Degrassi Freak Fiction

605: Only the Lonely

Note: This chapter is rated SG-13 for sexual content.
Relationships are changing as Emma contemplates sex with Peter and Abby makes a mistake that could ruin everything.

[At Peter’s House…]

(Peter and Emma are making out on Peter’s bed. Peter’s hand travels from her hair down to her zipper. Emma pulls away and stares at his hand.)

Peter: Do you, uh,  want to?

(Emma’s silent.)

Peter: Because, you know, I brought a condom. Just in case you do.

(The moment ruined, Emma sits up. Peter, realizing his mistake, attempts to cover.)

Peter: It’s just – I’ve been thinking and – we’ve been going out for almost a year, Em – don’t you think that it’s time to take the next step?

Emma: I don’t – I don’t know what I want.

(Emma checks her watch.)

Emma: Oh, whoops – I have to go. Meeting the girls at The Dot for some dinner.

(Emma swings her leg over the side of the bed, pulling her shirt down. Getting up, she grabs her bag and walks towards the door. Peter scrambles off the bed.)

Peter: It’s just – I – I – I love you, Em.

(Emma stops. She smiles at Peter.)

Emma: Really?

(Peter grins.)

Peter: Uh, yeah.

(There’s a pause.)

Peter: Don’t you – you know – feel that way about me?

Emma: Yeah.

(Peter grab’s Emma’s hand.)

Peter: I just thought that maybe you’d want to prove it.

(Emma looks down. Peter nuzzles her.)

Emma: I don’t know.

(She pauses and stares at Peter.)

Emma: I – I’ll think about it, okay?

(Peter smiles and kisses her. Emma smiles back. She leaves.)

[End of Scene]


[At The Dot…]

(Emma is sitting at a table with Manny, Abby, and Liberty, telling everyone about Peter’s proposition.)

Emma: So then he said he wanted to have sex. With me.

Manny: Really?

Emma: Yeah.

Abby: Are you going to?

(Emma shrugs.)

Emma: I told him I’d think about it.

Liberty: Do you love him?

(Emma shrugs again.)

Emma: Sure. I never really thought about it.

Liberty: (skeptically) You never thought about love?

Emma: I’ve just been having fun.

(Abby shrugs.)

Abby: Sex is fun!

Emma: It’s just… I don’t know if I want Peter to be, you know. My first.

Abby: Wait – you’re a virgin? Seriously?

(Emma nods.)

Manny: Uh, sweetie, what about the whole Jay thing –

Emma: I didn’t sleep with him. Technically, I am still pure.

Manny: (shrugs) Whatever you say.

Emma: I just want my first to be really special, you know? With the perfect guy.

(Liberty snorts.)

Liberty: Losing your virginity isn’t a fairy tale!

Emma: What is it, then?

Liberty: Awkward – vaguely painful – embarrassing –

Abby: Mine wasn’t like that!

Emma: Who – you and Sean?

Abby: Sean, no. Not yet.

Manny: Wait – then – it had to be – ?

(Abby nods and grins sheepishly.)

Abby: Yeah. Spin was my first time.

(The other girls look at each other in shock. Abby remains silent.)

Manny: This would be the part where you spill the details, Abs.

Abby: We sort of – um – it’s a bit weird –

Emma: We’ll never tell another soul.

(Abby sighs and closes her eyes.)

Abby: Fine. It was me and Spin. At the – at The Dot.

(The three girls squeal.)

Manny: You never told us that!

(Abby shrugs sheepishly.)

Abby: It’s sort of embarressing.

Liberty: Sort of disgusting! Do you know how dirty these tables must be?

Abby: We didn’t do it on a table! We did it – (she blushes some more) – in the kitchen.

Emma: So what did the other people working do? Watch?

Abby: We were closing up. It was just us. We hadn’t done anything or gone out yet, but seriously, you could have cut the sexual tension with a knife. We were finishing clearing everything up and – suddenly, I don’t really know how it happened – we were full-on making out. I had been subconciously crushing on him for like a month, so I was all for it.

Liberty: How did that turn into sex?

