Degrassi Freak Fiction

Chapter Three - Raging

Kelsie sat on the floor, keeping herself busy by packing up her old room. Well at least the stuff that she wanted to take with her back to her new home. She didn’t want to think about what had happened today because all it did was get her livid, and it wasn’t good for the baby if her blood pressure got too high. So keeping busy she felt was the best way to do it.


She got up off the floor with great difficulty, and walked over to her closet. She got onto her tippy toes to try to get things of the shelf, but was still unable to reach anything. She walked over to her desk and grabbed the chair and brought it back to the closet, and stood upon it.


When she grabbed one of the boxes, she saw a box marked ‘Memories with Craig’. She didn’t want to see this anymore; she just wanted it away from her. Rage came over her triggering her to throw the box towards her glass door, going right threw it, causing it to shatter.




Chris was sitting down on the couch in the living room, with Kelsie’s mother, Karen, talking with her about how Kelsie had been doing with the lately with her pregnancy and starting off in a new city.


“Chris, I’m a little worried about Kelsie, today when Kelsie got home, something didn’t seem right about her.”


“She told Craig today, and let’s just say that it went entirely wrong,” he tried to explain.


She shook her head, “Things never…”


She didn’t even get to finish what she was saying before they both heard something from upstairs, it sounded like something shattering. It startled them.


“What was that?” Karen asked as she jumped a little.


“Kelsie probably dropped something upstairs,” getting up, “I’ll go see what it was.”


Standing up, “I don’t think that was just anything, it didn’t sound like something was dropped,” pretty sure of what she heard.


He knew Karen was right, he began to agonize that something may have happened to Kelsie. At that thought, he began to dart up the stairs, into her room to find her crying on controllable on the floor, rocking back and forth. As he looked farther into her room, he noticed the broken glass door. He began to question what had happened.


He went straight to her side, and wrapped his arms around her. “Kels, what happened?” She was a wreck before him; something really had gone wrong.


She just couldn’t stop crying long enough to tell him. All the emotions were running through her, and she couldn’t control them.


Chris glanced at the door to notice something on the deck. He arose, and went to see what it was. He slowly opened the broken door, being careful not to cut himself. He picked up the box, and turned it over to see what it was, to find Craig’s name on it.


“Oh, poor Kels, can’t she ever get a break?” he whispered. He walked back over to her, and sat down right in front of her, grabbing her hands “Hun, talk to me...please,” he pleaded. He was really worried what this trip was doing to her. He wished that they had waited to come until the baby was born, and had her parents send her stuff instead.


Kelsie gazed up at him with tears in her eyes; they were bloodshot. “When can we get out of here?” she whimpered. She couldn’t be here anymore it was just too much to bear.


“Monday, but please tell me what’s going on with you,” looking down at her, caressing her face, hoping that she would open up. He didn’t want her to keep this inside any longer.


“Why does he have to do this to me? Am I really that horrible?” looking up at him slightly. She was beginning to believe the words he said.


“No Hun, he’s just trying to make you feel horrible. He wants you to think bad things about yourself.” Stroking her hair, “What he says doesn’t matter; it doesn’t change my opinion of you. Remember that I love you always.”


“I love you too!” tilting her head, giving him a little smile. “I’ll be happy when we get back home, so I can forget about this all and finish preparing for our little arrival.”


Getting up, and grabbing her hands to help her up, “Why don’t I run you a bath, so that you can relax, and then I’ll clean up this mess?”


“Okay. Did I ever tell you how great you are?” putting her arms around his neck.


Putting his hands on her hips, pulling her in closer, “Not today,” he joked.


“Well you are,” leaning in for a kiss.


He grabbed her hand, and led her towards her bathroom, “Now let’s run you that bath.”




Craig came home late that night, past his curfew, totally wasted. He didn’t really care since he was already in a foul mood. If Joey got mad, who cares because nothing was worse than the feeling he was feeling right now.


He stumbled up the stairs to the front door. He struggled to put his key in the lock, he was unable to see the keyhole straight; he almost dropped the keys on the ground. When he finally was able to open the door, he tripped in, slamming the door shut behind him, causing the windows to rattle as the door hit the frame.


