Degrassi Freak Fiction

Chapter Seven

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Ava couldn’t believe she had been at Degrassi for almost a month.  As the days and weeks passed Ava really began to find her place.  She, Hazel and Paige had become really close.  She and Jay just pretended the other didn’t exist.  She and Ellie were friends, not close but they both hung out with the same people so they got along.  Ava had heard all the stories about how Jimmy was put into a wheelchair.  She knew that Spinner and Jay had played a part in putting him there. Ava felt a little sorry for Spinner, he really seemed to be trying to make things right with Jimmy.  Jimmy didn’t want to listen to his ex best friend.  Ava had heard that Jay had lost his girlfriend Alex, because he was a cheater.  Spinner and Jay were both lucky to be back in school.  Ava heard they had to spend the summer in summer school.  What a sucky way to spend the summer.  But then again Ava’s summer wasn’t exactly great.  In fact it was awful.  She guessed they all had that in common; they all had a bad summer.  Unlike Jay and Spinner, Ava’s life was looking up.  But if her secret got out would it all change?


Ava walked into the Caf and straight to Paige’s and now her table.  She sat between Craig and Paige.  “Hey there Hun,” Paige beamed at her. 


“Hey,” Ava returned with a smile.


“Well have you hard the news?”  Paige asked. 


Ava could tell Paige was about to burst to tell “the news”.  Marco and Ellie sat down across from them.  Marco, who loves to gossip as much as Paige, said “What news?” with a big goofy smile on his face. 


“Well,” Paige began, “Liberty is prego” 


“What?”  Craig finally joined in on the conversation. 


They all looked at Paige in disbelief.


 “Where did you hear that?”  Marco asked looking at Paige as if she were crazy. 


“Do you doubt me?” Paige asked annoyed at everyone. 


“Paige you have to admit that does seem a little far fetched.  I man Liberty Van Zandt.”  Marco said still not sure if he should believe Paige or not.


 “I heard JT and Liberty arguing about it in the library earlier,” Paige announced feeling good about surprising everyone. 


“Wow, that’s scary can you imagine what JT and Liberty would spawn?” Craig said with a smile. 


“Craig that’s not funny” Ellie said. 


“Ellie don’t get so weird.  What are you Liberty’s new best friend,” Paige asked with a smirk. 


“No that’s just mean,”  Ellie said. 


“No Hun it’s not mean it’s funny.”  When Ellie didn’t respond Paige went on to say more.  “I just don’t get it, how can anyone make the mistake of getting pregnant.  I mean there are too many forms of birth control today.  No one should be so stupid.  No offence Craig,” Paige said as an after thought. 


“Sure,” he said as he rolled his eyes.    


Ava kept her eyes on Ellie through Paige’s rant.  Ava could see Ellie’s body tense and then she watched her stand.  Her hands were clenched into fists at her side.


“Paige, why don’t you just shut your stupid ignorant mouth?  You know nothing about what she is going through,” Ellie said with a quiver in her voice.  Then she ran out. 


Paige threw her hair over her shoulder and said in a huff, “What the hell is up her ass.  It’s not like I was talking about her.”


“I’m going to check on her,”  Ava said without looking at Paige.


Out in the hall Ava looked for Ellie.  She had disappeared.  Ava walked into the washroom, she could here Ellie trying to quiet her crying. 


“Ellie,” Ava said softly. 


“What do you want?”  Ellie asked shakily.


 “Ellie are you okay?”


 “Oh yeah I’m peachy.  I always cry in the washroom for no reason.” 


“El, come out of the stall.  Please.”


 The door swung open with a creak as Ellie walked to the sink and splashed her face with water.  “How far along are you?” Ava asked as she watched on. 


“I think you have me confused with Liberty.” 


“Ellie no one gets that upset over someone they hardly know getting talked about.  Obviously Paige running her stupid mouth bothered you,”  Ava said trying to get Ellie to talk to her. 


“You don’t know what you’re talking about, why don’t you just mind your own business and run on back to tell Paige what a fool I made of myself so you all can laugh at me now.”


 “I’m not going to tell Paige anything,.”  Ava said trying to reassure her.  Ellie just stared at her and then at herself in the mirror.


After a few minutes of silence Ava finally said, “Let’s get out of here” 


“You don’t need to walk me back I’m fine.” 


“Ellie I meant let’s get out of school not the bathroom,” Ava teased.  “Come one El lets go shopping,”  Ava said trying to convince her. 


“Ugh Ava I’m not a girly girl shopper.” 


“Well you can pick the stores we go in.”


 “Okay,” Ellie gave in, “let’s go!” 


“YAY shopping!”  Ava said clapping.  Ellie just rolled her eyes. 


“Don’t make me regret this,”  she said with a smile.

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