the weekend Chris and Emma spent a lot of time together. They went to the movies and hung out and each other’s houses
just making out and talking about things. Manny and JT were better than ever. Manny changed a lot. She wasn’t known
as the ‘slut’ or ‘boyfriend stealer’ anymore because she didn’t dress like she did before and
she wasn’t stealing anyone’s boyfriend. Actually she and JT seemed to hit it off really well and were inseparable.
They were perfect for each other. Alex and Jay actually enjoyed the homecoming dance. Sure they left early but Alex got to
wear a dress and Jay thought she looked hot. But then again he thought anyone who was wearing something that could easily
be taken off was hot. However, Sean and Ellie were having a rocky relationship at times and then at other times it was fine.
It was like nothing was wrong. Over the weekend they spent every waking moment together. They watched TV together, ate dinner
together, went out together. They did everything together. But then randomly they would fight over the stupidest things.
was at Emma’s getting ready to walk to school with JT and Chris. On their way to school Sean of course had to ruin things.
He stopped them for about five minutes arguing with Chris about how he needed to talk to Emma. Chris kept saying no and Sean
kept calling him a jealous boyfriend. The debate went on and on. And the whole time this was going on Emma just stood there
and watched them go back and forth. Finally she decided to end it.
stop. Sean same goes for you too. You three should just go on without me. I will be there soon. But obviously he has something
important to tell me or he wouldn’t have been arguing with you for the past five minutes Chris.” Chris just rolled
his eyes and walked with JT. Manny mouthed ‘be careful’ to Emma and then ran to catch up to Chris and JT.
is it now Sean? You probably just ruined my relationship with Chris. And what’s with the homecoming thing? I mean I
know we aren’t dating which is a good thing but you said it yourself, it’s a tradition and look who broke it.
You did. But then again you always find a way to break things don’t you Sean? I mean you broke me into more pieces than
I can count, broke my step-dad’s heart when you stole his laptop because he trusted you, and now you break the school
tradition. Nice going Sean,” Emma said in a bitchy voice. At this point she didn’t even care. “Emma calm
down. You know I didn’t mean any of that. But that’s not what I needed to talk to you about.” “Then
what the hell do you want to talk about Sean?” “Forget it. You are such a bitch. I can’t believe I even
thought I could come to you with this. Knowing you, you would probably go tell the whole damn school. Just forget it Emma.
Go back to Wannabe DJ and don’t ever talk to me again you bitch,” Sean said coldly. Then Emma ran away to the
ravine crying. Sean just stood there for a few minutes and then began walking to school.
an hour after school started Emma came into school late. And with her luck she ended up being late for her step father or
as she has to call him in school Mr. Simpson’s class. And guess who was in that class. You guessed it, Sean Cameron.
you’re late. Why?” “Sorry Mr. Simpson. It won’t happen again.” “You’re right it
won’t because you will in detention after school today.” Then Mr. Simpson heard Sean laughing and told him he
had a detention too. Sean quickly shut up. “Well Emma take your seat please,” Mr. Simpson said annoyed. “Uh
my seat is taken,” she said. Mr. Simpson was getting more annoyed. His teaching time was being interrupted and wasted
because of Emma. “Then sit next to Sean.” He was really getting annoyed with her now.
walked over to where Sean was and didn’t even look at him. Sean knew he hurt her and he felt bad but he just got pissed
off and starting saying things that he didn’t really mean. He tried to get Emma’s attention so he could tell her
that he was sorry and that he didn’t mean what he said but she wouldn’t even look at him. Instead she sent an
IM to Manny.
sparklespaz: Manny can we talk?
sMiLeYgUrL: Sure Em. But what was up with you being late? Sean was here before you.
sparklespaz: Yeah he was an ass Manny. He called me a bitch and then I went to the ravine crying.
sMiLeYgUrL: Aw Em. Don’t worry about him. Chris and JT will deal with him. But from now on don’t
go near him or anything okay? Just stay away from him and if he comes near you or you have to sit next to him like right now
then avoid eye contact and if possible avoid talking to him.
sparklespaz: I know Manny. I just wish he didn’t say those things to me. It really hurts you know?
And I know he is an ex of mine but that’s does not mean he still can’t hurt me. He keeps making me weak Manny.
Sean Cameron is making me weak. But this time I am going to overcome it. He is an ass and he needs to die.
sMiLeYgUrL: Well don’t worry okay Em? Chris and JT will handle him. Just stay away from him. But
look I need to go. I have to get working on this project and your dad keeps eyeing me like he knows we are doing this. Talk
to you later.
sparklespaz: Bye Manny. Talk to you soon.
Sparklespaz has signed off.
sMiLeYgUrL has signed off.