Abby: We just kept going and going and going… And ended up doing it. Against a – against a wall.

(The girls squeal again.)

Manny: Oh, my God!

Liberty: You can’t be serious!

Emma: Your first time was upright in a kitchen?

(Abby shrugs and grins.)

Abby: I don’t regret it.

(Manny grimaces.)

Manny: I regret mine. You know most of it – started with that stupid song and ended with that stupid abortion. I mean, I’m glad it was with Craig, but I wish I had waited. Until he stopped dating Ash, at least.

(They smile and turn to Liberty.)

Liberty: It was me and JT. We were at his house, and his grandma was out running errands. It was the summer, the air conditioning was broken, and we were hot, so JT took his shirt off. We started kissing – one thing led to another – soon my shirt was off, as well.

(She pauses, thinking.)

Liberty: I don’t really regret the sex, just what came afterwards. What I regret most, of course, is giving in to JT’s insistance that we use an extra-large condom. He really, really did not need it.

(They laugh.)

Emma: So – do you think I should give in and – and actually have sex with Peter?

Manny: Only if you want to.

Abby: I don’t think it’s that big a deal. You know – sex and all.

(Liberty gasps.)

Liberty: Really?

Abby: It’s just – sex.

Manny: Then why haven’t you slept with Sean yet? If it’s just sex –

(Abby shrugs.)

Abby: He hasn’t brought it up and I’m not feeling any deep sexual urges or anything. Why rush it?

Emma: You’re right. Why rush it? I thought Peter and I were fine.

Manny: Guys are horndogs, Em. They always want to rush it.

(Emma looks unsure and slightly nauseous. Liberty puts a hand on her arm in comfort.)

Liberty: It’s a personal decision. He can’t force you to do anything.

Manny: But if you want to, you should.

Abby: Just, you know, wear a condom. If you do it.

Liberty: Not that you have to.

Emma: All these conflicting opinons? Really, such a great help.

[End of Scene]


[At Emma’s House…]

(Emma and Spike are unloading the dishwasher. Snake is playing with Jack in the next room as Manny loudly talks to Craig on the phone.)

Spike: So how was your day, honey?

Emma: Okay. I got a B+ on my physics test, finished my English essay and…

(Emma pauses, unsure. Her next words are very rushed.)

Emma: AndwenttoPeter’shouse.

Spike: Oh, that’s nice.

(Emma hesitates before speaking.)

Emma: He sort of… sort of… wants us to sleep together.

(The dish Spike’s holding drops and crashes to the floor. Spike looks to Emma, eyes wide.)

Spike: Peter wants you to have sex?

(Emma nods, scared.)

Spike: But – but – but –

Emma: I’m seventeen, Mom. Almost eighteen. If I want to have sex, I should be able to.

Spike: But – you haven’t – had – um – it yet – right?

(Emma shakes her head.)

Emma: Don’t freak. I’m still a virgin, I swear.

(Spike picks up the plate and puts a hand to her heart.)

Spike: I’m glad, sweetie.

(They go back to unloading for a moment. Emma’s thinking.)

Emma: And I’m planning on staying one until I know it’s the perfect guy. The perfect moment… The perfect time… Something I’ll never regret.

(Spike laughs.)

Spike: It’s not always that cookie-cutter, honey.

Emma: Do you – do you regret it? Your first time?

Spike: You mean, with Shane?

Emma: Yeah.

Spike: I regret how young I was. And I regret what Shane and I went through afterwards. But I don’t regret you or how my life turned out.

(There’s a pause.)

Spike: If I learned anything, though, I learned that a girl’s first time should be with someone who loves her.

(There’s a crash from the living room; Snake has knocked over a stack of blocks. He and Jack are busy re-building them together. Spike smiles and turns back to the sink.)

Spike: Like Snake.

(Manny walks by, loudly laughing at something Craig has said.)

Emma: Or Craig.

(Spike glances at Manny and nods, smiling.)

Spike: Or Craig.

(There’s a pause – Emma’s cell phone is ringing. Drying her hands on a dish towel, she grabs it from her pocket. It’s Peter.)

Spike: Or Peter?