Joey arose from the couch, “Where have you been Craig?” he yelled startling Craig, “I’ve been phoning your cell for hours.” He had been worried sick that something may have happened to him, like getting into an accident.


“Just leave me alone alright. I’m not in the mood to stand here and chat with YOU or anyone else for that matter,” brushing past him, hitting his shoulder with his.


Joey smelt the booze on him, “Have you been drinking?” He didn’t get a response. Grabbing a hold of Craig’s wrist with a tight grip, “I didn’t say we were finished. I want an answer,” he demanded, wondering what had gotten into him.


Releasing his wrist from Joey’s grip, in a forceful tone, “Don’t ever touch me.” Getting in his face, pointing his finger at him, “You got that.”


Craig started climbing the stairs, “I don’t like that tone you’re using,” he hollered. Yes, Craig and he had had fights before, but he had never seen him this worked up before.


In the middle of the staircase Craig turned around to face him, “You know what…I don’t really care.”


He had, had enough of this, he wasn’t going to let him walk all over him, “You’re grounded.”


By this time, they had woken everyone in the house up. Craig ran up the rest of the stairs, brushing past Angela and Caitlin, not even acknowledging them.


Angela stood outside her door, “Craig, why are you and daddy yelling at each other?”


“Ang, mind your own business,” he said rudely before slamming his door shut, and locking it.


Today had been a total disaster with Kelsie, and her news, and then the woman that just wouldn’t seem to take no as answer. She just brought him closer to her and kissed him more, and was trying to get him to have sex with her, but he didn’t want that even though his hormones kept on telling him to go for it. He had to basically shove the women off him, and then dart out.


He grabbed his walkman, blaring the music in his ears. He was so hurt by her actions that he had taken his anger out on everyone else, people who didn’t even deserve it. He stared at a picture he had found in his drawer, tears ran down his cheeks while he thought about it.





Emma was a little furious at Craig the next morning. He was supposed to come around to her house last night, but he didn’t; he hadn’t even tried to call her. She had tried calling him all night, but only got his voicemail. He had never blown her off before.


She sat in her room on the bed debating on whether or not to call him; he didn’t deserve it though. She got up from her bed, heading into her closet, “No I’m not going to do it,” she said to herself. “If he can do this to me then I’m going to spend the day out, and treat myself.”


Emma went through her closet, trying to find the cutest outfit she could find. She felt like making Craig mad and jealous all at once while she flirts with other guys.


After she got dressed, she went upstairs, to find her mom in the middle of cleaning up from breakfast, “Mom.”


Turning around from the sink to face her daughter, “Yeah.”


“I’m going out; I’ll be back later tonight, if Craig’s calls tell him I went to have some fun.”


“Alright sweetheart,” she smiled, wondering what that was all about. Teenagers these days, she thought. Thinking that they probably got into a little tiff last night.




Kelsie woke up in a better mood; she had decided to put it in the back of her mind, it’s not as if she would have to see Craig again. She came downstairs with a great big smile on her face. She brushed past her father to Chris, who was eating breakfast, to give him a morning kiss.


“I see you’re feeling much better,” Chris said as he held her in his arms with his head nestled in the nape of her neck.


“Yes, I’ve decided to put it all behind me. What time are the guys coming?” The boys had volunteered to help them pack and load the truck.




“Okay, well I’m going to finish off my room, when they come you can pack my entertainment room.”


“Are you sure you don’t want someone else to finish your room?” worried that she might get upset again, and break another window. He didn’t want her blood pressure going up too much. He wanted her to get through this weekend damage free. Moreover, she needed to get as much as rest as she could with there not being too much time left of her pregnancy.


“No, it’s fine. I’ve decided that I’m not going to let him get to me,” determined not to let anything bug her.


“Alright, but aren’t you going to have something to eat first?”


Walking over to the fridge with a glass, “I’m just going to grab a banana and some orange juice.” She wasn’t too hungry right now.




Someone pounding on Craig’s bedroom door awoke him. With every bang on the door, it felt like someone was pounding a nail through his skull. He tried to block the banging by covering his ears with his pillow, but it only seemed like the pounding began to get even louder.


