Degrassi Freak Fiction

Chapter Thirty-Four

Ava stopped the car at the Dot.  She didn’t want to be completely alone with Tucker so she decided they could do this in the parking lot at the Dot.  After she killed the engine she just sat there trying to figure out what to say to him.  She wanted to hurt him, say the meanest things that came to her mind but she knew that wouldn’t solve anything.  And she had Seth to think of now, not just herself.  He might want to know his dad one day and she didn’t want to mess that up for him.


As they sat in the quiet Tucker took in his surroundings.  He was amazed that his little Ava, who didn’t like to go the store alone, came to this new place and learned her way around.  All while pregnant or with a baby.  He knew she had changed; he could see it when he looked at her.  She was stronger now and for the first time in a long time he didn’t know what she was thinking.  And that bothered him more than he wanted to admit.


“Tucker why are you here?”  Ava finally asked softly.


“I needed to see you and I have to see him,” je answered not looking at her. 


“So Cameron told you.”


“Yes, why didn’t you tell me that I’m a father?  My god Ava I have a son and you didn’t even let me know,” he said.  He could feel the tears stinging his eyes but he wouldn’t allow them to fall.


“Why so you could tell me you don’t care.  Tucker I expect this to be the last time we talk so I’m going to be honest with you.  You totally crushed my heart.  I, stupidly, thought you actually loved me but the first real trouble and you wanted nothing to do with me.  I didn’t tell you about Seth because I couldn’t take you telling me you didn’t want him.”


“Why would I not want him?”  Tucker asked.  He couldn’t believe she thought he would turn his back on his son.


“Are you serious?”  Ava asked amazed he could say that.  “How about you saying if I didn’t kill him in the beginning to never come around you again?”  Ava said furious.


“God Ava, I’m so sorry I said that.  When Cameron told me you had gone I begged your dad to tell me where you were but he said he wasn’t really sure.  He told me you had the abortion.  I swear I didn’t know you had the baby.  I wouldn’t have let you do that alone.   I know I was a jerk and I was being selfish Ava, I’m so sorry I let you deal with everything on your own.  I want to help you now, please don’t shut me out,” Tucker said touching her face gently.


Ava recoiled at his touch.  “Don’t you ever touch me again.”


“Ava don’t do this.  I need to see the baby.”


“I didn’t say you couldn’t see him Tucker but I’m not part of the deal.  Do you understand me?” 


“Yeah,” Tucker said fighting the stinging again.


“Alright I’ll take you to see him.  But stop calling him the baby he has a name.”  Ava said.


“What is his name?  I know it’s Seth but what is the rest of it?”  Tucker asked.


“Griffin Seth,” Ava said starting the car again.


“And...”  Tucker prodded.


“And what?”


“What’s his last name?”  Tucker asked hoping she would say the name he wanted to hear.


“It’s Gentry.  Do you think I gave him your name when you wanted nothing to do with him?”  Ava couldn’t believe he expected that.


“No.  I understand,” Tucker said softly and stared out the window as Ava drove to her Aunt’s house and silence engulfed them again.




When Ava and Tucker came in the back door Ellie and Cameron were sitting in the kitchen.  Ellie was feeding Seth some carrots and Cameron was giving Aidan a bottle.  Ava smiled at seeing Cameron with the tiny baby; the bottle seemed to almost disappear in his hand.  Tucker didn’t smile.  He was so nervous he felt like puking. 


When Seth saw Ava he began to squeal and reach for her. 


“Hang on bud,” Ava said smiling at him.


She wiped his face and hands and pulled him up from the highchair.  He smiled showing off his two bottom teeth.


Tucker looked on amazed.  This is my son and the mother of my son, he said to himself.  It was like if he told himself it was true he could believe the blonde, chubby baby a few feet away really belonged to him. 


Ellie gave Ava smile and said to Cameron, “You want to learn to change a diaper?’




“Come on it’ll be a blast,” Ellie said sarcastically.


Tucker took a step towards Ava and Seth.  When he was beside them he reached out to take Seth from Ava.  Seth instantly buried his face in Ava’s chest. 


“He doesn’t want me to touch him either,” Tucker said.


Ava looked at him.  She could see the tears in his eyes and as much as she hated it she felt bad for him.  “He’s just being shy.  Come on in the living room and sit in the floor with us he’ll warm up to you.”


Within a half hour Seth was climbing all over Tucker and even giving him sloppy slobber filled kisses. 


“When are you leaving?”  Ava asked breaking the peace in the room.


“I’m not,” Tucker answered.


“Tucker?”  Ava began.


“Ava I’m staying here.  I’ll transfer to a school here.  I’m not leaving.  I can’t,” he said. 


“Tucker you will lose your semester.  Go home, you can come visit him on breaks,” Ava said offering him an out.


“I said I’m not leaving.  Screw the semester I can do it over.”

“What about football?  Tucker your dream has always been to play at Bama.  If you give it up you will regret it later.” 


“Ava I love you.  I’ve never stopped; it was stupid of me to think I could be without you,” Tucker said staring at her.


“I told you we are over.  We can’t go back Tucker.”


“I know but I have to be close to you and Seth; you two are my life now not football.  And maybe one day I can make you remember you still love me too.”


“Tucker,” Ava started to protest.


“It’s done.  I already quit school and my things are being sent here I won’t leave you or Seth again Ava.”


Ava looked at the man before her.  He was a man now; the boy she knew was gone.  A part of her wanted to believe him and let them live happily ever after but she just knew it couldn’t happen.  This was real life and happily ever after didn’t exist.

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