(Emma shrugs.)

Emma: Maybe Peter.

[End Of Scene]


[At Degrassi…]

(Emma and Manny walk up the front steps the next morning. Liberty and Russ are there, grinning.)

Russ: Say hello to your newest president!

Liberty: And vice president!

(Manny hugs Liberty.)

Manny: Aw, congrats! You two’ll be awesome!

(Manny and Emma continue into the foyer.)

Manny: Decided about Peter yet?

Emma: Mom says it should be with someone who loves me.

Manny: Peter loves you… Right?

Emma: Yeah. He does.

Manny: And you love him…?

(Emma thinks and nods.)

Emma: Yeah. I do.

(They walk down the hall.)

Manny: Sex can be good, Em. I don’t want you thinking it’s like some awful, horrible sin. I’m not Darcy or anything.

Emma: I know.

Manny: Only if you’re ready, though.

Emma: I know.

Manny: You have no idea what you’re  gonna do, do you?

Emma: Let’s just say I won’t be paying much attention in class today.

(The girls smile as they walk into class.)

[End of Scene]


[At Degrassi…]

(Sean and Abby, holding hands, walk down the main hall of Degrassi with JT and Peter.)

Peter: So did you talk to Emma?

Abby: Yeah.

Peter: What do you think she’s going to –

(Abby rolls her eyes and interupts.)

Abby: I’m not going to give you any hints, perv! Emma will talk to you when – and only when! – she is ready.

Peter: But –

JT: Can you think about anything else?

Peter: Oh, like you can.

(JT shrugs.)

JT: Good point.

Sean: You could trying being less of an ass about it.

Peter: We’ve been going out for ten months! These things are to be expected!

(Sean rolls his eyes.)

Sean: Exactly my point.

JT: Oh, so that’s how you get so many ladies, Sean. Morals.

(Sean’s disgusted.)

Sean: I don’t get – ladies. Only – (he looks at Abby and smiles) – Abby.

(Abby smiles at him. JT groans.)

JT: Oh, sure.

Sean: I’d never do that. More than one girl at a time? That’s fucking awful.

(Abby’s eyes widen a little. She gulps.)

Abby: Unforgivable?

(Sean nods curtly.)

Sean: Absolutely.

(Abby pulls her hand fron Sean’s hand and wipes it on her jeans.)

Abby: Sorry. My hands are a bit sweaty. Really hot in here, eh?

(Abby fans herself.)

Abby: Well, I got to get to class. See you all later!

(Sean leans in to kiss her, but she just leaves. Shrugging it off, he turns back to the boys.)

Peter: Every other guy I know has had sex. I haven’t and it’s embarrassing. I’m not an ass, just – just sort of desperate.

JT: At least you’re admitting it. First step, dude.

[End of Scene]


[At Degrassi…]

(Emma’s in the MI lab, working on a project. She leans to her side and sees Peter at a computer across the room. She watches him for a moment. Sighing, she turns back to her screen and opens up an IM.)

sparklespaz: peter?

Filmypetah: heyy em

Sparklespaz: I thought about it

Sparklespaz: and I think ur right

Sparklespaz: we should have sex

Filmypetah: really?

Sparkespaz: yeah : )

Filmypetah: that’s awesomee

Filmpetah: when?

Filmypetah: how bout today after school?

Filmypetah: my dad’s gone till 8 ; )

Sparklespaz: sounds good

Sparklespaz: see you then

Filmypetah: love you

Sparklespaz: me too

(Emma exits out of the IM and looks back at Peter. He sees her and grins. Emma looks back to her computer, staring sadly at it.)

[End of Scene]


[At Degrassi…]

(It’s the end of the day and Abby’s at her locker. Emma walks up to her.)

Emma: I’m doing it.

Abby: You’re doing it?

(Emma nods and smiles.)

Emma: I was kind of sad at first, and kind of nervous – but now I’m just really excited. I mean, it’s sex. How bad can it be?

Abby: When’s it happening?

Emma: I’m meeting him now and going to his house.

Abby: Does he have condoms?

(Emma nods. Abby grins.)

