you holding up?” Sean asked Jimmy. “What? The wheelchair. I like to think of it as an obstacle. Something
I have to overcome not something that is going to stop me from doing what I want to do. I can actually play basketball. Well
wheelchair basketball but it’s still basketball,” Jimmy said. “That’s cool. But me, I don’t
think I will be playing much of anything.” “Why?” Hazel asked. “I don’t want to sound like I
have no faith in the doctors or anything for keeping me alive but I really think I am going to die. Actually I know I am going
too. I just don’t know when yet. It doesn’t scare me half as much as I know it is going to scare Emma. And I love
her so much. I don’t want to leave her,” Sean said. He looked kind of sad. “Sorry I shouldn’t have
just ranted on like that. You were in the hospital for being shot and are paralyzed for life. I shouldn’t be talking
about me thinking I am going to die,” Sean said. “No it’s alright man. I used to wish that I got shot somewhere
that would have killed me and I ranted on too. But it’s something everyone does who gets put into a hospital. But you
are a strong guy. You won’t die. You will fight it,” Jimmy said. Sean just smiled. “Well Sean we should
get going. You have one more visitor out there and he has been for a really long time,” Hazel said. “Bye Sean.”
Jimmy and Hazel said in unison and then walked out of his room.
last person left was Jay. Sean’s former best friend. What Sean had to tell Jay was important and he had to promise to
do it too.
what’s up?” Jay asked as he walked in the door. “I’m good I guess. You?” Sean asked. “Good.”
“Cool. Well Jay look this is really important to me. You have to promise me you will do this for me,” Sean said
sounding serious. “I promise now what is it?” Jay asked. “I know I am going to die soon I just don’t
know when. But when I do I want you to promise me that you will take care of Emma for me. She means a lot to me man. It’s
always her who loses me and it’s always my fault but I can’t help it this time. But Jay promise me please?”
Sean said sounding like he was going to cry. “Cameron don’t. You aren’t going to die okay. So stop with
that. You won’t die,” Jay said sounding kind of angry. “Jay just promise me you will take care of Emma for
me when I am gone. She means the world and more to me Jay. And I don’t want to go but I know it’s going to be
my time soon,” Sean said. His eyes were filling with tears just thinking about the fact that he was going to die and
leave Emma and everyone else behind. “I promise but don’t talk about this dying stuff anymore got it?” Sean
just nodded. Then Jay said goodbye and left.
an hour after everyone left Sean’s heart monitor went flat. Sean had died. The doctors rushed in and tried over and
over again to get a pulse but nothing worked. After a few minutes of trying to get a pulse they finally got one. Sean was
now going to be severely monitored because his heart monitor shouldn’t have gone flat at this stage of his Leukemia.
It had
been over two weeks and Sean was still in the hospital. His parents tried talking the doctors into letting him go home and
after a few days they finally gave in. Sean could go home but he had to be with someone at all times. He asked his parents
if they would stay with him when he was alone and then when he had people over they could go do whatever they wanted. Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron agreed to do what Sean asked.
Sean came home to his apartment he saw a note from Ellie saying that she moved with her mom to the States. Sean knew it was
best for her. He decided to just hang around his apartment before his parents came. Sean was just sitting on his couch thinking
about things when he decided to call Jay. Jay answered and agreed to come over. Ten minutes after he hung up he was at Sean’s
what’s up? You sounded like you needed to tell me something important on the phone,” Jay said. “I do. But
you just can’t yell at me for saying part of it,” Sean said. Jay nodded in agreement. “Well I love Emma
and she loves me. Now I don’t want to pressure her or anything but I want to have sex with her. I know I am dying and
I want to do it with the one I love. Now I know you don’t want me saying I am going to die but I am I know I am. A few
weeks ago after everyone left my heart monitor stopped. It stopped Jay. Something like that could happen to me again,”
Sean said a little sad. “I know man I know. That must have been scary. Not knowing if you were going to wake up or not.
And yes I do hate when you say you are going to die but I won’t nag you for it this time. Just one question though.”
