Degrassi Freak Fiction


Emma looked from side to side as she walked up the sidewalk towards the school. She felt like the whole student body had their eyes on her, even if it really wasn’t the case.


The demons of last year still haunted her, but she hadn’t let anyone know that. She made them think that she was okay because she was supposed to be a strong person, not a weakling.


She took a deep breath, trying to get the courage to walk through the doors, as she did everyday, since everyone found out her little secret. Around her friends, she did a good job covering this.


“Hey Emma,” Manny said as she walked into the school. Manny was sitting on the steps.


“Hey,” she said softly. She didn’t feel like pretending to be all upbeat anymore, she was emotionally tired after all the months of pretending.


“So I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to a party tonight.”


“I don’t think so,” she couldn’t take being around a big crowd. It seemed like she always felt claustrophobic around everyone; like she could hardly breathe.


Pulling on her hand, “Oh Emma, come on. Lately you’ve been a real bummer.”


At the beginning of the school year, she had been living it up, but the past few weeks she had slowly just stopped hanging out unless it was at either of their homes.


“I just don’t feel like it,” she stated, not wanting to get into it with her.


“Fine suit yourself, but you’re going to miss the best party, and all the boys,” she said smiling, thinking of the guy she had in mind.


“Oh come on, if you’re going to meet guys tonight, you definitely don’t want me tagging along; I’ll just bring you down.”


“No you wouldn’t, plus I could help you find a guy too.”


“No thanks, I don’t need any help,” feeling that no guy would give her a second look anyways. Most of those guys had spoken unkind words about her last year. They all probably think she still has some kind of disease.


“Well I guess there’s no changing your mind,” she replied before sitting down in her seat, in their homeroom.




Spinner sat alone as he did everyday, feeling so isolated from everyone. He felt like he had a disease of some sort; that everyone was afraid to catch it if they got to close.


His parents suggested that he transfer to a new school, to get a fresh start, but he didn’t want that. He wanted to try to get his friends back.


“Why don’t you just get lost, and never come back,” Craig yelled as he passed with Ellie in hand. The normal comments he got from his formal friends.


The words hurt, but he wouldn’t let it show. “Come on, how many times do I have to apologize?” When would it be enough?


“Like we’ve told you, it’s never going to be enough,” he snapped back. “Just like Jimmy’s never going to walk again.” He and Ellie walked over to their table in the corner where they could be alone.


Darcy watched this interaction from afar. She hated to see how he was being treated by his former friends. They acted as if he was the one that pulled the trigger instead of Rick. No one deserved that, everyone deserves a second chance. She decided that she would be that someone, “Hey Gavin,” sitting down across from him.


Spin had to take a second look; was he dreaming or was Darcy really talking to him? “Hi,” he said shyly.


“What they’re doing to you is wrong.”


“No I deserve it; I did get my best friend shot.”


“I’m sorry, was everyone wrong or did you not have the gun in your hand.”


“I may not have been the one with the gun but it was my lie that made him shoot Jimmy.”


“You didn’t make Rick shoot him, it wasn’t like you stood there and told him to pull the trigger; that was his decision. You need to stop blaming yourself.”


“How can I when everyone that I care about reminds me everyday with their cruel words, or when I see Jimmy wheel right past me,” feeling like he was going to break down right in front of her. He didn’t want her to see that, he got up from his seat and walked away, away from the only person to really give a chance in a longtime.




Emma sat in the corner of the library. She didn’t feel like encountering anyone at the moment. She felt so much better being alone where she felt no one was watching her every move.


She really thought that after last year she had gotten past this all, especially after Chester had befriended her after the fact. But now that Jay was back in school, she was reminded of it every time she saw his face. She wished her mom would just let her transfer, start out fresh where nobody knew her, and what she had done.


Peter was looking for a book for his stupid assignment. He was strolling around the corner when he spotted her by herself. She looked so sad, and his heart went out to her. People had been saying things about him, after the stunt he pulled, but the truth was he wasn’t as heartless as they would like to think. “Hey Ms. Nelson, why are you by yourself?”