Abby: Oh my God – I can’t believe you’re actually going to have sex!

(She puts a hand to her heart.)

Abby: My little Emmy-Wemmy is growing up so quickly –

(Emma checks her watch.)

Emma: Okay, I’ve got to go – any last minute advice?

Abby: I’d advise against screaming out in pain in the middle.

(Emma’s eyes widen in alarm. Abby blushes.)

Abby: Not that I did, or anything.

(Emma grabs Abby’s hand and squeals.)

Emma: Next time you see me, I’ll be a woman!

(She begins to walk away, Abby calling after her.)

Abby: Good luck! Not that you’ll need it! I’m sure you’re a natural!

(Abby turns back to her locker, realizes what she just said, and grimaces.)

Abby: Ew.

(As Abby continues to transfer books to and from her locker, Sean walks up behind her. He wraps his arms around her as she smiles and turns to him.)

Sean: Hey.

Abby: Hey!

Sean: So, I’m still coming over later, right?

Abby: Six okay?

Sean: Six is awesome.

Abby: See you then!

Sean: Bye!

(Sean walks down the hall. Abby watches him go and grins.)

[End of Scene]


[At Degrassi…]

(Peter is waiting for Emma in the lobby. He sees her and smiles.)

Peter: You ready?

(Emma nods, blushing.)

Peter: Then let’s go!

(They walk out the front doors.)

[End of Scene]


[At Peter’s House…]

(Peter and Emma are sitting on his bed, side by side. Peter digs under his mattress and pulls out a condom.)

Peter: So, um, here. Yeah.

Emma: We should probably start this. I have to leave soon.

Peter: Okay – um –

(He begins kissing her. They lie down on the bed. Peter’s got the condom in his hand. Opening her eyes, Emma looks at it. Pulling away from Peter, she sits back up.)

Peter: Are you okay? Am I doing something wrong?

Emma: No – no – this is fine. It’s just sort of overwhelming, you know?

Peter: Yeah, I understand.

(Peter sits up and slips his hand into Emma’s. She smiles.)

Peter: I love you, Emma Nelson.

Emma: I – I love you too.

(They start kissing again and lying down.)

[End of Scene]


[At Abby’s House…]

(Abby’s in her bedroom, on the phone with Manny. The scene cuts back and forth to them as they talk.)

Abby: I saw Craig’s video yesterday.

Manny: Wasn’t it awesome?

Abby: Yeah, it totally was! My favorite part was when he jumped into the crowd and surfed and kept playing – that takes major skill.

Manny: I know! I love Craig.

(Abby laughs.)

Abby: I know.

Manny: So Em’s probably losing her virginity right now.

Abby: Who ever thought Em would be the last to loose it? Out of us, I mean?

Manny: I always thought it would be me. Back when we were like twelve and I didn’t know what abstinence meant.

Abby: I thought it would be me. I was the last to get a boyfriend.

Manny: My first boyfriend lasted like three seconds. Craig the first time doesn’t really count.

Abby: What about Craig the second time?

(Manny thinks.)

Manny: I don’t know.

Abby: I think he does.

Manny: Yeah, me too.

(There’s a pause.)

Manny: So, guess who I saw staring at you during lunch today?

(Abby groans and puts her face in her pillow.)

Abby: Don’t tell me!

Manny: Derek!

(Abby groans again, more loudly this time.)

Manny: That kid really fell hard, didn’t he?

(Abby sits up, sighing.)

Abby: (grumbling) I wish he’d fall off a cliff.

Manny: Now, that’s no way to talk about a boy you made out with!

Abby: I didn’t make out with Derek! I only kissed him for like, five seconds. That definitely doesn’t count as a makeout. Are there qualifications for a makeout, anyway? Because I always thought –

(Abby looks up and sees Sean at her door, his mouth open. He’s obviously heard everything she just said. Abby gulps.)

Abby: (whisper) Manny, I think I’m going to have to call you back.

[End of Scene]


[At Peter’s…]

(Peter and Emma are still making out on his bed. He’s shirtless, she only has a bra on. Getting into it, Peter reaches down for the zipper of Emma’s pants. He unbuttons them and begins to pull them down. Emma opens her eyes for a second, but closes them, forcing herself to go along. Peter whips out the condom again. Emma sees, freaks, and pulls away.)

