Chapter Sixteen
It was
a few days after Sean’s death and it was now time for his funeral. It was extremely hard on everyone especially Emma.
Sean’s parents asked Emma to speak at his funeral and she agreed not knowing how hard it would really be to get up in
front of everyone. She had no idea what she was going to say in her speech but she knew that whatever she had to say Sean
would be listening.
it was the moment Emma had been dreading for the past few days. It was time for her to get up in front of everyone and say
her speech for Sean. Before she even got up to go in front of everyone she was practically in tears.
is really hard for me as I am sure it is for everyone here. Sean Hope Cameron was my only true love and it is going to stay
that way. I know that he is not here with me or with any of us right now because he has moved on but I believe that he is
here with us in spirit.” Emma said crying. “Sean was never the best boyfriend and he sure wasn’t going to
win a “Best Boyfriend” award but that’s what I loved about him.” Emma said laughing a little trying
to hide the tears. “Sean didn’t try to change for me or for anyone. He did however change for the better after
realizing all of his mistakes in life. I remember when we had our first break up. He pushed me. Sean tried everything possible
to make me forgive him but I just couldn’t. The following year he was nice to me and everything. That’s why I
took him back. I realized that he made a mistake but then again so does everyone.” She was crying really hard now. Even
Sean’s parents were crying. Basically everyone was now. It took Emma a few minutes to gather the last of her strength
and she finished her speech. “Sean and I have defiantly had our share of ups and downs but I think that’s what
made us so strong. The day he proposed to me I knew he was going to pass away soon after because he told me that he wanted
to get married after he got out of the hospital which didn’t happen. But the point is I did it because I love him. I
love Sean Hope Cameron and I always will. Nothing can change that and no one is ever going to replace him.” Then she
looked up to the sky. “No one will ever replace you baby. No one you hear? I love you Sean. I always will and I am glad
things between us finally worked out. This has been the happiest months of my entire life.” Then she looked back to
the crowd of people who had tears streaming down their face harder and harder as time passed by. After a few minutes of just
standing there looking at everyone crying, she walked back to her seat. Minutes after that everyone left the funeral except
for Emma.
she was sure that everyone was gone she walked over to Sean’s casket and bent down to the ground. Emma still had tears
streaming down her face. Five minutes or so went by when she finally decided to talk to Sean – well what was there of
him anyway.
I know you can’t hear me but I just wanted to let you know that our baby is going to know about you. He is going to
know everything about you. Good and bad. Mostly good though.” She said laughing a little. “We are going to visit
you everyday Sean. If it is a girl I think I will name her Haley Anne Cameron. I know you love the name Haley.” Emma
said smiling. “And if it is a boy then I will name him after you. Sean Hope Cameron Jr.” Then before she left
she took a small shoe box out of a bag she was carrying. It had a bunch of things that Emma and Sean shared in their life
together. It had a picture of their first date, a picture of them at her mom’s wedding, some summer pictures, a few
movie tickets from movies they saw together, a bunch of cards they gave each other for Christmases, birthdays, and a few more
things. Emma thought it would be nice if Sean had some memories of them to take with him to Heaven.
Chapter Seventeen
It has
been three years since Sean passed away. The first year Emma was without him she felt like dying just to be with him. She
didn’t think life would be any good if Sean wasn’t there to enjoy it with her. Sometimes at night when she is
trying to sleep she claims that she hears voices like angels singing. Whenever this happens she thinks that it is Sean giving
her a sign. Maybe she should just live her life to the fullest and wait for her time to come.
since the day Jay went to Emma’s to talk to her about his promise that he made to Sean they have been living together.
They have grown a type of love for each other but nothing compared to what Emma and Sean had. Jay knows that too. They aren’t
married either because Jay knows how strongly Emma still feels for Sean and he wouldn’t want to make her upset by asking
something like that.
Emma and her baby boy Sean Hope Cameron Jr. go to Sean’s tombstone and talk to him. Now of course he can’t hear
anything they say but they believe that he will get the message sooner or later. And each time they visit his grave Emma ends
up crying and falls to the ground. Then she takes Sean Jr. and puts him in her lap. They sit there for almost an hour while
Emma tells their baby boy stories about his dad.