“Thought I’d get my work done for class so I don’t have to do it this weekend,” she lied.


He shook his head, “No, I don’t buy it.”


“What would you know,” she said rolling her eyes; it’s not as if he really knew her.


“I know a lot, like what happened last year.”


Thinking that he was just trying to rub it in her face, “Well that seems to be public knowledge, but you’re one to talk,” she snapped. “I heard you’re the one behind the internet scandal.”


“I wasn’t here to poke it in your face, like you’re trying to do to me,” he replied. “I just figured that you’re sad because of that, thinking that no one’s forgotten, and still talks about it every time they see you.”


She looked up at him, and wondered how he could possibly know how she felt, laughing a bit, “How did you know?”


“I just could tell by the frown on your face earlier,” he said sitting next to her.


“Well it’s hard to forget what happened when this place reminds me daily what got me into that rut.”


“Emma, but I’m sure you don’t have to worry about anyone talking about it.”


“How can you be sure of that?”


“Because they are all probably talking about me now,” he laughed.


She smiles, giggling a little, “I guess you’re right.”


“Now there’s a smile.” He grabbed her hand, “Here’s my cell number if you want to come to the party tonight.”


“Thanks,” thankful that he had showed her some kindness. Maybe he was right, the school had something new and fresh to gossip on, there was no need to talk about news from last year.


With that, he got up and left Emma to be by herself, to her thoughts.




Darcy walked into the Dot to see Spinner working. She strolled over to him. “I’m sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have pushed you so much.”


He put down the cloth that he had in his left hand. “No I overreacted, you were the only trying to help me. I’m just so used to putting up my defenses with everything that’s gone on, that I can’t realize when someone is actually trying to help out.”


She smiled, “I get it Spin, there’s no need to explain; just know that if you ever need to talk I’ll be here for you,” she walked out.


Spinner stood there with a smile on his face, he finally felt like he could move on with his life; that he was getting the fresh start that he needed. Maybe in time his friends would come around if they could that he had changed.




Emma walked through the crowded house, looking for Peter. She tried not to cough from the smoke that filled the air. He was nowhere to be seen. She saw Manny in the corner, but she was flirting with some guy so she didn’t want to disturb her.


This was hopeless, she thought; feeling that maybe it was a mistake coming. She began to walk towards the door, and she even made it outside, but then she felt someone grab her hand. She glanced back to see who it was, it brought a smile to her face.


“Leaving without talking to me?” Peter said.


Emma smiled at him, “I couldn’t find you, and there was no way I wanted to be a third wheel to whoever Manny was with.”


“Well you found me now, and tonight you’re the only one I want to see.”


“Oh is that right,” she laughed. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”


“Maybe, but this is really the only time I’ve meant it,” he said bringing her into his arms.


“How can I be so sure?”


“I guess you’re just going to have to trust me,” he grinned, leaning in and kissing her.




Spinner walked out the entrance of the Dot after his shift was over. He was greeted by Darcy, “What are you doing here?” surprised to see her standing there.


“Well…I thought maybe we could hang out, catch a movie or something,” she smiled.


“I’d love too,” he replied.


The next thing that happened to Spinner came unexpectedly. Darcy came and grabbed his hand. Spin looked down at his hand right before gazing at her with a smile. They walked off and headed down the street.




Manny ran up to Emma Monday morning, “Hey I didn’t hear from you all weekend, what were you up to?”


Emma smiled thinking of her kiss with Peter, she hadn’t been that happy in a long time. “I was out with a friend,” not sure if she was ready to tell Manny about the new guy in her life.


“I saw you at the party, I thought you weren’t going to come?”


“I changed my mind,” more like someone changed my mind.


“Well you should have come and said hi.”


“I didn’t want to bother you, you were with some guy.”


“Yeah, but he wasn’t the guy I wanted to be with,” when she did see him he was running after some girl out the door.


Emma looked up at the entrance to notice Peter standing there, smiling at her, and she smiled back.

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