Emma: I – I – I can’t do this!

(Peter’s jaw drops. Emma sits up and buttons her pants.)

Emma: I’m not having sex with you, Peter. I didn’t want to, ever.

Peter: But, Em –

(Emma reaches for her shirt and pulls it over her head.)

Emma: I was only doing it because you fully pressured me into it!

(Peter sits up, offended.)

Peter: Did not!

Emma: Did too!

Peter: We’re teenagers, Em! Seniors in high school! Sex is – is what we do!

Emma: No, Peter, no! Sex is not something I do. Not with you.

Peter: Don’t you love me?!

(Emma gets up, glaring.)

Emma: I’m not so sure anymore.

(Peter gets up angrily.)

Peter: Well, neither am I!

Emma: You just – you can’t force your girlfriend into sex! That’s not –

Peter: When did I force you? When did I drag you over my house – shove you onto the bed – make you makeout with me?

Emma: It was in my mind –

Peter: You’re making me sound like a rapist! I’m not a rapist! I’m just a guy who’s been going out with a girl for nearly a year and is getting sick and tired of waiting!

Emma: And I’m a girl who’s been going out with a guy she thought she knew!

(Peter steps back, angry. Emma stands and stares at him.)

Peter: I guess this is over then?

Emma: I guess so!

Peter: You know what? I’m glad!

Emma: Me, too!

(They stand awkwardly for a moment.)

Peter: Now would be when you leave!

Emma: I was just about to!

(Emma storms out Peter’s door. Angry, Peter hurls the condom against his wall.)

[End of Scene]


[At Abby’s House…]

(Abby is on her bed, gaping at Sean. Sean, a little shellshocked, is staring back at her.)

Abby: How’d – how’d you get up here?

Sean: Lizby – Lizby let me in.

Abby: Uh, oh.

Sean: Who – who were you talking to?

Abby: Manny.

Sean: Oh.

(There’s a pause.)

Sean: Did I hear – did I hear – did I hear you say that you kissed –

Abby: Derek?

Sean: Uh, yeah.

Abby: Um. Sort of.

(Sean isn’t angry yet; just really confused.)

Sean: When was this? Before I came back? Because we’ve been going out since then –

Abby: It was – uh – about a month ago.

(Sean’s eyes widen.)

Sean: But we were –

Abby: (sadly) I know.

(Comprehension is beginning to dawn on Sean and he’s beginning to get angry.)

Sean: So you’re saying – you’re saying you kissed another guy? While we were dating? We were dating, and you kissed someone else?!

Abby: Um. Yes?

Sean: WHAT?!

(Abby jumps off her bed.)

Abby: Listen, Sean, I’ll explain –

Sean: Explain? How can you explain that? You kissed Derek! The little runt with the afro – you kissed him. While we were dating! WHY DID YOU KISS HIM?!?

Abby: I was unsure about how I felt about you, you know –

Sean: WHY?!

Abby: I – I – I don’t know! It was a mistake, Sean! I’m sorry!

Sean: Now you’re sorry. Now that I know!

Abby: I felt really, super guilty, for like weeks –

Sean: Were you ever planning on telling me thoat you KISSED ANOTHER BOY?

Abby: Not really –

(Sean throws his hands up and turns around.)

Abby: I knew if I told you you’d get mad!

Sean: Hell yes, I’d get mad! I’d get fucking furious! I AM FUCKING FURIOUS!

Abby: It didn’t mean anything, Sean! Nothing! If anything – it made me realize how much I love you –

Sean: Oh, did it?! How ‘bout I go kiss someone, then? Manny? Emma? Darcy? I’ll go kiss another girl so I can realize how much I love you! WILL THAT WORK?!

Abby: Sean, please –

Sean: I can’t believe this! I fucking can’t believe this! How could you do this, Abby? What sort of twisted brain do you have that – that thought this was okay?

(Abby’s crying.)