Sean wasn’t paying attention to Mr. Simpson so he got yelled at. He was looking at the IM conversation
with Emma and Manny. Emma really wanted him to die. That hurt him and he had to make things up to her this time for good.
Emma realized that he was reading her conversation and got mad.
“Sean what the hell?” She said in a whisper. “What?” He said whispering back to
her. “You were just reading this,” She says as she points to the IM screen. “Well you shouldn’t have
kept it open after you both signed off so I could read it. By the way Em I don’t want you to die so why would you want
me to die?” He said in a voice that made Emma feel guilty. “Well too bad. I do and nothing you can do will change
that Sean. Nothing,” Emma said harshly.
“Emma and Sean make that detention today and then tomorrow as well. Emma you have already interrupted
my class twice and now a third time. And as for you Sean that’s a second time. Make it a third and you will have it
for the rest of the week. Understood?” Mr. Simpson said. He sure was in a bad mood today. “Yes,” they said
in unison.
Finally Media Immersion was over and it was time for English. Manny told Emma to stay behind while she
told Sean off. Emma walked far behind them but close enough so she could hear every word.
“Sean wait up,” Manny called out. “Manny. How are you?” He asked confused. Manny
was never the first person to talk to him especially since he broke Emma’s heart the last time. “I’m good.
Better than a certain ex girlfriend of yours. You know Sean she isn’t a bitch. But me well I am. So if you want to see
that damn side of me keep running your mouth. But if not stay the hell away from Emma. She’s my best friend and she
has a lot going for her. She even has a really good boyfriend who actually cares about her and isn’t going to ditch
her for a bunch of wannabes or push her to the ground. Kind of like um oh I don’t know you,” she said in a cold
bitchy voice. Then she turned around to Emma and smiled. Sean on the other hand just kept walking. When they got to English
class Chris and JT were already talking to Sean. Manny must have IMed them when she was in MI or something.
“Sean my man,” JT Said. “Listen here buddy. Emma is my girlfriend and if you touch her,
hurt her, or make her feel like dirt then you are going to get it big time. Here me?” Chris said. Sea just ignored him.
“Don’t ignore him Sean,” JT said. “We know that you did or said something to Emma to make her late
for school which she has never been late for in her life. And when she came into class Manny said she looked like she was
crying. And then you get her in two detentions with you. Nice going Cameron. Listen up, go back to your gangster wannabe friends
and leaves us all alone. You ditched us but guess what? Pay back’s a bitch and it’s about time we pay you back
for treating us like shit and ditching us,” JT said. Of course JT was just going on and on about things to make it seem
like he was tough. “Whatever. You two need to chill out. She got those detentions all by herself. And what I said to
Emma is none of your damn business,” Sean said. “Yes it is my damn business. She is my girlfriend and you broke
her heart too many times. Enough is enough Slim Shady,” Chris said in a mean voice and then he and JT walked over to
where Emma and Manny were sitting. Sean just stared at the four of them throughout English class. Finally it was time for
Chapter Four
and JT came to lunch a little bit late to find that Emma wasn’t with Chris. Maybe she went home or something? Or maybe
she was just late like them? They didn’t say anything about it though. Instead they just sat and talked about things
and then JT spotted Sean. He started talking about how Sean is an asshole and that Emma shouldn’t have ever gone out
with him. Manny said that Chris was better for her anyway. They all assumed that Sean got the hint when they told him to stay
away from them and Emma but he didn’t.
Manny,” Sean said calmly. “What do you want now Sean? Break my heart? Sorry but that won’t work,”
Manny snapped. “Calm down. I just want to know where Emma is okay.” “No not okay Sean. You already broke
her heart what? Four times now? And besides I told you to get lost,” Manny said in a bitchy voice. “I don’t
care. I need to talk to her. It’s really important.” “Well I don’t care how important it is. You don’t
need to talk to her. And she has a great boyfriend who actually cares about her. Someone who isn’t you.” Sean
just got pissed off and took Manny’s lunch tray and threw it to the ground. Manny was scared and yelled a little. Chris
and JT were just in pure shock. The rest of the lunch room didn’t notice anything but they did hear the tray drop to
the ground. After standing there for a minute Sean walked outside.
he walked outside he saw Emma sitting on the steps by herself crying. He was hesitant at first to go talk to her and see what
was wrong but he finally got the courage to go talk to her.
Emma,” Sean said. “Hi. What did you forget to tell me now? That I am a slut or a whore?” She said coldly.