“What’s that?” “Why did I have to know you want to have sex with Nelson?” Jay asked looking
confused. “Well because I don’t know. You are my best friend Jay. But I do need help getting things ready around
here. I called my parents after I got off the phone with you and told them tonight Emma was coming over so they didn’t
need to stop by.” “Okay. Want me to get you candles or whatever girls think is romantic these days?” Jay
asked. Sean just laughed. “Sure man whatever you want to get is fine. I want this night to be special but I don’t
want her to know I somewhat planned it,” Sean said smiling a little. “Yeah sure whatever man. I’ll get you
whatever you need. I will even buy you two dinner,” He said kind of laughing. Sean laughed at it too. Soon both boys
were laughing non stop. Now what they were talking about wasn’t funny but they both needed a good laugh. Actually Sean
had never been like this before. Just laughing at nothing. If he was laughing it was at someone. It felt good to just laugh
at nothing with his best friend.
eight o’clock Sean called Emma and told her to come over. Emma took about ten minutes to get
ready. She wanted to look her best. But little did she know it wouldn’t matter. Her clothes wouldn’t be on long
once she got there. When Emma arrived at Sean’s apartment it was around eight thirty. When she opened the door she heard
soft music playing in the background and the lights were dim with candles flickering.
Emma let out. “Sean where are you?” She said one last time before finding arms wrapping themselves around her
waist and then slowly turning her around. “Ah I think I found you,” she said kissing him softly on the lips. “No
I think I found you,” Sean said teasingly while kissing her neck. Sean figured screw the dinner lets just make this
a night to remember. He started kissing her neck harder and harder and then made his way up to her lips. They were kissing
for about ten minutes and then things started to get hot. They continued to kiss each other very passionately for a good twenty
minutes or so before Emma pushed him up against a wall. Then she started to kiss him harder and then made her way down his
neck. Sean was playing with the strap of her shirt trying to hint that he wanted it off. It took a few hints before Emma realized
that he wanted it off. She helped him take off her shirt and then whispered in between kisses that they should go to his room.
Sean agreed. Once they were in his room they started to kiss again. This time it wasn’t long before Sean’s shirt
and then his pants were off. Then came Emma. Her shirt was already off so all she needed was her skirt. Sean unbuttoned her
skirt and then it slid down to her feet. Then she lightly kicked it somewhere in the room. Since Sean was against the wall
he decided to move them over to his bed. He started to nibble on her neck and then gently pushed her down so she was lying
on his bed with him on top of her. Soon after that all of their clothes were off.
next morning Sean woke up first. He searched his living room and then his bedroom. It wasn’t there. He even looked in
the bathroom but no such luck. Sean realized after searching for a while that he didn’t use a condom. Oh well. It wasn’t
like she was going to get pregnant. It was both of their first times. You can’t get pregnant on your first time. Well
that’s what he thought anyway.
an hour later Emma woke up to find Sean staring at her. It took her a while to realize he was actually staring at her though.
Em. You look b-e-a-u-tiful,” Sean said with a big grin. Emma just laughed and playfully hit him. “I wish I wasn’t
beautiful. I look like well put it this way I have sex hair and I smell like sex,” she said with a big grin. “You
know Em I’m glad we did what we did. I don’t regret any of it and I hope you don’t either.” Emma smiled
at him and then kissed him on the cheek. “I don’t regret anything that’s happened between us.” Sean
looked at her funny. “Okay well maybe all of the bad stuff but hey that only made us stronger. Who knows? If that didn’t
happen who is to say we would be together right now?” “True. But you are right. You do smell like sex. Go take
a shower,” Emma took a pillow and hit him teasingly. “I was joking Em. Chill,” Sean said laughing at her.
“But you hit like a girl.” Then Emma hit him with a pillow again. This soon turned into a huge pillow fight. When
they were finished there were feathers everywhere.
they cleaned up the big mess they made Sean cooked breakfast. It wasn’t much but it was still breakfast. He made eggs,
toast and hot chocolate. Once they were done eating Emma took a shower. While Sean was waiting all he could think about was
how he didn’t use a condom. Of all the things Jay said he would get him he didn’t once mention a condom. But he
still believed that you couldn’t get pregnant if it was your first time. A little while later Emma came out and Sean
went in the shower.
Chapter Fourteen
were going well for Sean. Well at least they were up until the past few days. He started feeling dizzy after waking up and
getting out of bed. Sometimes he even blacked out for a few minutes. But he never told anyone not even his doctor. After this
went on for a few days he collapsed walking down the stairs in Emma’s house. Emma called for an ambulance and Sean was
in the hospital yet again.
time it wasn’t temporary. Almost everyone Sean knew in his life was scared about what was going to happen to him. Even
JT, Toby, Liberty and Chris whom Sean treated badly in the past were scared about what was going
to happen to him. Others who were worried about him were Alex, Paige, Jimmy, Hazel, Craig, Ashley, Manny, Jay, Ellie, Emma,
Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Nelson, and of course his parents.
and days went by. Soon weeks went by but he wasn’t getting any better. Sean just kept getting weaker and weaker. He
was so weak that when someone came to visit him he couldn’t talk for more than five minutes or he would become extremely
tired and/or black out for a little while. He tried his best to talk to everyone who came to visit him though.
