Chapter One
>In The Hall<
(Manny is running down the hall to class)
MANNY: Finals, Spirit squad, friends, parties, and that woman still wants more out
of me.
JT: I assume Ms. H?
MANNY: Shut up JT.
(Danny laughs)
(She runs into Marco)
MANNY: Marco! Listen, I
need your help.
MARCO: Ok ,you Manny, me Marco, what don’t you get?
MANNY: Marco! Please please please?
(Craig walks up)
(Manny looks at Marco with a shrug)
MARCO: Never hurt to ask...
me what?
MANNY: Craig, would you please help me with posters, or whatever for the pep rally?
(She gets down on one
CRAIG: Why not?
(Manny smiles)
(She kisses both Craig and Marco on the cheek)
(Theme Song/Opening Credits)
Chapter 2
>In The Gym<
(A large yellow paper is spread out over the floor)
I don’t know, Manny, Snake is dedicated to remodelling the house ,and spare paint isn’t in the cards.
Right. Thanks anyway.
(Emma walks away)
MARCO: Ok ,do not ever, ever go under the bleachers.
(He picks something
from his hair)
(Craig laughs)
Chapter 3
>In The Cafeteria<
(Things between Spin and his friends
have rekindled, Ashley is the only one that’s not gotten over it)
(Ash taps Spin on the back)
JIMMY :Tap him while
he’s eating and see how much of your arm you come back with.
ASHLEY: So what does it take to work at the Dot?
You’re working at the Dot?
ASHLEY: Unfortunately, yes, as of today.
(Spinner looks down)
SPINNER: Look, we
can get over-
ASHLEY: Don’t plan on it. I just wanted to let you know.
(Ellie walks up)
Chapter 4
>In The Gym<
CRAIG: No more glue
,Manny. Don’t get me started on markers.
MARCO: Not to mention the little panther stencils.
MANNY: So our poster
is done?
(They look at the nearly blank banner)
MARCO: Oh yeah, I’m sure DEGRASS will be proud of it.
I think I know where we can get some more of this stuff.
(Marco nods)
>In The School Basement<
MARCO: Guys,
I don’t think were in Canada anymore.
Marco, be a guy.
CRAIG: This is it.
(He opens a door and Manny and Marco walk in)
(Craig follows and the door shuts)
(Craig runs to the door and pulls at the knob)
CRAIG: We’re stuck!
(Marco looks around)
(Manny bangs
on the door)
MANNY: Help!
CRAIG: Oh god.
Chapter 5
>At The Dot<
(Ashley runs to the dishwasher
and sets down glasses)
(She runs back out and into Spin)
SPINNER: Watch where you’re going!
(He bends over
and picks up a plate)
SPINNER: There goes a whole burger just . . . kaput!
ASHLEY: You’re the one stomping around
getting in peoples way.
(Spinner shakes his head)
>At The Tables<
(Ash sets down with Alex and Ellie)
Hey guys.
(Alex quickly *gasp* smiles)
ASHLEY: Do you guys want to catch a movie tonight or something?
Which one?
(Spinner walks up)
SPINNER: Get back to your job.
ASHLEY: Can I have one second?!
SPINNER: Ok . . .
one .. . Now get back to work.
ELLIE: Spinner...
MANAGER: Ashley?
ASHLEY: Sorry was just about to get up.
manager nods)
ELLIE: See you tomorrow?
(She walks back into the kitchen)
>Back by the tables<
Jerkface strikes again.
(Spinner fake laughs)
(The fire alarm rings and everyone screams and pours out)
>In front
of the Dot<
ELLIE: Spin, where’s Ash?
SPINNER: Like I know...
(She finally comes out of the Dot.)
Everyone stay calm and stay outside.
(He walks in)
ALEX: Just great. Another thing that makes the world a happy place.
walks back out)
MANAGER: There’s no fire, and someone’s broken into the register!
(Ashley looks terrified
when everyone stares at her)
Chapter 6
>In The Boiler Room<
CRAIG: I cant
believe were stuck in here!
MANNY: Craig, I’m glad you were my first.
CRAIG: Whoa...Where did that come from?
Um, yeah, where?
(Manny slowly walks up to Craig and kisses him)
(He looks back at her)
(Marco stares at them)
I still love you Craig.
MARCO: Well, since were all in an honest mood, Craig...I think I’m falling for you.
takes a deep breath and steps back)
CRAIG: I have two people crushing on me?
(Manny nods and kisses Craig again)
As usual I’m the loner.
(Manny laughs at him and kisses him)
MARCO: Um, nothing remember?
MANNY: Oh, yeah.
Craig, take it away.
(Craig looks stunned)
CRAIG: What? You-you want me to? Marco? No,its not going to happen.
put her hands up Craig’s shirt)
MANNY: I have something for you if you do.
(Craig sighs)
CRAIG: Okay.
leans in and kisses Marco)
(Marco smiles and starts to make out with him)
(Craig breaks out of it and kisses Manny,
then she starts to make out with Marco.)
(They all lie on the floor now)
Chapter 7
>At the Dot<
SPINNER: So Ash, why are you so Paranoid?
I’m not paranoid, I’m freaked.
SPINNER: Does it have anything to do with you...I don’t know...stealing
ASHLEY: Unlike you, I don’t steal.
ELLIE: How could you say that Spin?
MANAGER: Someone in this
room took that money. Tell me now and the police won’t get involved.
(A young boy stands up)
BOY: It was me.
manager takes him into the kitchen.)
ALEX: Didn’t think she was capable of it anyway.
ASHLEY: Thanks...
and Spinner walk behind the counter)
SPINNER: Are you following me?
(Ashley smiles)
SPINNER: There’s more customers-
(Ashley kisses him and Alex and Ellie watch laughing)
Chapter 8
(Craig and Manny and Marco are making
(The door opens and they get up)
LIBERTY: Guys...Why are
you in here?
(Marco swallows)
MARCO: Um, we needed some stuff.
(Craig tries to button up his shirt without Liberty seeing)
buttons her pants)
LIBERTY:I have an after school club, I needed
something from here.
CRAIG: Right.
(He zips his pants and Liberty sees)
(Liberty looks
confused and Marco, Manny, and Craig run out of the room)
Chapter 9
>In The Gym<
(Manny and Craig hang up the poster)
MARCO: Looks good. We
did a great job.
(Craig looks around)
CRAIG: About what happened...
MANNY&MARCO: Stays in that room, forever.
CRAIG: Not what I meant. I think I might be...bisexual.
MARCO: You’re serious?!
CRAIG: I don’t
know...Its not like I hated what you did to me.
MANNY: And me?
(Craig kisses her then Marco)
CRAIG: Yeah. I’m
bi. I can trust you guys . . .right?
MANNY: Of course. Marco...are you still. . .
MARCO: Gay? Let me think.
(He kisses
(End Credits)