Abby: I didn’t – I, I don’t – I’m so, so sorry –

Sean: You can’t be all that fucking sorry if you didn’t tell me! What were you expecting – to just live happily ever after? You were just going to live with the fact that you kissed Derek?!

Abby: I didn’t know what to do, Sean! I was really, really confused –

Sean: To hell you were!

Abby: Sean – please – don’t do this!

Sean: Don’t do what?!

Abby: Don’t be like this –


Abby: But it didn’t mean anything!


(Sean shouts right in Abby’s face. Abby, crying, steps back, hurt. Sean slouches a little, looking close to tears himself.)

Sean: Not to me. Not – not anymore.

(Sean leaves. Abby falls on to her bed, crying.)

[End of Scene]


[At Emma’s…]

(Emma swerves into her driveway, tears running down her face. She flings the door open, jumps out, slams it shut, and hurries to her front step. She stops there and sinks to to the ground in tears. Sitting on her front porch, she puts her head in her hands and cries.)


[CUT TO: Sean walking briskly down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets and head to the ground. He smears away a few tears that have escaped and hears a loud sobbing. Looking up, he realizes that he’s in front of Emma’s house, and Emma’s crying on her front step.)

Sean: Emma? What’s wrong?

(Emma looks up at him, face beet red.)

Emma: Peter and I are over, Sean. We – we broke up.

(Sean sighs and looks at the ground.)

Sean: So are me and Abby. She kissed Derek.

(Emma avoids Sean’s gaze.)

Sean: And you knew?

Emma: I was sworn to secrecy. I’m sorry.

(Sean ambles over towards her and sits down next to her.)

Sean: It’s not your fault. It’s hers.

Emma: She really loves you.

Sean: I find that hard to believe.

(Emma shrugs and attempts to wipe away her tears.)

Sean: So – what happened?

Emma: He – he wanted sex – and I – I didn’t want to s-sleep with him.

Sean: He dumped you over that?

(Emma nods tearfully.)

Sean: Asshole.

(Emma nods, a hint of a smile on her face.)

Emma: Yeah.

(There’s a pause.)

Sean: I’m – I’m sorry. About Peter.

Emma: Me, too.


Emma: I’m sorry about Abby.

Sean: Yeah.

(Emma sighs and stands up.)

Emma: Want to come inside? All this drama’s made me sort of hungry.

(Sean smiles and stands up.)

Sean: Yeah, sure.

(They head inside.)

Sean: You got popcorn?

[End of Scene]


[At Emma’s…]

(Sean and Emma are sitting on her couch, eating popcorn. Emma’s venting, her face still tear-stained.)

Emma: I just – I just don’t get how Peter could – how he could just randomly expect sex like that. You know? Like, he earned it. A reward for ten months of being stuck with me.

Sean: He didn’t mean it like that.

Emma: What was it, then? Why was he such a bastard about it? Why did he get mad at me for not wanting to?

(Sean shrugs. Emma sniffs.)

Emma: Boys suck.

Sean: No, they don’t.

Emma: Peter sucks.

Sean: Can’t argue with that.

Emma: I didn’t love him. I fooled myself into it.

(There’s a pause as she thinks.)

Emma: But he didn’t love me, either. At least, I don’t think so.

Sean: Nah, he didn’t. He couldn’t’ve.

(Emma silently agrees.)

Emma: I miss it.

Sean: What?

Emma: Being in love.

Sean: Do you mean…?

(Emma blushes and nods. Sean leans back, remembering.)

Sean: Yeah. What we had kicked ass.

Emma: Did you have it with – you know – Abby?

(Sean shrugs.)

Sean: I thought I did.

Emma: (quietly) I thought I had it with Peter, too.

Sean: I guess you don’t really know if you had it or not until you break up.

Emma: We definitely had it.

(After a few moments of silence, Sean leans over to Emma and begins kissing her. They kiss for a second before lying down on the couch. Emma begins to peel Sean’s shirt off. Sean pulls away.)

Sean: Are you sure you want this?

(Emma looks up at him and smiles.)

Emma: More than anything.

(They go back to kissing. Sean throws his shirt on the floor.)


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