“Go away, I’m not talking to you or anyone else,” Craig finally hollered after getting sick of hearing the constant pounding. He just wanted to be left alone.


“Craig I’m not letting this go. I want to know why all of a sudden you’re acting this way,” Joey yelled from the other side of the door, as he leaned against the wall, hoping that he would let him in. He was scared of the behavior he saw in Craig last night. He had never seen him act that way.


Getting up, opening his door, “You really want to know,” he sneered in his face. Wouldn’t he just love the glorious news?


“Yes!” annoyed by his attitude already.


“Kelsie’s pregnant…and it’s my kid,” slamming the door back in his face. He walked over to his stereo and started blare the music to drown out the world. He didn’t care that it was hurting his head from the hangover he had. He just wanted to get away from all this hurt and pain, to drown out everything.


Joey flung the door open in a matter of seconds, walking over to Craig’s stereo to turn it off. As he opened his mouth, he was rudely interrupted.


“What did you do that for?” Craig said springing off his bed.


“Because I want to talk about what you just said.”


“What’s there really to talk about? It’s just as I said; I’m going to be a father. Now back off,” he ranted.


Pacing back and forth, “How’s that possible, you haven’t seen her since the summer…OR HAVE YOU,” wondering if there was stuff he hadn’t been honest about. He hated to think that Craig might have cheated on another girlfriend, or even the fact he would have to give up his future.


“Well…because she’s 8 months pregnant.”


“Craig I thought you were going to be smart this time,” he said with disappointment. The moment he said that, he wished he could take it back. He wished he could have reworded it.


“As they say it’s not a 100%,” he said in a haughty way. Looking into Joey’s eyes, almost in tears, flinging his arms in the air, “Do you think I wanted this either? Do you think I wanted to ruin everything that I have with Emma?”


Looking at his son, seeing how the last year and half he had changed. “Well…no.”


Craig headed towards the doorway, turning around just for a second to get in the last word. “At this point Kelsie and I are no longer talking. So I guess you get your wish, I’m not going to get be a father, yet again.” He stormed out of the room down the stairs.


From the top of the stairs, “Craig…” he tried to call out, but it was too late Craig had already stormed out of the house. He felt for his son, yes he didn’t want him to be a dad at an early age, but since he was he believed that he had every right to be a part of his child’s life. He couldn’t imagine not being apart of Angela’s.




Paige came into Kelsie’s room when she arrived at her house that afternoon. The room was nothing like the last time she had been in it; it was so bare, so empty. Even though she had been gone for a while, it was sad that she would be officially gone from Toronto.


“Hey Hun, how’s it going?” Paige asked as she sat on the edge of her bed.


“All good,” she lied not wanting to have to explain it all to her. She still hadn’t told Paige what happened yesterday.


“Girl that front may work on Ashley and the boys, but I know better.” She was one of the only ones that could read Kelsie.


Sitting down beside her, looking at her, “To be truthful I just want to get out of this town so that I never have to lay eyes on Craig again.”


“Yeah, Ash told me about your little fight.”


“Little, it was far from little. He called me heartless, among other names that I don’t want to repeat. He told me he feels bad for Chris, for having to put up with me,” she began to cry. “Do you think he’s right?” wondering if she was that way without knowing.


Putting her arm around her, “No Hun, it’s not like you meant to hurt him. You didn’t know your boyfriend was still alive. In addition, it’s not as if you tried to keep it from him. He should be happy that you told him the truth, because you could have pulled the baby off as Chris’s and he wouldn’t have known any better.”


Standing up, “You’re right!”


Smiling, as she watched Kelsie, “Why don’t I help you finish off this room, then we can go get the boys something to eat.”




Craig arrived at The Dot to see Emma talking to her ex-boyfriend, Jay, flirting. This really angered him; his eyes grew with fire as he watched this from the doorway. How can she be doing this to him, after all he had done to her, showing how much he cared. It was like the whole Manny thing all over again, except he was Ashley, and Emma was him.


