Degrassi Freak Fiction

WICICFY Whispered Screams

This chapter will deal with some of the after effects of Manny's rape, and a confrontation with someone. This chapter isn't for the weak at heart, so be advised.

I stood at my locker waiting impatiently for Emma. She had to stay after to finish a test, and begged me to wait for her. As I stood there, Spinner approached, followed by Jay. I felt like running, but running would just help Jay win, and that was the las t thing I wanted to do.

"Manny," Spinner growled, "Me and you. Need to talk."

I shook my head. "There's nothing to say."

He pointed at Jay. "You can give him your time, but not me?"

I turned away so they couldn't see the tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes. "I didn't give him anything! He took it!" I shouted.

Jay smiled. "You didn't put up much of a fight."

I felt like vomiting. How could someone be so...awful? "I was scared. What did you expect? I didn't exactly have much of a chance to fight."

"Manny, don't act like you didn't want it. You were laying there, waiting for someone to come in and," he raised his eyebrows at Spinner, "Teach you about life."

I slapped him hard in the face. "Go to hell." I ran off, to Mr. Simpson's class, searching for Emma, Snake, someone. "Mr. Simpson! Snake! Mr. Simpson!" I yelled.

He wasn't there. No one was there. I was trapped. Spinner and Jay walked causually into the classroom, closing the door behind them, and shutting the blinds. "It's time Manny. Are you ready for this?" Spinner sneered.

Are you ready for this?

My alarm went off and I sprung out of bed. I was drenched in sweat, and I felt my face wet, from tears. I went into the bathroom, turned the water on, and got in, letting all my fears fall down the drain.

After what seemed like forever, I got out, dressed quickly, and left for school. I didn't even go and tell my mom goodbye.


"You should come. I'm going, and everyone there hates me. Besides, you and Craig seem to be getting pretty chummy." Emma said.

"Um, no. He's dating Ashley, and I don't like him. Besides, not everyone hates you." I replied. I had neglected to tell Emma about my reoccuring nightmare.

"I heard they got into an arguement this morning." Emma said, nodding approvingly.

"Who? Craig and Ash? So, like I care. Again, do not like him."

"Sure. Just like I don't like Sean." She said smiling. ((Had to give it up for all my Eman fans out there.))

"So totally different. You and Sean dated, Craig and I, never were. And," I grabbed a fry from her plate, "Never will be." I stood up to leave. "I have to go, cheer practice starts in ten, and Paige has been all over me like Anna Nicole on a donut."

Emma laughed at my stupid joke. "Ew. That's an image I don't need." I walked away, looking over my shoulder at her, grinning madly . I didn't even see Spinner until I bumped right into him. "Oh sorry I didn't--" I stopped when I realized it was him.

"Manny," he said grabbing my arm, "I'm sorry. I should have believed you. Craig told me--"

"Craig?!" I said out loud, and under my breath, "How could he?"

"Jay's a moron. He told me you had sex with him at your own false will."

"It's free will, Spinner. And, personally, I don't care what you think, or what he says. Both of you can--"

Craig had appeared. "I had to tell him. He was fuming mad at you, and I didn't want him to say something he'd regret."

I shoved Craig. "I don't want to see you, or talk to you, ever again." I ran away, wiping tears as I went. It was Manny; 0, Guys; 3. Everytime I tried, I lost, and it sucked.


I was sprawled across my floor, talking to Emma. I told her about the dreams, and what had happened with Spinner and Craig.

"I can't believe Craig did that to you!" Emma shouted, causing my eye drums to ring.

"Yeah. Gosh, isn't he a great guy?" I muttered with sarcasm.

"Well, the only thing you can do, is retaliate. Go the Jimmy's party, you were already invited, so show up, cause a scene."

"I'm not in a scene causing mood Em'. My boyfriend is an idiot, the guy I like is an idiot and Jay--"

"You just said 'guy you like'. You didn't even say 'liked'. And Spinner, should not be given the honor of being known as your boyfriend. You and him are through."

I remained silent. I had said 'like' didn't I? Why did I say that? I didn't like Craig. Or maybe it was my subconcious mind telling me I did.

"Okay. I'll go. But, you're definetly coming with me."

I hung up, and stared at the ceiling. C raig turned out to be Mr. Wrong, but something inside told me I liked him. I lay there, thinking, that maybe things will be okay. Until I started throwing up.


"So Manny, are you sexually active?" Dr. Johnson asked.

I shook my head. "I've had sex once, and, I've already seen a gynocolegist for that. I was...raped, a little less than a month ago."

She nodded, showing concern. She then handed me a plastic cup, and asked me to pee in it. I took it, and went into the bathroom. As I was washing my hands, I heard Dr. Johnson questioning my mother.

"Did she tell you if he used a condom?" She asked.

"I-I didn't think to ask. Why, what does that mean?" My mother responded.

"Well, she's showing some early signs of pregnancy. But we can't be too sure yet. I'll take her pee, and get it tested. I could give her a--" She stopped when she saw me come out.

I handed her the cup. "There. So, what's it look like I have? Some flu or something?"

"It could be a bit more serious Manny. I'm going to get this tested, but in the meantime, I want you to go back and see your gynocol egist, ask her to give you a Pap Smear and ((Author's Note-I don't know what the test is called they give you to find out if your pregnant...)) a whatever."

I nodded for the fiftieth time that day. I grabbed my bags and prepared to leave, my mom trailing behind. "Manny, did this guy, did he use a condom?" Dr. Johnson called after me before I left.

"No. But he did use one thing." She looked at me, waiting for me to go on. "Force." I said, slamming the door behind me.

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