was sitting in his hospital bed thinking about things. He was thinking about his friends and family. He was thinking mostly
about Emma though. Most of his thoughts involving her were sad. Sean knew that he wasn’t going to get better and that
time was running out. That’s when he decided to buzz in the nurse. He asked her to get Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Nelson, and
his parents. A few minutes later they all came into his room wondering why he had called them all in to see him.
what’s going on?” Mrs. Cameron said. Everyone else in the room just stared at Sean awkwardly. “Well I don’t
have very long to live. I know it makes you all sad when I say that but it’s true and being in this place made me think
a lot. I realized that I love Emma more than anyone could love someone in a lifetime. She means the world to me,” Sean
said and then paused. “Sean we know you love her. We all do. But what does that have to do with all of us being in here?”
Ms. Nelson said. “I want to marry your daughter Ms. Nelson. I love her and I know she loves me. It would mean so much
to me if you let me marry her. I promised myself that I would get married and settle down with the one I love and while me
settling down isn’t going to happen, me getting married can,” Sean said. He looked around the room and waited
for a response. “Yes. Yes Sean. You can marry my daughter.” rs. Nelson said. “But son you are weak and getting
weaker each and every day. How can you pull of getting married?” Mr. Cameron asked. “I don’t care. We can
get married in this crummy hospital room for all I care. As long as I get to marry the love of my life then all is good, Sean
said with a big smile on his face. “Well it’s settled then. Sean, your dad and I will go get you a ring and then
when we come back you can propose,” Mr. Simpson said. “I will go let everyone now,” Mrs. Cameron said. “And
I will take Emma out of this place for a little while so she doesn’t get suspicious of everyone knowing something but
her,” Ms. Nelson said. Then one by one they each got up and gave Sean a hug. Then they left to room to get things ready.
an hour later everyone except Emma knew about Sean wanting to get married. They were all so excited for both Emma and Sean.
Everyone knew how much they loved each other and this was the perfect thing to do to express their love towards each other.
about twenty minutes past six Mr. Simpson and Mr. Cameron came rushing into Sean’s room holding two small boxes. Mr.
Simpson showed Sean one ring and Mr. Cameron showed him another. Sean couldn’t decide for the longest time but then
finally chose the one his dad had in his hand. He took the box and then both of them left his room. Minutes later Emma came
in with a weird look on her face.
what’s going on? Everyone out there has a huge smile on their face like something really good just happened. Are you
getting better? Can you come home?” Emma said hoping her assumption was right. “No I’m not getting better
Em and you should know that. Everyone else does. There is good news though. But first lets talk,” Sean said. “Okay.
Talk about what?” Emma asked confused a little. “Emma you know I love you right?” Emma just nodded with
a big smile planted on her face. “Well I love you more than anyone could ever love someone in a thousand lifetimes.
I want to grow old with you but that isn’t going to happen. I know that. But I do have time to do this one thing. It
would mean the world to me Em,” Sean said while looking at Emma. She had tears streaming down her face. Hearing Sean
tell her that he knew he didn’t have much time left made her want to cry forever. “Sean please don’t. Don’t
tell me you don’t have much time left. I know that okay. Just please don’t remind me. It’s hard enough hearing
you say it,” Emma said. “Emma don’t cry. This is supposed to be a happy thing., Sean said trying to get
her to smile. “How is you dying happy?” She asked in disgust. Why would someone dying be a happy thing? “No
Em. What I need to ask you is. Now chill.” Then he sat up and took Emma’s hand while looking into her eyes. “Normally
this is done on one knee but I can’t do that so this will have to do. Emma Nelson I love you with all of my heart. I
want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” Sean asked. Emma had the biggest smile on her face with
tears streaming down the face. “You were right Sean. This is a happy thing. Actually it’s the happiest day of
my life. Yes of course I will marry you,” Emma said and then kissed him.
Sean and Emma’s parents had to talk the hospital into letting them have a wedding in his room. They finally agreed after
a lot of hard work to convince them. Three days later they got married. It wasn’t a big wedding because everyone had
to fit inside of Sean’s hospital room but it was something to remember.
days after the wedding Sean and Jay talk. Jay figured it was about his promise to Sean and he was right. He didn’t forget
about it but he didn’t want to think like that. He hated knowing that his best friend who was really young and caring
was going to die.