As he saw Jay put his hand on her leg, he snapped. He walked right over to Jay, and didn’t even say a word. He just grabbed Jay off his seat and punched him in the eye. As he towered over him, “Don’t ever touch my girlfriend again!”


He went to punch him again, but Emma pulled him off, shouting, “Craig…stop it!”


Looking at her with fury in his eyes, and hurt, “What were you doing flirting with him?”


Grabbing his hand, pulling him outside, so they wouldn’t cause a further scene, once outside she started shouting, “You mean you actually care?”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” confused by why she was so mad at him.


“It means that I waited hours for you to show up last night, but you didn’t, you didn’t even give me a call. And when I tried to call your cell, no one answered.”


“Sorry, you know you’re not the center of my universe,” annoyed that all of a sudden it was his entire fault. He had bigger things to worry about last night.


Offended that he said that, “I never said I was. But what was so bad that you couldn’t even give me a call?”


Getting into her face, bellowing, “You know you don’t really deserve to know.”


“Craig, just tell me,” she yelled. He always told her everything, what had changed, what was stopping him now?


“I’m going to be a father.”


“What? What are you talking about?” Did he cheat on me, she asked herself? Is there something wrong with me that he would even consider doing that? Or is the saying right, once and cheater always a cheater?


“Kelsie told me she’s 8 months pregnant with my child.”


Her jaw dropped, “Why only tell you now?”


“She said that she didn’t want to do it over the phone. I really hate her for doing this to me.”


“Are you sure she’s not lying just to get you back?”


“Yes, trust me the way things went yesterday, that was far from her mind.”


“Well I don’t believe it. Well I’m not going to be part of a life with that girl,” she sneered, the thought of her trying to steal him back after she had let him go so long ago.


“There you go thinking of yourself again, don’t you care what I even have to say?” he yelled back at her, mad that she seemed to think how this was going to affect her life, when it was his life it was going to change, if at all.


“You know what, go play house with your NEW family…we’re done,” she said as she pulled the door to The Dot open.


“There’s not going to be any family because I can’t be near someone that could do that to me,” he yelled back before stomping off. He didn’t even know where he was going, as long as it was far from her he didn’t care. At this point, he didn’t even care if they were over.




Spinner walked up the stairs in Kelsie’s house; he had a plan to get back at Kelsie for Craig. He walked into the entertainment room to find Jimmy and Marco helping Chris.


Jimmy looked up from what he was doing, to see Spinner in the doorway. He had a surprised look on his face, since what he had said a few days before, “Spinner, what are you doing here?”


“Oh I thought it would be nice to finally meet this guy of Kelsie’s,” he replied, putting on a fake smile. Marco and Jimmy both looked at each other flabbergasted, who would have thought he would show after what he thought about Kelsie, had he changed his mind or was he up to something?


Chris got up, and went to shake his hand, giving him a smile, “It’s nice to meet you.”


“You too,” he said giving off an evil smile. After today, everyone will finally know what Kelsie is really like, he thought.


“So are you here to help us?” Marco said.


“No, I have something to tell Chris, something that I think he might find rather interesting, unless…he already knows,” he smiled.


Jimmy had a bad feeling that things, and something told him that it maybe just the beginning, “And what would that be?”


“Did you know that your little girlfriend kissed Craig even before she thought you were dead?” Spinner had a real big feeling that Kelsie never shared that little tidbit with him and boy would this lie really blow up in her face.


Chris’s smile suddenly turned to a frown. He hoped that he was joking, just trying to get a rise out of him for kicks. “No, she wouldn’t have done that, she loves me too much.”


“You know the night Paige threw her a birthday party, the night before coming to see you; I overheard her and Craig arguing about it outside, before he kissed her again.”


Chris’s eyes grew with rage and his nose began to flare. He stomped out of the room right into Kelsie’s room. He couldn’t believe that she could do this to him, was she just playing him for a fool or something?


Kelsie heard the door slam up against the wall, to see Chris standing there. By the look on his face, she knew he was pissed, but she couldn’t figure out why. Had the guys said something rude to him? Chris didn’t get mad easily; it had to be pretty big.