“Aw Em. Come on. I didn’t mean that. I was just mad okay?” “No not okay Sean. Just say whatever you
came here to tell me. It’s not like it will make my day any worse,” Emma said and started crying. “Em, can
we just forget about that for right now? Please. I was just mad because I couldn’t tell you something.” He said
and he sounded serious. “Well I don’t care so just leave.” Emma said coldly. “No I’m not leaving
Emma. I need to tell you this okay? It’s important. I can’t even tell Ellie. I haven’t told anyone and I
thought I could tell you because you were always there for me even when I hated you but I guess I was wrong,” Sean said
and then got up to walk away. “Sean wait. Stop. What is it?” She said as she took his hand and made him sit down
again. They just looked at each other for a few minutes before she spoke. “What is it Sean? Come on please? I hate secrets,”
she said. “I will tell you but you have to promise you can’t tell a soul. Not even your parents okay? No one.”
“I won’t I promise Sean. You are making this sound serious,” Emma said with concern. “That’s
because it is serious Emma. I have…” Sean paused. “You have what Sean? Oh my God tell me Sean please,”
Emma said panicking. She thought it was something really bad. Little did she know what it was. “Emma this is a lot harder
than I thought it would be.” “Then take your time Sean. Whenever you are ready to tell me then you can,”
she said as she got up off of the steps. She was going to go back into the school because she heard the bell ring. “Wait
Emma. Don’t go back into the school yet. Please?” Sean begged. “Okay. But that’s twice that I will
be late today Sean,” she said teasingly and laughing a little. Sean however wasn’t laughing. “Oh, sorry,”
she said because she noticed he looked sad. “It’s okay. But I need to tell you this. It’s important for
me to tell you. For some reason I feel that you will be there for me.” “Aw Sean I will I promise. Just please
tell me,” Emma said. She really needed to know. “Have you seen the movie A Walk To Remember?” He asked.
“I love that movie. It’s really sad how she dies in the end though. But what does that have to do with you?”
She asked. “Well you know how that girl had Leukemia?” “Yes. What about it?” Emma said getting nervous.
“Well I have-“ Emma interrupted him. “Oh my God. Sean you have Leukemia.” Emma said starting to cry.
“Why? How? Sean you can’t,” Emma screamed. “I don’t know how. Someone on my mom’s side
of the family had it and I guess they passed it down to me. The doctors said that everything is going to be fine for a while
but once it starts to kick in then I will have to stay in the hospital for a while,” He said. “Sean what does…does
it mean you’re going to die?” Emma said crying really hard. “I don’t know. Maybe? Maybe not? Emma
I’m scared.” Emma just looked at him and hugged him. She couldn’t believe that Sean had Leukemia.
they were talking about his biggest secret Alex and Jay were in his car fighting. Alex found out that Jay gave Emma an STD.
She knew Amy had gotten it because she went down on Jay but she had no idea Emma did too. Alex forgave him for Amy but Emma
Nelson? Cause Girl. How could she forgive him for doing that with her? Alex got out of the car and when she did she saw Sean
and Emma hugging.
Cameron,” Alex shouted. Emma and Sean quickly pulled apart. “Alex. How are you? Where’s Jay?” Sean
asked. “I’m not doing to well actually. And Jay, well who cares?” “Why aren’t you doing okay?
And why who cares about Jay?” Sean asked confused. “Well why don’t you ask Cause Girl over there?”
Alex said pointing to Emma. “What? What do I have to do with this?” Emma said to Alex. “Well I guess I will
just tell Sean over here what you and Jay did.” “Alex.” Emma shouted. “Alex? Emma? What’s going
on here?” Sean asked confused. “You know what those bracelets are for right? Well prude princess over here got
a few of them. And from my boyfriend. Oh and your best friend. Jason Hogart. She is a little slut so stay away from her. Oh
yeah and she got an STD from him too., Alex said and then ran off. Sean just stared at Emma.
I-“ Emma began to say. “No don’t say anything you little slut. I can’t believe I just told you what
I did. I am such an idiot. But what I don’t get is I was so nice to you when we were going out and you wouldn’t
even kiss me in public but you went down on Jay. The guy hates you Emma. He tormented you every day of your life. What the
hell? Something is wrong there. But just don’t fucking talk to me ever. Stay away from me too,” he said and then
went inside the school. Emma just sat there crying even harder. How would Alex find out from Jay? He said no one would ever
know about her.
Chapter Five
next day Chris went up to Emma kind of annoyed. Emma told Chris the truth and then he dumped her. She was actually pretty
happy about it though. Of course Chris was a great boyfriend to her and he was so sweet but he deserved a lot better than
her. They did agree that being friends was better so it wasn’t like they hated each other or anything.
the whole day Sean would look at Emma and whenever she turned around he would look at something else. She didn’t get
why he was looking at her because just the other day he called her a slut and made her cry twice in one day. No one she knew
would do that and then stare at you every two seconds. It was kind of pathetic actually but she didn’t pay attention
to it that much.