Jay left some of the doctors came in. They took their time getting to the point however. It took them almost twenty minutes
to finally get out the news they had been dreading. They told Sean that he only had a matter of days before he past on. The
doctors couldn’t do anything else for him. His treatments were not working. Sean just sat there in his bed staring at
them. He couldn’t believe that he was going to die. Well he knew he was going to but it was only days after the happiest
day of his life. After the doctors left to go tell his friends and family Sean finally started to cry. He had been waiting
for a long time to cry. Everything was just building up inside of him and he finally got to let it out.
the doctors told Sean’s family and friends the terrible news they all took it somewhat well. Well almost all of them.
Emma just stood there crying hysterically. She didn’t understand why everyone else wasn’t crying. She assumed
it was because they weren’t in love with Sean and that they were expecting him to die soon. Emma on the other hand thought
he would have at least a month or two more to live. Boy was she wrong. Manny and Jay tried to calm her down but nothing worked.
She flipped out on them and then stormed out of the hospital leaving everyone there to just think about what the doctors just
told them.
Chapter Fifteen
was going to be a very long and depressing day. Today was the day the doctors had to tell Sean’s parents and friends
that he was going to die. However, the doctors didn’t know when he was going to die.
by one each one of his friends and family waiting outside his hospital room came in to talk to him. They all wanted to let
him know that they loved him and that he would be missed a lot. When it was finally time for Emma’s turn she almost
couldn’t go in because she didn’t think she could handle it. But she sucked it up and gathered all of her strength
before going in to see Sean one final time.
slowly walked into Sean’s room. When she saw him all she could do was burst into tears. She hated the fact that Sean
was going to die sometime today but it was time to face reality.
come here. Don’t cry please,” Sean said. “I’m sorry.
It’s just that I can’t handle this,” Emma said moving closer and closer to Sean. She was finally sitting
next to him in his bed. “Emma I love you. We got married and that’s all I have ever wanted. To get married to
the girl I love and that’s you. Don’t think of this as me dying.” “Then what am I supposed to think
of this as Sean?” Emma questioned Sean. “Think of it as me going somewhere for a long time not me dying.”
“Sean I can’t I just can’t. It’s too hard. I love you and I don’t think I can handle thinking
of you dying as you going somewhere for a long time. I can’t go on without you. You won’t be with me,” Emma
said starting to cry harder. “Emma no. No that’s not true. I will always be with you. I will be with you everywhere
you go. Em you are a very strong girl and you can go on without me. I know you can. But just remember that I will always love
you and I will be waiting for you when it’s your turn.” Sean only made Emma cry harder when he said this. She
tried to fight the tears but they kept coming. Sean and Emma looked into each other’s eyes and then kissed. It wasn’t
a very long kiss but it meant a lot to them both. It was their final kiss together. When the pulled apart Emma lay in Sean’s
arms and after a few minutes of silence, she spoke. “Sean I need to tell you something,” Emma said nervously.
“What is it Em?” Sean asked. “Sean I-“ Just as she was about to break the news to Sean she heard his
heart monitor go off. It went flat and had a loud beeping sound. Emma jump up as doctors came in. She knew it was his time
and there was nothing the doctors could do about it.
A few
minutes after Sean had pased away Emma went out into the waiting room. There she found everyone crying. They obviously heard
the beeping of Sean’s heart monitor or they saw all of the doctors rushing in. Either way everyone knew that Sean Hope
Cameron died at 9:24 on a warm Saturday morning.
couldn’t handle it. She saw how everyone was crying and just collapsed on the ground. Jay went over to her tears streaming
down his face and put his arm around her. Jay was going to keep his promise to Sean. He had to. Promises were forever and
Sean would be watching over him and over Emma.
about fifteen minutes Emma decided to speak. It probably wasn’t the best time to tell everyone the news she had just
found out the day before but she had too. She stood up and spoke.
I have an announcement to make. I know this isn’t the best time but it involves Sean,.” Emma said sobbing. Everyone
whiped their tears away and turned their attention towards Emma who was sitting on the floor. “Before Sean pased away
I was about to tell him something but I didn’t get my chance. I know he can hear my wherever he is right now which is
why I am telling you all this,” Emma said crying a little harder. Jay stood up and wrapped his arm around her. “I
am pregnant,” Emma said. “Do you hear that Sean? I am pregnant with your baby. I just found out yesterday. I was
going to tell you but then you went away. But I know that wherever you are you will be watching over the baby and I,”
Emma said looking up at the ceiling. Well she was directing it towards Heaven.
started to cry once again. Sean was going to have a baby that he didn’t even get a chance to know about. They were crying
both tears of joy and sadness. All of the people in the waiting room were happy for Emma because she was going to have a baby.
Secretly, Sean also wanted to have a baby but he only told one person which was Jay. Some people got out of their seats and
walked up to Emma and gave her a hug. Others just stayed where they were and cried some more.