Paige saw it too, and took it as a signal to leave the room. She walked out of there as fast as she could; she didn’t want to be caught up in it too.


Walking towards him, “Sweetie, what’s the matter?” Kelsie began to feel scared as she saw the fury that was flaring in his eyes. This was the maddest that she had ever seen him before.


“I want to know the truth you’ve been keeping from me,” he yelled.


“What truth?” not thinking that he knew about her kiss with Craig, she never thought that anyone would find that out, so why bring it up. It was happened so long ago.


“Don’t play dumb with me. You’ve been keeping something from me.”


Confused by it all, “I’m not playing dumb, what are you talking about?”


“Spinner just showed up, and told me about you kissing Craig sometime before your birthday party and then again at the party.”


Her stomach dropped, and she could feel a lump in her throat, “How does he know about that,” getting mad that Craig had told him, not thinking that he could have found out any other way.


“So you admit it’s true!”


“Yes, but it’s not what you think.”


Thinking back to the first night she arrived, “That’s why you were acting a little strange that first night at my house.”


“Yes, but I never meant to kiss him,” trying to break the distance between the two of them. She wanted to get a chance to explain.


Backing away from her, “Yeah right.” If it happened twice then it couldn’t be an accident, he thought. It was as if he didn’t know the real Kelsie, because the girl he had in his head wouldn’t do this to him.


“I was missing you, and Craig and I were talking about stuff that he was hiding in his life. He reminded me so much of you; when I realized what I had done, I stopped it. It never happened again even though he wanted it to,” she cried.


“Then why the second kiss?”


“He kissed me, but I pulled away, and was planning to never talk to him again,” tears continued to fall down her face, as she looked at him with so much regret. She should have told him when she visited in Sechelt, and defiantly when he came back into her life, but she was scared of losing him.


He hated seeing her this way, but he was hurt that she never had the courage to tell him the truth, that he had to hear it from someone else. “Yeah well that’s what they all say. I never once did that to you…and believe me I had plenty opportunity. Even after I woke-up and knew you had moved on, I never fell into another’s arms.”


Drawing closer to him, grabbing a hold his hand, “I love you Chris.”


“Those words don’t mean anything to me anymore,” he said so coldly, ripping her hand off his before walking out her door, but not before looking back, “not when you can’t even be truthful with me.”


She put her head out the door, hollering, “I’m…I’m sorry.”


Looking back at her, “Well sorry doesn’t cut it,” he stormed down the stairs and out the door with tears in his eyes.


Kelsie had never seen him so upset before, and she soon grew with rage of her own, she was reminded of the two people that had caused this. She was going to tell both of them what she thought of their cruel sport of ruining her life.


Her eyes were filled with hatred as she entered the room. All of the guys saw it, and were afraid what may happen. However, Spinner was happy that his plan was actually working.


 “Gavin, how dare you. What right was it of yours to go and tell him about something that happened over a year ago?” she screamed.


“Well I thought it was my duty to tell him what kind of girl he’s with. You know the kind of girl who cheats, and only uses you until she’s ready to move on.” He was so happy he could finally tell her what he really thought of her, and it felt good. He smiled with delight.


Hearing this truly hurt Kelsie, but she wasn’t going to cry in front of him to prove that he had gotten to her. “How dare you?” She darted towards him with both her hands out in front of her, ready to choke him, but Jimmy and Marco held her back.


“Spinner what’s your problem?” Jimmy asked, really pissed at how far he had gone. Yes, he didn’t agree with her keeping that from Chris, but he still wouldn’t go tell him out of spite.


“Why do you keep defending her? Isn’t Craig your friend too?” getting in his face, pushing him.


Not wanting to fight back, he thought there was no point. “Yes, but she’s also one. People do make mistakes, that’s a part of life. We learn from them.”


“Well I hope you’re happy Gavin because Chris has left me! He totally hates me,” glaring at him. Heading out of the room, “Now Craig’s going to pay for telling you,” she bellowed as she walked down the hall.


“Good one Spin,” Marco said punching him in the arm; mad about the mess he had just created. He made the war between the two worse.