Emma was really thinking about was she and Manny’s girl’s night at her house. They hadn’t had one in forever
and it would be good for the both of them. Emma’s mom was going to get movies for them to watch in her room. A Walk
to Remember, Honey, Oceans Eleven, etc. were some of the movies her mom was going to pick up for them. And then of course
they had to have pizza and ice cream. It wasn’t a girl’s night if they didn’t have pizza and ice cream.
It was like a tradition.
day was finally over. Emma went to her locker to gather her things before heading over to where Manny’s locker was and
waited for her to gather her things. Then the two girls walked outside only to bump into non other than Sean Cameron.
it you asshole,” Manny sneered. Sean just stared at Emma which made her uncomfortable. “Sean don’t stare
at her. You are making her uncomfortable,” Manny said in a mean voice. “Sure whatever Santos,” Sean said annoyed. Then he walked away as did Emma and Manny.
was that about Em?” Manny asked. “What are you talking about?” Emma said. “He was staring at you and
I think if I didn’t say something when I did he would have drooled all over,” Manny said laughing a little. Emma
laughed too. “No it’s just Sean. Staring at what he broke and probably wants back,” Emma said the last part
in a cheery voice which made Manny stop walking. “Em you aren’t going to go back out with him are you?”
“What? No. Never. He broke my heart too many times and he has had more than his share of second chances. Besides he
is still with Ellie remember?” “Oh yeah. I forgot. Well good because another on and off again relationship with
him and you would just ruin everything,” Manny said. Then they started walking again. They finally got to Emma’s
house to find a note on the table. It was from Emma’s mom. She just said that there was money for pizza and ice cream
on the counter, the movies they wanted were in the living room, and that no one would be home tonight because they were going
to stay at Joey’s with Jack. “Well looks like we have the house to ourselves tonight Manny,” Emma said.
“Cool,” Manny said and then went downstairs to Emma’s room.
Manny how is JT?” Emma asked. “He’s pretty good. I can’t believe he’s changed so much. I mean
last year he was so immature but this year it’s like it’s a whole new him,” Manny said. “Yeah I know.
I would have never thought JT the jokester could turn into JT the mature and sweet boyfriend he is now. You are so lucky to
have him Manny,” Emma said. “I know I am lucky. But you were lucky to you know.” “What? I was lucky
with whom? I must have missed this.” She said laughing. “Well I know you hate him now and so do I along with a
bunch of people but Sean. You had Sean and you were lucky when you had him. I remember always seeing you two together and
thinking about how much I wanted to be you when you were with him. He was so sweet to you Em. Your first kiss was with him
remember? And then on your first date he went through the trash for you and then your wallet ended up being in your purse
or something. I don’t know many guys including JT who would have done that. But then he ditched you for wannabe gangsters.”
“I know I know. But please don’t remind me. As much as I love the good times we had together I don’t want
to remember them anyway,” Emma said. “Oh. Well I do need to know what he wanted to talk to you about before school
the other day and then at lunch. I know he made you cry before school but I don’t know about the lunch thing. Did he
get to talk to you?” Manny asked. “Before school I don’t know what he wanted to talk to me about because
he called me a bitch instead remember? And he did get to talk to me at lunch yesterday but I can’t tell you what it
was about. Even if he did call me a slut afterwards I can’t tell you. I promised.” “Aw Em come on. Who cares
if you promised? He hurt you again obviously so just tell me. Please?” Manny begged. Emma didn’t answer her she
just turned on her TV so they could watch A Walk to Remember. Emma and Manny were at the part where Jamie and Landon are walking
together and go down an alley when they hear her basement window open.
there?” Emma asked. She got up and walked over to the window to see Sean standing there. Manny walked over behind Emma
and saw Sean as well. “Why Sean nice of you to just drop in like this but we are kind of busy and I told you to stay
away from us. Leave nowm” Manny snapped. “I’m sorry Emma. This was a bad idea. I should have called or something.
I- Are you watching A Walk to Remember?” Sean said. That was the movie he compared his secret too. “Yes we are
Sean. Have a problem with a sappy chic flick?” Manny said in a bitchy tone. “Manny,” Emma snapped. “Whoa
Em. Are you going to stick up for this idiot now?” Manny snapped back. “No it’s just that Sean has-“
She was interrupted by Sean. “Emma please don’t. You promised. I know I was an ass earlier but please I am begging
you don’t tell her.” Manny looked confused. “Tell me what? Emma? Sean?” She asked. Then Sean turned
around to go back out the window. “Wait Sean. You came here for a reason. And I told you I would be there for you so
what is it? I can make Manny go upstairs.”