Running into the hall to stop Kelsie, “Kels, Craig didn’t tell Spin,” Jimmy called out, but unfortunately, Kelsie didn’t hear him. Walking back into the room, “Spin I hope you’re happy, you’ve made matters worse for everyone now, especially Craig.”




Craig couldn’t believe that everything in his life seemed to be falling apart. He couldn’t believe that he had lost Emma, his sweet Emma, just as he had lost Kelsie. What was going to be next? Was he destined to never have someone?


He kicked the dirt in front of him, as he walked up the path to his front door. He had his head down, so he didn’t see her there sitting on the stairs waiting for him.


“How could you do it?” Kelsie bellowed, as she stood up, glaring at him with more anger than she had for him yesterday.


He was startled, jolting up his head at the sound of her voice; he wasn’t expecting her to be here. He was confused by what she asked though. “What are you talking about?”


Standing up, “How could you tell Spinner that we kissed in the garage well I was still with Chris.”


Coming towards her, “I…never told him.” Remembering the only one he told was Emma, had she betrayed him and told Spinner?


“Then explain to me how he knows.”


Walking up the stairs, “I don’t,” he said rudely.


Getting in his face, “Don’t give me that, because of you two, Chris left me.”


Laughing a little, and gloating, “Good for him, I wasn’t sure he had it in him. I’m glad he has finally opened up his eyes to see you as the MANIPULIVE BITCH you are.” In his heart, he really didn’t think that, he just felt so wounded by her actions.


“How can you be so cruel? I loved him!” she said with tears rolling down her eyes. Was this the same guy she used to love, or had he changed after their break-up? But when they had talked on the phone or the net he hadn’t been like this, had it all been an act? Was he just waiting to let it all out when they saw each other next?


Moving his head closer a little, “Guess what, you don’t always get the love you want.” Pointing at himself, “Believe me, I know.”


Believing that he was talking about her, “So you’re still mad about that. I thought you got over that since you’re with Emma.”


“Well thanks to your lies, I lost Emma. So I guess we’ve both lost out and it was all of YOUR doing.”


“My doing! You know what I wish I never came back here to tell you that I was having your baby. I should have made everyone think that it was Chris’s then I wouldn’t have been in this big mess.”


“Keeping more secrets wouldn’t have been so hard for you; you seem to do it all the time. I wonder what else you’re keeping from everyone,” he taunted her.


“I can’t believe I ever loved you,” even though she didn’t mean it because without him she wouldn’t be having her daughter. “Now without Chris, who’s going to help me take care of my daughter?”


“Well maybe her own father,” he snapped wanting to be in her life; even after all the cruel things he had said to her about her lies.


After all the things he had said to her, she felt he didn’t deserve it. Getting into his face, “I’m not letting you anywhere near her, when you treat me this way. I hope this was all worth losing your daughter over,” she screamed.


“I’ve had enough of you,” he yelled as he stomped through his front door.


Something came over her, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” she shrieked, crouching down in pain, holding her stomach.


Craig spun around at the sound of her scream, to only to see Kelsie, falling backwards down the stairs, landing on the ground on her back. His eyes grew wide at the sight of it; what had happened?


He ran to her side, and began to regret what had just happened between them. They both hadn’t been thinking about their daughter, no just about their stupid problems that had been arising between them.  He knelt down beside her, touching her face, “Kels wake up…you have to be okay.”


He tapped her on the face slightly, but it didn’t seem to be working. She still laid there unconscious. He needed to get her to the hospital, what if there was something very wrong with the baby or even her. “Joey…Joey…Joey…” he kept on hollering until he finally came running out.


Joey came flying out to see Craig kneeling beside Kelsie, and was alarmed, “What happened to her?”


“She fell down the stairs backwards, we need an ambulance,” he said in a panic. He didn’t know what to do to help her, he just felt helpless. He couldn’t help but feel it was his fault, had he not yelled at her or said those awful things to her then maybe just maybe she wouldn’t be lying here. If they weren’t all right, he would never forgive himself.


“Okay, I’ll go call right now,” running into the kitchen to grab the phone. He was nervous about what may happen now to Kelsie, and his grandchild.

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